



  • [索引]Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas 歌詞和訳

    記事を書くたび更新します。A---------------------------------------Abyss Each Other's Sense of Valueshttps://tonarinomogu

  • 西川貴教×Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Energy Overflow" 歌詞和訳

    黒(白)色文字は西川貴教さんパート、水色文字は西川貴教&Soさんパート、赤色文字はMinamiさんパート(スクリームヴォーカル)、オレンジ色文字はSoさんパート(クリーンヴォーカル)です、茶色文字はSoさんパート(スクリームヴォーカル)です。(The) shadow on stageステージ上

  • Hakubi "Dareka no kamisama ni naritakatta(Wanted to be a god to Someone)" English Lyrics

    I'd covered a notebook with a lot of words scrriblingBut those words turned out meaninglessWalking on the same streetIt was under the flaming sunReminded of that pure smileI turned my eyes on the groundI thought I would know it when I become an adultI did

  • amazarashi "Perfect Life" English Lyrics

    "Nothing going well..."But that's same as always, isn't that?I know I am an imperfect person so much it hurtsA while ago, I swallowed my wordThat will end up not seeing the light of day, I guessIf such feelings grow suffocating usJust like the house dusts

  • WOMCADOLE "Tsuki (The Moon)" English Lyrics

    "With you, I could be comlete"This my life is still sobbing nowYour eyes were beautiousTurning into the blacknessUnder the moon in the night skyPuzzlement kills meThat's why I'll go further awayEven if I risk whole my lifeWith you…"That moon I gazed up a

  • WOMCADOLE "Dokuhaku (Monologue)" English Lyrics

    For me to be lovedBefore you, I hid my true selfWith not telling you the truth inside meI wanna pretend to be normalSo that I just won't feel painWhen you found the truth,The end gave a smile to meFor me to be happy?You are not me, aren't you?I'm full of

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Song of Steelers" 歌詞和訳

    黒文字がSoさんパート(Clean Vo.)、赤文字がMinamiさんパート(Scream Vo.)、青文字がTaikiさんパート、ピンク色文字がTaikiさん&Tetsuyaさんパートです。As if breathingまるで呼吸のようにBullied my body My eyes won't己が身体を虐めぬくopen because of the sweat汗


    Drug gives you a free emotion***はお前に解放感を与えてくれるDrug gives you good motivation***はお前にやる気を与えてくれるDrug leads you to take a cool action***はお前を格好良くするTry again! If you wanna dieもう一回だ!死にたいのならTry again! If you hate

  • 633 SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THREE "Radio Song" 歌詞和訳

    Driving down the street in my car車に乗って街を降るI don't know where I'm going to go僕は一体どこに向かっているのだろうThe sun is setting on the west東の空に太陽が昇り始めたIt makes the city shine街は輝いてA song playing on the radioラジオからは曲が流れ

  • CreepHype "Yu, Sansan" English Lyrics

    As I recall,I was unable to fulfill just a tiny promiseSo I'd often dodge by yawning a huge yawnI was unable to find one small happinessSo I'd often shed tears from my wide eyesJust adoring you won't satisfy meJust feeling happy won't relieve meJust being

  • MY FIRST STORY "Second Limit" 歌詞和訳

    What's wrong and what's right?何が間違いで何が正解なんだ?You get lost a little more inside.お前は少しずつ失っていってるWhat's is true.お前の中にある正解をJust let it go then!!ただ解き放てばいいBy now you're figured out that (figured out that)今までお前は

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Fist for the New Era" 歌詞和訳

    久しぶりの新曲や。2:35~のクサい感じがやはり好きです。黒文字はSoさんパート(Clean Vo.)、赤文字はMinamiさんパート(Scream Vo.)、緑文字はSoさん&Minamiさんパート(Scream Vo.)、青文字はTaikiさんパート(Scream Vo.)、紫文字はMinamiさん&Taikiさんパートです。I

  • Kenshi Yonezu "yumekuishoujo(The Dream-eater Girl)" English Lyrics

    On the water towerWith the flowers of bougainvilea bloomingI was searching for a stray starThrough the dying skyNowhere to belongAnd also no picture books thereA stork has taken a baby and gone away"I will eat up all of your nightmares""Pain pain go away"

  • amazarashi "Juvenile" English Lyrics

    Boys and Girls who hate themselvesToday "Thank you" never satisfies them as everPeople do never understand their odd ideologiesOutcasts fight the people and themselves all aloneBoys and Girls who've been oppressedRubbing their bruise and their cheek with

  • 633 SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THREE "Sweet Rain" 歌詞和訳

    It's a rainy day in autumnある秋の雨の日I wake up early in the morning僕は朝早くに目が覚めるThe Wind turns cold風は冷たくなってきてThe Leaves turn yellow木々も黄色く色づき始めているI get out my tent and brew coffeeテントから出て珈琲を淹れるyou wake up and

  • 633 SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THREE "Rooftop Party" 歌詞和訳

    A sunny day in September9月のある晴れた日We were on the roof俺たちは屋上にいたThe skytree in the distance遠くに見えるスカイツリーThe air was clear空気が澄んでいたWe invited friends and had a barbeque友達を呼んでバーベキューしてTill the sun went down陽が沈

  • 633 SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THREE "Aurora" 歌詞和訳

    Wandering in the dark woods闇夜の中 森を彷徨うStomping through the snow in shoes靴に入り込んだ雪を踏み抜く感触Arriving at the campsiteキャンプ地に辿りついたらSetting up the tentテントを張ってListening to the silent trees静寂の中 森に耳を澄ませるDrinking

  • 633 SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THREE "Drink up" 歌詞和訳

    Drink up飲み干せLet's toast together乾杯しようDrink up飲み干せLet's forget tomorrow明日なんか忘れてWipe away a stream of tears絶え間なく流れる涙は拭ってShare each other's pain and fear互いの痛みと不安を分かち合おうDrink up飲み干せLet's toast together乾杯

  • ACANE 茜 "就活" 歌詞

    でたらめな履歴書 好印象周りは煽てる 羨ましいと見かけだけ 中身は 何もないの上手くごまかしてるの周りは どんどん決まってく 結局 置いてく 容赦なく「おめでとう」 嘘でも言っとく笑っとく なるべく 愛想よく焦ることないよ 意味ないよ 大丈夫なはずだよ逆

  • ACANE 茜 "サターン" 歌詞

    私といるより楽しまないで心に傷を負った君がいい不安にさせるの得意だよね口下手な好きが欲しいのこなれないでこわしてみてよこなれないでこわしてみてよ土星の裏からも見える 彼とあの子 世界ができている両目がぴたり重なってる 我々の嘘がただ甦る辛い

  • ACANE 茜 "Dear Mr. F" 歌詞

    追いかけて みたけれど 目を見開いて 逃げてった 緑色 囲まれた この空間から はみ出したら負けだ あの風車の 下でさ 待ち合わせしよって 約束した 僕の足音 だけが虚しく リズムをとってた 暗い 幽い 森の中 取り残された感覚 思い出したきみ無しじゃ 生

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Luck Will Be There" English Lyrics

    BLACK=So, BROWN=So (Scream), RED=Minami, DEEP BLUE=Taiki, SKY BLUE=So & Tetsuya, DEEP GREEN=So & Minami, ORANGE=So & Minami & TetsuyaWhere does happiness come from? It doesn't appear in front of people who wish for it all the timeWe have gone thro

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Trap by the Nervous" English Lyrics

    BLACK=So, RED=Minami, DEEP BLUE=Taiki, SKY BLUE=So & TetsuyaWhile attached to what not actually mattersThis world is going on, and so is what I sayConfirming what I should be committed toAnd what I should not just be hung up on Gonna dedicate my

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Let Me Hear" English Lyrics

    You guys do not notice that we are gifted just by being humans We are absolute predators We do not even have any enemiesMaybe there are other animals watching us and thinking that someday “we will beat them down”Oh We have the brains to t

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Ignite Your Frail Mind" English Lyrics

    Looking through the sky (out the) window[through the sky] Watching the flying birds, I felt jealous  when I saw (the) wet bird on (a) rainy day,I felt a bit sorryI admire (the good people) [admire]because I'm... diffident diffident diffident dif

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Stay as Who You Are" English Lyrics

    It's cold It's cold I'm shivering like I am on iceNo matter how much I think, I can't find a way But just can't take this fate inNot even a hope of the sun to rise(The) wind started to blow now Lots of emotions that I've killed There he is 

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "In the End, the Choice is All Yours" English Lyrics

    What is it that really matters the mostFamily, love relationships, and friendship?What's the dream you've carried since you were litleWell, the solution isn't really important You have never been honestSo now it is time for you to think hardBea

  • Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas "Chase the Light!" English Lyrics

    Chase the light!Though I reached out my handYet it still stays out of my reach nowThe many more nights I spendThe more fed up I got with the "right thing" others sayTending to try to find some convinient excuse to meI am now wandering...(From) t




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