Realistic and fictional tales and stories
Strange and exciting stories, relationships and sexual practices!
This is my story, frankly: with the other man It is my story of transformation from misery, unhappiness, misery and depression to a beaut...
Chapter One: Sons of the Gods How Japan Was Created - The Impact of Earthquakes In the beginning were the gods, says the oldest recorded ...
Behind every major crime is a "mentally ill" person.
The hijacker's name is "Saif El-Din Mustafa Imam", and the incident is that he threatened the pilot of the EgyptAir plane that took off f...
The defeat of Portugal and the fall of its empire in Morocco
During the reign of King "João I", the Portuguese invaded Morocco in a campaign that aimed to seize Ceuta, considering it to control the ...
It is said that in the old days, an old couple lived in a small mountain village, and that they were so poor that they did not have anyth...
In a remote mountain village there lived a beautiful girl named Okuma; She liked to spend time sitting near the river, doing nothing but ...
In feudal times, the warden of Ohtat Fortress had a beautiful daughter named Kurohime. One spring evening, the commander of the fort took...
One day, an honest young farmer went to the mountain fields to gather firewood, and found a wounded geranium suffering from pain. The far...
The story of the source of the problems
While a doctor was walking one day next to the shore of a river, he heard the sound of a man screaming who seemed to be about to drown fr...
A room covered with gray wallpaper. A man wearing gray clothes, and in the middle of the room is an armchair upholstered with red velvet....
A barber shop in a neighborhood. A customer with soap foam covering his beard, and a barber with a hooked nose, his gaze greedy. The barb...
* Toba Tek Singh, a Pakistani city in the Punjab province. Two years after Partition, it occurred to the governments of Pakistan and Hind...
... عادت المرأة من السوق إلى بيتها، فوجدت عند بابه ثلاثة مشايخ تحيط بهم هالة من نور، فطلبت منهم أن يتناولوا الغداء مع أهلها، فقال أحدهم: ...
In the country of China, and in a time when legends were told, not written, and answered questions before they were asked, man was create...
Story name: Family Dinner {Literary writer Kazuo Ishiguro, Japan}
"Fugu" is a type of fish, caught on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Japan. It has taken on special significance since my mother died f...
Notice that all the participants in the meeting were unbuttoning their ears one by one. These ears, which resemble small electric lantern...
Mr. Abdul Rahman arrived at Mr. Al-Mahrouqi’s house, praying to God to bring him relief He opened his hands and found the door of the hou...
Mr. Abdul Rahman realized that it was the collector who broke into his house and took his son, despite the bags And the goods that he and...
الفصل الأول في وكالة الصابون بعد الخلفاء الفاطميين، سيطر كثير من السلاطين على مصر، واستمروا يحكمون باسمهم حتى سلمت شؤونها إلى المماليك، ا...
The story of the Spanish Empire
واستطاعت إسبانيا أن تقود توسع الاستيطان الأوروبي حول العالم خلال القرنين الخامس عشر والسادس عشر، وأدى ذلك إلى ازدهار التجارة في المدن الم...
One of the greatest empires in history, it extended to include 3 continents and covered an area of 22.4 million square kilometers. It was...
The legacy of centuries of colonialism and empire... How did imperialism shape modern Britain?
The British Empire, which extended for several centuries, was described as one where the sun never set. Its influence included many count...
The story of Lydia the American and her children
ليديا امرأة أمريكية قوية ومثابرة، ولدت في تكساس ونشأت في أسرة متواضعة، وأظهرت ليديا منذ صغرها شغفًا كبيرًا بالتعلم والعمل الجاد. بعد تخرج...