

Life is short. Talk fast.




  • ブルンジ共和国、どこにあるの? SEND7 こと、Simple English News Daily Podcast で知ったブルンジと言う国。コンゴの武装勢力が、コンゴにおけるツチ族だったかフツ族だったか、どちらかの人権が抑圧されているという理由からブルンジの村で無差別殺戮。裏で糸をひいているのはルワンダだとブルンジ政府が発言し、ルワンダがそれを否定したというニュースでした。 ルワンダでのツチ族とフツ族の激しい争い、...

  • I'm being ungrateful.「私、今とっても恩知らずなことしてるよね」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI’m letting you down. I'm walking out. I'm being ungrateful. Lorelai, stop! Do you think I was naïve enough to think that you’d work for me forever? You and Sookie have more talent for this business than I do, and I’m very good. You’re going to open an incredible place. And if you don’t let me help you in any way I can, then I’ll be very mad. Of course we need your help. W...

  • You both have just come so far.「あなたたち二人とも、今までよく頑張ったわね」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりOh, I am just having the most wonderful time. And I am so proud of you and Rory. You both have just come so far. Year, we have. Uh, Mia… I need to talk to you about something. Of course. What is it, honey? Well, um… it’s really hard, and uh, I should have brought it up ages ago, but Sookie and I are thinking of making a change. A change? We’re going to open our own inn...

  • "to get in" vs "to get on"

    小学生用の英語教科書に間違いを発見したというツイートが流れてきた。 So glad we are teaching kids the wrong prepositions…— ♪ Raraらららら ♪ (老人バンギャ🙃) NEXT: SGG @ 渋谷REX 4/29 (@RaraSensei) April 8, 2024✖ Pat got on a taxi. 〇 Pat got in a taxi. タクシーなどの乗用車には to get in a car のように前置詞は

  • I’m gonna go check on Dean「Deanの様子を見に行ってくる」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI’m gonna go check on Dean. He’s been scraping the outline off the cement for two days. Good idea. There is nothing like your face on his to make the cleaning process go faster. She’s all yours, Mia. I’ll take her. Bye, hon. 🔰to check on something/someone = to look at or examine (someone or something) to see if there are any problems 🔰nothing like = used to say that som...

  • Lay off him.「彼の事は放っておけ」「彼に構うな」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりLay off him because what you’re all doing stinks. I’m done here. I’m done with all of you. And I was gonna stay open later in case anyone wanted to eat after the meeting. Forget that. His turkey burgers are very dry. Well, I must say, that was quite exciting. A little disturbing. The whole town needs a field trip. You think Luke is okay? I think he will be. He needs to ...

  • ピルエット成功のカギは肩甲骨


  • 目黒川の桜に諸行無常の世界を見る


  • "Do you mind?" "Be my guest"「ちょっといいかな?」「どうぞ」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI’ve never bothered anyone, I’ve kept to myself, and I’ve done the best I could. I pay my taxes, and I help people when I can. I haven’t pitched in on the decorative, pageantry town stuff because all it seems insane to me, but I don’t get in the way of that either. What’s your point, Luke? His point is… do you mind? Be my guest. His point is if there’s a problem… And I’...

  • I beg to differ.「同意しかねます」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりBoys, please! The bottom line here is, there is a consensus among townspeople who are in agreement that Stars Hollow was a better place before Jess got here. So this half gets the tar, and the other gets the feathers? There hasn’t been any talk of tar and feathers, although… Look, I’ve lived in this town my entire life, longer than most everybody here. I beg to differ… I...

  • 読書記録 2024-2:「アフリカとアメリカ、ふたつの視点 思いもよらない日本の見かた」扶桑社BOOKS

    「アフリカとアメリカ、ふたつの視点 思いもよらない日本の見かた」扶桑社BOOKS著者:ジェイソン・モーガン、星野ルネ米国ルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズ出身のジェイソン・モーガンさんとカメルーン出身の星野ルネさん、編集者さんとの鼎談形式。アメリカ、アフリカ、日本。三者三様の意見が散りばめられています。また、口語形式で書かれているのでイデオロギー的な発言も身構えずに読めました(笑)モーガン先生とルネさんの発言か...



Life is short. Talk fast.
Life is short. Talk fast.

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