


スウェーデンのシンフォでハードなプログレバンド、Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion (HFMC) のファンサイト所属ブログ。サイトでは基本情報を、当ブログではよりリアルタイムに近い情報を書いていきます。

本体サイトはスウェーデンのHMバンドSpellboundから、元メンバー達によって結成されたプログレバンドHFMCのファンサイトに生まれかわりしました。当ブログの内容に特に変化はありません。引き続きよろしくお願いします。 website:



  • Stronger than evil

    Stronger than evil.One would think one disaster per recording would be enough but apparently not. Kjell all of a sudden disappeared from the radar after Antons surgery. Kjell had recorded some

  • Nothing wears a good man down

    Nothing wears a good man down.HFMC guitarist extraordinaire Anton Lindsjö has had this problem for quite a while and by the time we started to record our coming opus 'Eternal Snapshots' he was using 12 litres of dialysis/day. My car was full of boxes of this liquid when we left for Nevo Studios in Sundsvall and the four day session to cut the backing tracks. For me it was right there and then I un...

  • Eternal Snapshots - the concept

    To put things straight. This was no old dream of mine or anything. I just wanted to force myself to write lyrics in a new way and I wanted to stay away from subjects I normally write about. I can also confess I chose the easy way out, as we do not get to follow these people from birth to the end of their days. Before I continue I want to tell you the following. People loaded with money always says...

  • 夏のフェス予定

    先にMidsummer Prog Festの情報が出ましたが、もう一つノルウェーでのフェスへの参加が決まりました。まとめます。Midsummer Prog Festival(Valkenburg, THE NETHERLANDS)https://midsummerprog.com6月28日Steve Rothery Band / Arena / Kristffer Gildenlöw / Theraphosa6月29日Karnivool / Plini / Temic / HFMC / Isolde Lasoen / Haunt The Woods6月30日Motorpsycho / Lesoirほとんど売り切れ状態のようなので、お早めにお問い...

  • emotional aspect

    What a journey! This recording was something out of the ordinary, it really was. Major and life changing things happened to members of the band. There was a huge misunderstanding when it comes to the deadline, which created the mandatory panic when it was time to finish and close this recording but more of that the coming weeks. I'll also give you more information about the concept of the album, a...

  • HFMC 6thアルバムリリース発表!

    タイトルはEternal Snapshots6月6日発売予定です。予約はここから以下HFMCのBandcampからのインフォ)1. All I Wanted To Be (pt 1)2. Deserve To Be Happy3. Wherever You May Go4. No Messiah5. Once In A Lifetime6. Only For Me7. The Yard8. Searching For The Dark9. A Sorrowful Mariner10. Blind Dog11. All I Wanted To Be (pt 2)2024 marks the forty-year annivers...

  • summer plans

    from Hasse's facebookJust woke up on American soil here in Miami, feeling a little worn out thanks to the travelling day yesterday and the time difference of course. One of the pics pretty much reflects how I feel right now. The other photo tells you that the other band I’m playing in namely HFMC, is now confirmed for this years lineup of Midsummer Prog Festival in Valkenburg (NL) on June 29. This...

  • Kjell Haraldssonの近況

    左から2番目がKjell Haraldsson少し前のニュースなのですが、HFMCのキーボーディスト、Kjell Haraldssonのニュースです。2024年1月24日(本文)LIFE: Chapter 2. Some of you may know that I’ve been struggling with illness for a while. I had surgery last week and everything went very well. I’m beyond words of gratitude. どうも病に伏せっていたようです。某筋から聞いた話によると、去年暮れから具合が悪かったらし...

  • Superstar Experience


  • Hasse Froberg's own musical companions

    明けましておめでとうございます。今年ものんびりよろしくお願いします。珍しく大相撲初場所が終わる前に記事を投稿します(笑)。1月4日はHasse Fröbergの60才の誕生日でした。なんと還暦。誕生日当日にはスタジオで作業していて、盛大なお祝いはしなかったようです。還暦を祝う習慣は中国から来たようですが、西洋では50才の方が盛大に祝いような気がします。そもそも干支の概念がないもんね。1月5日(17:29)付のHasseの投稿:H...

  • Bydgoszcz

    Photo by Olga WalkiewiczSo that’s it then, the last gig of 2023 is now history. Home again after two adventurous days in Bydgoszcz. Cancelled flights, stomach flu, Roine seriously trying to convince me to play drums for the evening but also fun and nice things like having warm wine at the Christmas market and having lunch at a very cozy restaurant. A festival is always a festival but the gig went ...

  • 5th album WE ARE THE TRUTH

    Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion 5thアルバム「We Are The Truth」発売中!https://hfmc.bandcamp.com国内通販が良ければこちら:

  • upcoming HFMC's album

    二つのエントリーをまとめます。TFKの欧州ツアーが終わった後、ヴォーカル録りが行われたようですね。11月3日 (HFMC's facebook)Back at it again after touring all of October with The Flower Kings. I’ve spent the last two days tracking background/harmony vocals for the upcoming HFMC album. To be honest, it’s about the thing I like the most when it comes to recording. It’s creative, challenging and fun. Fro...

  • Hasse's diary 4

    10月27日 11:36 (Germany-The Netherlands)A venue we’ve never played before, a city I’ve never heard of and the whole entourage a little bit out of steam maybe. Yes we were struggling a little yesterday but I’d say we managed to keep it together. As a matter of fact I believe the versions of the first three songs were among the very best of the whole tour, so to be fair I’d say the show had its ups ...

  • Hasse's diary 3

    10月20日 10:44 (UK)Having me a lie in this morning, waking up on British soil and all for the first time in a long while. Correct me if I’m wrong but the gig in Southampton yesterday felt like a success? I could actually feel the vibe in the room up on stage and the people I spoke to after the show was beyond enthusiastic. For being the first time in this very city and the club ‘The 1865’ I couldn...

  • TFK、欧州ツアー中

    こんにちは。Macやその周辺機器の片付けが終わって、10月に入ったら調子が良くなくて、まとめられませんでした。加齢です(ズバリ)。でも記録は残したいので記事をアップします。The Flower Kingsの欧州ツアーが10月4日から始まっています。これほど長いロードに出るのは「Banks of Eden」ツアー以来ではないかな。10月6日、10日と15日には、アコーディオン奏者のAliaksandr Yasinskiが参加しました。日程は以下の画像で。ところ...

  • Hasse's diary 2

    10月14日 10:29 (Slovakian-Italy)Just started rolling again and according to the information I got it’s apparently saturday today. First of all I feel an urge to show my appreciation to the Slovakian crowd at Majestic Music Club in Bratislava for making the thursday evening (then) great. We’re right now on our way to Borgomanero in Italy for a show at Teatro Rosmini tonight. It’s been a while since...

  • Hasse's diary 1

    10月に行われたThe Flower Kings欧州ツアー中に、Hasseがfacebookに書き落としていった文章を保存します(全部ではありません)。投稿日時は、各ページの最後の日にちに合わせています。(このページなら10月12日です)----------10月7日 09:50 (Poland)It is fun playing. It’s as simple as that. A big thank you to the audience at 2 Progi in Poznań for helping out making yesterday a really fine evening. I also want t...

  • Ambient Cooking

    こんにちは。長年使用していたPowerMac G4と外付けHHDがついに天寿を全ういたしまして、その処理に手間取っていました。自分の人生の半分近くを共に過ごしてきたマシンです。10年前から「いつ壊れてもおかしくない」と思いながら、こまめにバックアップを取って使ってきたので、データ的な損失はありません。このブログも違うマシンで更新しています。しかしながら、TFK来日嘆願署名サイトとか、Spellboundのファンサイト、TFKファ...

  • TFKニューアルバム「Look At You Now」

    名古屋場所は面白かったですね。中盤までは錦木が、終盤に伯桜鵬が場所を引っかき回しました。個人的には北勝富士の健闘が嬉しかったです。新大関・霧島は身体が万全ではなく、さっそく角番になってしまいましたが、ライバルの豊昇龍が大関取りを達成!器用な子だけど、おじさんの朝青龍みたいな、立ち会いのスピードと威力がほしいところだなー。さて本題です(^^;)。前から言われていたとおり、9月にThe Flower Kingsの新譜「Look...

  • Satin Red

    こんにちは。新大関・霧島への期待の高まりとともに、湿度と気温の高まりに参っています。皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか?ちょっと間が開いてしまいましたが、久しぶりにJJ Marshの近況がfacebookに投稿されたので、Tomas Bodinの投稿を絡めて紹介したいと思います。つかTomasがメインだな(^^;)。まずTomasの投稿から。(一部引用)2023/06/16I will finalize the Satin Red album “Don’t you worry” and release the first single...

  • Steensland brothers(主に兄)

    ワタクシの加齢による目の事情により、フォントサイズを上げてみました。このブログのテンプレートはテキストフィールドの幅が変えられないようなので、のちのちテンプレートを変更するかもしれませんが、しばらく様子を見てみます。まず、先日Hasse FröbergとOla Strandbergのインタビュー動画をアップしたJohan Steenslandについて。SoundCloudから写真を拝借まとめてJohanのYouTubeチャンネル彼もUppsala出身で、Spellboundのメ...

  • Let's talk! (6)のドラマー、Ola Strandbergのインタビュー第二弾です。前の動画と同じく全訳ではありません。大事そうな部分をピックアップしてまとめています。前回の動画はこちらLet's talk! (5)【その前に】好きな変拍子は8分の9だそうです。5. Alan White80年代にYesの「90125」を聴いた。そのずっと後にYesを聴き直して、Alanはなんて良いドラマ...

  • Let's talk! (5)今回はHFMCのドラマー、Ola Strandbergのインタビューです。Hasseの動画と同じく、全訳ではありません。大事そうな部分をピックアップしてまとめています。【オープニング】インタビュアーのJohanは、Hasseとも顔なじみのようでしたが、Olaの方がより親しい仲のようです。最近Johanの作品にOlaが参加した等の話をしていました。【ドラムを演奏するときの心構え】Q (Johan Steensland): 君はとても音楽...

  • Let's talk! (4)注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見てもよくわからない会話はすっ飛ばしています。大体の内容はわかると思いますが、完全な和訳ではありません。ちょっと会話がごちゃごちゃしてるので、大事そうな言葉だけ拾いました。前回の動画はこちらLet's talk! (1)

  • send in/out

    I believe today is the day Roine will send the master(s) and artwork to Inside Out. It’s exciting even to me, it sure is. As late as yesterday night I received the last mixes of two of the songs and I think I dare “put out the chest” (Swedish saying I guess) and say we have some cool music on our hands. Don’t forget that before the album release in September we have some very special gigs in May w...

  • Studio Report 4

    photo from Hasse's facebook”The morning after the night before” (as we say over here). There’s always a price to pay. The question is are you willing to pay the cost? Of course we say in unison. Last night we solved many of the mysteries of the world, as well as some of the arrangements for today’s recordings. I can inform you all that so far yesterday’s whiskey extravaganza has paid off really we...

  • HFMC、レコーディング開始

    photo from HFMC's facebookHasse Fröberg & Musical Companionは6枚目のアルバム(来年リリース予定)のレコーディングに入っています。場所は5th「We are the Truth」で使用したNevo Studiosですね。よほど居心地が良かったんだろうなぁ。写真は2日目(4/14)、ドラムのレコーディングが終わったところ。KjellがOlaをクールダウンさせるために水をかけようとしています(笑)。...

  • Studio Report 3:

    photo from Hasse's facebookOnwards. That’s our strategy and that’s the way it looks right now. We ARE moving onwards. We’ve got four songs down by now and we’ve made it through the first part of the biggest, longest and probably the most demanding song to play of them all. The lads are still in good mood and I just left the studio for the first time to get some fresh air in a sunny and welcoming S...

  • Studio Report 2

    photo from Hasse's facebookTwo songs down and now lunch. I can honestly say we’re a little less prepared this time. It goes both ways of course but what you miss in stability and self confidence, you gain in curiosity and the fact that you’re more open to new ideas. The lads are in fine form and Ola (who’s the main guy in this part of the process) is handling the situation like the pro he is. And ...

  • Studio Report 1

    (04/13 16:55)Here are exactly two glamorous photos from our trip up to Sundsvall and Nevo Studios. The adventure of recording the sixth HFMC studio album is about to begin. From one thing to another, of course I spent the day rehearsing with TFK up until the guys picked me up at Vimus, I mean what else? For those who are interested, I will try to give you some updates over the weekend. Time to get...

  • snow shoveling

    photo from Hasse's facebookAfter two days of brutal snowing, at least this late of the season on this latitude, I finally got out of the house to get rid of it (please notice the cat trail for Thomas o Malley). Not sure I should tell you this but now I’m doing it anyway. During the shovelling I slipped in a spectacular, almost cartoonish kind of way but I believe I’m good. At least no broken bones...

  • Zach Kamis脱退

    3/20の記事で書いたように、The Flower KingsのキーボーディストZach Kaminsがバンドを離れました。今の時点で予定されているTFKのライブは、日程がバラバラで、そのたびに機材を持ってアメリカからヨーロッパへ飛ぶのは、コストがかかりすぎるという理由でした。コロナ禍、そしてロシアのウクライナ侵攻以降、燃油サーチャージがバカみたいに高いのは知っていました。私は何度か、FinnAirでヘルシンキ経由ストックホルムの航空券...

  • separete ways

    pic from Hasse's facebookIt's with a heavy heart I state the following. For now we have to part ways with Zach. The logistics and the economic side of it all proved to be too much to handle this time around. I will most surely miss Zach, his kind soul, his contagious laughter and his fabulous playing of course. However the show must go on so I'm very pleased to welcome our new guy onboard. His nam...

  • Let's talk! (3)

    Hasse Fröbergのインタビュー動画の紹介です。インタビュアーのJohan Steenslandは、Hasseと同年代で、彼自身も音楽活動をしてるようです。彼のサイトはこちら。Uppsala出身と言うこともあり、Hasseとは旧知の仲のようです。めっちゃ長いので、3つに分けて掲載します。注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見てもよ...

  • Let's talk!(2)

    Hasse Fröbergのインタビュー動画の紹介です。インタビュアーのJohan Steenslandは、Hasseと同年代で、彼自身も音楽活動をしてるようです。彼のサイトはこちら。。Uppsala出身と言うこともあり、Hasseとは旧知の仲のようです。めっちゃ長いので、3つに分けて掲載します。注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見ても...

  • Let's talk!(1)

    Hasse Fröbergのインタビュー動画の紹介です。インタビュアーのJohan Steenslandは、Hasseと同年代で、彼自身も音楽活動をしてるようです。彼のサイトはこちら。。Uppsala出身と言うこともあり、Hasseとは旧知の仲のようです。めっちゃ長いので、3つに分けて掲載します。注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見ても...

  • new releases

    Hi guys, it’s been a while so I thought it was about time to deliver some information about what’s going on. Some of you might be familiar with the fact that I’m soon finished with my contributions to the upcoming TFK album, due for release in September. Who knows, you might also be aware of the TFK touring plans for 2023? On the banner below you can see the official dates so far but keep your eye...

  • stay in the loop

    Apparently some more shows has been added to the list of official ones. In other words here we go again. In the meantime I can inform you that we are about to wrap up the ongoing TFK recording. From where we are now it won't be long until Roine will start mixing the bastard, or the beauty, or whatever it is. Once again, my advice to you is to stay in the loop because lots of things will happen wit...

  • TFK新作制作中

    明けましておめでとうございました。いやもう、時間の流れと変化は容赦なくて、1月終わっちゃうし。初場所が終わって白鵬は引退しちゃったし。(末っ子ちゃんのお手紙最高でしたね)Jeff Beckと高橋幸宏が亡くなっちゃうし。Pochakaite Malkoの桑原さん亡くなってたし。新型コロナが第5類に指定されたってやることは変わりません。手洗い・マスク・密回避です。今でも人のいないところではマスクはしていない(正確に言うと鼻だけ...

  • weekend in Askesta

    from Hasse’s facebookHome again after an intense weekend in Askesta. After five studio albums I thought it was a good idea to try something new. The plan was to write together, or arrange already written songs together, to get more of a band feeling this early in the process. For instance what's the point in me telling Kjell what to play, when he's a hell of a lot better keyboard player than I am....

  • Live in Sala

    10月22日に行われたSala公演のセットリストです。1. Rise Up2. Venice CA3. Other Eyes4. Yoko5. Song for July6. The Constant Search for Bravery7. We are the Truth8. Can't Stop the Clock / What if God is Alone9. Parallel LifeencoreTo Those Who Rule the World / Church of Your Heart“Church of Your Heart”、HFMCで演奏するのは初めてですね。本家The Flower Kingsでは、今年のラインナップ(Jonas Reingoldの代わり...

  • Rockland

    photo from Hasse's facebook Yesterday reminded me of why I love doing this. The band was in fine form and the audience in an even better shape. The crowd yesterday was receptive, focused and very enthusiastic and cheerful between the songs. It was a true pleasure to play.Rockland proved to be just the rock club I’ve heard it should be. I mean even the dressing room looks the way it should for cryi...

  • the last rehearsal

    Last Saturday was dedicated to HFMC. First mission of the day was the last rehearsal with full band before our show now on Saturday.On top of that Johnny, our companion or sixth member or how I shall put it, treated us all with a home cooked dinner afterwards. In the middle of the eating and drinking (plus all the goofy stories and laughs) we were able to hold a band meeting. I'm glad to say we've...

  • postponed

    HFMC、予定されていたベルギーのフェスとオランダのライブが、残念ながらキャンセルされました。10/15 Progtime Festival at De Dreff, Vorselaar (Belgium) 10/16 De Pul, Uden (The Netherlands)Progtime Festivalは2023年に延期です。どうもチケットが売れなかったみたいで・・・。運営からのテキストはこちら。それに対してのHasseのテキスト。は「LeprousやMyrathのようなバンド...

  • 追加公演

    HFMCとAstrakhanの追加公演が発表されました。facebookに宣伝動画がアップされています。Hasse、なんでいつも驚いたような顔から話し始めるんでしょうね?会場のRocklandは、Uppsalaから西に65km行ったSalaという街にあるようです。これまでに発表されている秋のライブは以下の通り10/15 Progtime Festival at De Dreff, Vorselaar (Belgium) 10/16 De Pul, Uden (The ...

  • an evening of darkness and light

    photo from Hasse's facebookAs Per Schelander of Astrakhan said, “this will be an evening of darkness and light”. I guess he’s referring to HFMC bringing the light and Astrakhan playing a darker music. Anyway, I hope to see as many Dutch and Belgian friends as possible now in October for the coming shows.Progtime Festival at De Dreff in Vorselaar (Belgium) on saturday the 15th of October.De Pul in ...

  • Crescendo Festival

    photo from HFMC facebookTo be honest we had our fair share of obstacles before our show last night. I won’t go into detail but among other things I can mention our luggage were stuck at the Frankfurt airport until just before the gig. Let’s forget about that and just state it felt phenomenal to enter the stage in the warm French summer evening and play our music to an enthusiastic crowd. We can on...

  • Catch two of Swedens most interesting bands on the prog scene!


  • Reginateaternの写真など

    5月28日、HFMCは地元UppsalaのReginateatern でライブを行いました。5月21日にWe Låva Rock festival(Norway)に出演しましたが、単独公演は3年半ぶりではないかな(2019年11月のTallinn(エストニア)公演)。ReginateaternはライブDVD「No Place Like Home」を収録した会場です。前回は前半分スタンディング/後ろ半分座席でしたが、今回は全員着席の公演だったようです。HFMCのfacebookに感想がアップされていました。2019年10...

  • Progtime Festival

    10月15日、ベルギーのVorselaarで開催されるProgtime Festivalに、HFMCの参加が決まりました。会場はDe Dreefという、スポーツバー兼ライブハウスみたいな場所らしいです。日本でも人気があるLeprousとMyrathをはじめ、 Astrakhan、MAX PIE、Sister May (and more)といったバンドが参加予定です。Myrathはまた観たいな〜。フェスの公式facebookはこちら:

  • Reginateatern

    photo by ThomssonIt's been a rather busy month. Not that much when it comes to gigs, since it's only been 9 shows from the third of May up until yesterday. It's more the diversity between the performances that makes me feel like I've done a lot lately. There's been club gigs, boat gigs, festival gigs and now a theatre gig yesterday. I've done my best to prepare for it all but I've noticed that wit...

  • We Låve Rock

    This is what my life looks like right now. It’s a rather silent ensemble that has gathered in the minivan to take us home from Hurum (Norway) to Stockholm and Uppsala. As I said, the lads might not be as cheerful as after the gig yesterday evening but they all look happy in a relaxed and maybe Swedish kind of modest way.Yesterday was great from start to finish except for that Kayak had to cancel t...

  • jet lag

    Just woke up for the tenth time I believe since I went to bed. I clearly haven’t adjusted to the time zone yet. Is that something to dwell about, is it even worth mentioning? The answer is of course no. The weather is nice, the sea is magic, the surroundings are beautiful and I’m surrounded by crazy and funny but kind people.I’m right now at a hotel somewhere between Orlando and the port where Cru...

  • Cruise To The Edge

    My old armour-bearer is ready, the bag is packed, I’d say I’m as ready as I can be as long as I’m testing negative tomorrow. Cruise To The Edge is up next followed by gigs in Quebec and Montreal. As usual TFK is spread out all over the place and this time even more so since Roine is on the road with Transatlantic as we speak. It’s kind of funny, gone are the days when you just played in one band a...

  • gamble

    (from Hasse's facebook)We've been working on doing a short tour in Europe together with the Swedish band Astrakhan for some time now but it's hard to make ends meet. The prices for transportation, crew and catering has risen significantly since the pandemic, while the payment for the artists has gone down. It seems the live scene hasn't fully recovered yet. According to contacts in Germany and the...

  • 6 years ago

    Så passande. Det här fotot togs bakom scenen på Reginateatern för 6 år sedan då vi spelade in Live DVD:n ’No Place Like Home’. Nu är det dags för en returmatch och jag hoppas att ni är lika taggade som vi är. På lördagen den 28 maj så lirar vi alltså åter igen på Reginateatern, denna gång tillsammans med Rikard Sjöblom från Big Big Train och Beardfish. Tonvikten på vår spelning kommer att ligga på...

  • hectic

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining but the TFK shows on Cruise to the Edge and Canada are putting us in a tricky situation. When I get home the first HFMC show is just one week away. It’s the lovely We Låve Rock festival in Norway on May 21 and on the weekend after we’re playing at Reginateatern in Uppsala on May 28.--We just spent two long days at Vimus, mostly focusing on vocals, tempos and...

  • The Constant Search For Bravery

    Ola Strandberg is the guy that never ceases to surprise us. Yes we know he has a good ear for music, he's a good drummer, he's got a cool voice (btw he's singing the first part of this song), he's become a really good songwriter and now he's also playing acoustic guitar on an HFMC record. I think none of you are aware of that it's Ola you're listening to on the intro to 'The Constant Search For Br...

  • the thin line

    I really had to walk the thin line through the whole process with this one. The writing, the recording, the mixing. Just one step in the wrong direction and the whole song would turn out be a pecoral, or a power ballad which is not my cup of tea (to put it mildly). I'm talking about the core of the title track 'We Are The Truth’. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of funny and cool stuff in there li...

  • Euro Rock Press Vol.92

    HFMCとしてのHasse Fröbergのインタビューが、Euro Rock Press vol.92に掲載されました。新譜「We Are the Truth」についてや今後の活動など。同号にはThe Flower KingsのRoine Stoltのインタビューも掲載されています。こちらから購入できます。

  • Barncancergalan

    スウェーデン語なので、埋め込みで済ませてしまいます(^^;)。För ett par veckor sedan så blev jag tillfrågad om jag ville sjunga på en lokal barncancergala i Uppsala. Självklart så blev mitt svar ja. För er som har anknytning till Uppsala och dessutom är intresserade av musik så kan det vara så att ni hajjar till när ni ser vilka som är medarrangörer till evenemanget. KROM! Krom innebär hårdrock, så m...

  • Gig at Reginateatern


  • HFMC 2022年ライブの予定

    HFMC、来年のライブの予定が2つ上がっています。まず1月15日、UppsalaのOpen Mindというレコードショップでアコースティックライブをやるようです。På lördag den 15 januari kl 14:00 så kommer vi att köra ett akustiskt set på Open Mind (St: Larsgatan 8c, Uppsala) med några låtar från vår sprillans nya platta 'We Are The Truth'. Vi kommer även att signera skivor för dom som önskar det. För er som redan har pl...

  • By Royal Decree

    The Flower Kingsの15枚目のアルバム、「By Royal Decree」が、来年2022年3月4日にリリースされる予定です。ソングリストは見つけられませんでしたが、アートワークは後悔されています。「Waiting For Miracles」のアートワークを手がけたKevin Sloanが、今回も担当しています。新譜の発売に伴い、その前にスウェーデンでミニツアーをするようです。3月30日 Katalin, Uppsala3月31日 Musikens Hus, Gothenburg4月1日 Södra Teatern...

  • vinyl chaos

    So this is the week of the release then. I left the master of We Are The Truth to GlassVille at the end of June, so it's been a long time coming but here we are...finally. I know they started to ship the first batches of CD:s the previous friday and they will continue to ship the first orders this week, so you'll most likely have your copy before friday.However, the vinyls is another story. We wer...

  • Rest In Peace David Longdon


  • Mr Johnny Taxén and Mr Petrus Königsson

    picture from Hasse's facebook奥がPetrus Königsson、手前がJohnny TaxénPeople say HFMC is an easy going band. I say we're surrounded by great people, that's the reason we're perceived as being a nice bunch of guys. However we're a rockband, which in this case means five far from normal guys working together. In circumstances like these, you sometimes need a shoulder to lean on.Mr Johnny

  • The Flower Kings' next plan

    Better start getting my chops ready after all. I have three confirmed shows with The Flower Kings coming up in March/April-2022. It looks to be an intense spring and autumn next year (holding my thumbs at the same time as I'm writing this), with the Swedish shows I just mentioned, Cruise To The Edge, concerts in Canada, festivals in the summer and on top of that I know that they're working on a Eu...

  • From Uppsala

    The Old Man and the Sea, that's pretty much what I feel like when I see myself in this short (very short) film made by Johnny Taxén. Here you have some footage from our hometown Uppsala, combined with filmed material from Nevo Studios, as well as an interview with yours truly. In the film you will also hear snippets from our upcoming album We Are The Truth. Feel free to check it out.Here's the lin...

  • tour booking

    It's not without sadness I'm saying this.I had high hopes we would be announcing gigs by now but that's not the case. After discussions with GlassVille we've come to terms with the fact, that there's way too much uncertainty to book a tour right now for a band in our position. It could end up a disaster if a country goes into lockdown, or if anyone of us would become sick, with cancelled shows and...

  • The Whiskey Buffet

    After three long and hard but funny days in Nevo Studios we could clearly feel that everything was going according to plan. In other words it was time to treat ourselves with a classy Whiskey Buffet. Believe me when I say the quality of that buffet was outstanding with aged Single Malts, a fine Irish one, some Swedes and even a bottle of Bourbon. (I remember we tried out some Aultmore, Glenlivet, ...

  • Mr Kjell Haraldsson

    picture from Hasse's facebookTo my ears Kjell has made his most prominent HFMC recording so far. His solos are as usual very entertaining but this time even more so. His piano and organ playing is probably more distinct than ever before. What's different this time is Kjells additional Brass and String arrangements that are really

  • an interview with Hasse Fröberg

    インタビュー記事ばかりで申し訳ないですが、スウェーデンがベースらしいネットマガジンStargazed Magazineに、Hasseのインタビューが掲載されています。 SpellboundからSolid Blue、TFKに参加した経緯などは、管理人が散々聞いてきた話ですが(^^;)、少し突っ込んだ話も読めました。何か新しいかもしれない情報と言えば;●Kerrang MagazineでSpellbound「Breaking the Spell」が「KKKK1/2」という評価だった。アルバムは2週間で売...

  • mail interview of Sampo Axelsson

    【日本語版】はこちら[[English version]]Q: Hi! This is the first time to interview you, so I'd like to know your profile.Please tell me when you started playing instruments and reason why you picked up the instrument, especially bass?A: We had a piano at home and my older brother played the guitar so that influenced me to start playing music. I started taking lessons in elementary school - I think ...

  • Sampo Axelssonにお話を伺う

    脱退したThomssonの後任として加入したSampoにメールインタビューしました。11月に発売される新譜「We are the Truth」ではベースだけではなく、ペダルスティールギターも演奏しているようです。音楽以外でもなかなか多才な人みたいです。【日本語版】Q. こんにちは!初めてインタビューするので、あなたのプロフィールを紹介いただけますか?楽器を始めた経緯を教えてください。A. うちにピアノがあって、兄がギターを弾いていた...

  • Mr Sampo Axelsson

    from HFMC's facebookSampo joined the band prepared all the way up to his teeth (Swedish saying). He didn't miss a note on that first audition and the Rock n Roll tone in his playing suits the band perfect. His first gigs with the band didn't happen for obvious reasons (read the pandemic), so this is your first opportunity to get to know him. I see him as HFMC:s own

  • mail interview of Hasse Fröberg about "WATT"

    HASSE FRÖBERG & MUSICAL COMPANIONBack: Sampo Axelsson(B), Anton Lindsjö(G)Front: Ola Strandberg(Ds), Hasse Fröberg(Vo,G), Kjell Haraldsson(Key)→【日本語版】[[English version]]Q: Hi, Hasse! First, I'd like to ask you about your activities after Live in Japan with The Flower Kings in 2019. What did you do and spend your time under the influences of COVID-19?A: Well I've recorded three albums.

  • Hasseに「We are the Truth」のお話を伺う

    いつもアルバムがリリースされた後に、Hasseに長々と質問を送ってしまうので、今回はリリース前にまず聞けることだけ聞いてみました。リリース後にもインタビューするかもしれません(迷惑)。HASSE FRÖBERG & MUSICAL COMPANIONBack: Sampo Axelsson(B), Anton Lindsjö(G)Front: Ola Strandberg(Ds), Hasse Fröberg(Vo,G), Kjell Haraldsson(Key)【日本語版】Q: こんにちは!まず2019年に行われたThe Flower Kings来日公演の後の...

  • corona safe recording

    I know you're all tired of Covid and Corona, still we started the recording of

  • the leading star

    photo from HFMC's facebookBeing home being a fulltime dad isn't the ideal situation when you're a guitar hero recording a new album. Even though the not so perfect circumstances, Anton stepped up and delivered his magic. Normally he's always been the

  • Mr Ola Strandberg

    photo from HFMC's facebookOla's commitment to HFMC has grown over the years. I mean he was a committed drummer when we started out some 12 years ago but today he's involved in most things related to HFMC. His song writing and singing has become an important part of the band and our sound. He's been deeply involved in the artwork lately and especially this new one We Are The Truth. At first I wasn'...

  • To Those Who Rule The World

    11月26日に発売されるHFMC「We are the Truth」からの曲です。Hasseからのコメントは以下の通り:The reason we chose to make a video to the song 'To Those Who Rule The World' is because it represents the album and showcases the band in a good way. The lyrics is almost written in a naive or maybe even childish tone. Still I think it reflects the way many of us are feeling today. This is 6 minutes of craz...

  • 遺体の取り扱い方

    久しぶりに翻訳記事です。去年の春、2019年秋にHFMCから脱退したThomssonについての記事を見つけました。今までぼやかして書いていたのですが、彼は葬儀社で働いています。30年以上勤務しているということで、1989年にSpellboundが解散した後に働き始めた(あるいは起業した)のだと思います。Spellbound 1985 ヒースロー空港ぽいですね。BURRN!のTシャツを着てるのがThomsson2015年のThomsson。年齢を重ねてもかっこいい葬儀社の...

  • a positive sign

    Some 18 months or so into the pandemic I guess most of us feels a little bit grey and gloomy, at least I do. If we put that aside, I've been pretty active since this is my second recording to be released during these weird times (working on the third). And yes, when listening to

  • We are the truth

    HFMCの新作情報がfacebookなどSNSにアップされました!タイトルは「We Are The Truth」。インフォでは「

  • work in progress

    こんにちは。ワクチン接種1回目がようやく済んだ管理人です。2回目が今月中旬にあります。東京は医療崩壊寸前で、一応都心へ通勤圏内の茨城県某所も感染者が増えてきました。デルタ株は従来株とはまったく違うウイルスと心得て、頭を低くして嵐を過ぎるのを待ちます。オレは生き残るぞ。 さて、The Flower Kingsのメンバー達がスウェーデンに集まり、レコーディングを行っています。ワクチン接種が進んでいる欧米では、去年と比...

  • Little Red Cottage

    photo from Hasse's facebookYesterday evening was spent at the Little Red Cottage. It was truly a humid and sweaty evening. If that was the reason that Ola delivered some emotional whispers in true Je T’aime style, we don’t know? At least not yet. However I can inform you he executed his vocal duties in true Ola style and I couldn’t be more happy and the same goes for sound engineer/producer Petrus...

  • recording reports

    他の用事にかまけて、こちらの更新を怠っていました。一挙に2本行きます。2021/05/01I've been working hard on my studio tan this week, tracking vocals for the fifth HFMC album. I must say it's still a whole lot of fun to record vocals because of the fact that it really gives the music colour. On top of that it gives the music a clear identity, so it's a job I take seriously and I try to be as careful a...

  • 80's Swedish HR/HM Top 100

    皆様、新型コロナの第4波のまっただ中、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?変異株とて防護策は同じ。ワクチンが行き渡るまで手洗い(いろんな感染症を防ぐよ)、マスク(飛沫飛散防止)、そして三密を避けて頑張りましょう。RockUnited.comというメロディックHR/HMを主に扱うサイトで、80年代のスウェーデンHR/HMの楽曲トップ100という企画がアップされました。THE TOP 100 SWEDISH HARD ROCK / METAL SONGS OF THE EIGHTIESSpellboundの

  • All I Need is Love

    The very first time I presented the idea that became 'All I Need Is Love', the guys reaction was 50/50. Two of them thought the verse was really cool, while the chorus maybe needed some work. The other two loved the chorus but they thought the verses were too weird. In other words

  • Vol.III

    photo from Hasse's facebookI very seldom look back but this is fun. I'm sure you're all familiar with the fact that old sins have a habit of catching up sooner or later. To you guys who knows me through my work with either Spellbound or The Flower Kings, this is what I was doing after Spellbound more or less up until I started working with Roine (1994) and later on TFK (1997). The album is called ...

  • sabotage

    Once upon a time I promised myself to never talk politics in social media but then again this isn’t politics, this is madness. Am I surprised this happened? Not really, this is maybe what you can call the Grande Finale after four years of chaos and weak leadership. There’s thousands of things I want to say about all this but I won’t since most things have already been said. However to hear his spe...

  • TFKからHasseへのインタビュー

    前のエントリーで予告したインタビューです。The Flower KingsがYoutubeに、メンバーからメンバーへのインタビュー動画をアップしています。今の時点で、Roine以外のメンバーの動画が揃っています。Hasse FröbergJonas ReingoldZach KaminsMirkko De Maio全部やるのは大変なので、Hasseの分だけざっくりまとめてみたいと思います。(完全な翻訳ではあ り ま せ ん ! )長いのでたたみます。----------...

  • Sampo Axelssonのショートインタビュー

    先月頃から、The Flower KingsがYoutubeに、メンバーからメンバーへのインタビュー動画をアップしています。これに影響されたのか、HFMCが、新しいベーシストのSampo Axelssonのインタ動画をアップしました。YouTubeの翻訳機能を駆使して、「多分こういうことを言ってるんだろうなぁ」という日本語をつけてみました。●レコーディングストックホルムから北に4時間行ったところにあるSundsvall。とても大きなスタジオで、必要な機材...

  • recording in Sundsvall

    10月30日から数日(2泊3日かな?)、スウェーデン北部SundsvallにあるNevo Studiosで、HFMCはニューアルバムのレコーディングをしました。おそらくこれを元に、いろんな細かい音を重ねたり、微調整をしていくのでしょう。前回のレコーディングは、新しすぎたスタジオ故に、機材やスケジュールのトラブルが多かったので(こちらのインタビュー参照)、スムーズな進行は、Hasseもストレス少なくて良かったんじゃないでしょうか(^^;)...

  • on pink clouds

    photo from Hasse's facebookWhen all of yourself, your whole entity is filled with music that excites you and you’re walking on pink clouds 24/7. When you been on that “natural high” for some time and it’s time to come down, which is what I’m trying to do right now, it’s not easy. Especially on such a grey and dull monday as this. In other words I have not succeeded yet.It’s funny, our sound engine...

  • HFMC - Report Pt. 2

    Superdryの派手なTシャツが気になって、なんだか話が入ってきませんが、これからのHFMCの活動について述べています。オープニングでHasseがピアノを弾いているのが新鮮ですね。10月30日に次のアルバムのレコーディングのため、スタジオに入るようです。今回、またスタジオをSundsvallにあるNevo Studiosに変え、エンジニアはPetrus Königssonに戻すようです。元々HFMCの2020年の活動予定は抑制的で、ノルウェーとフランスで行われ...

  • The Flower Kings 「Islands」発売

    世界中のバンドやアーティストが新型コロナの影響を受けているように、The Flower Kingsも活動予定を変更せざるを得ませんでした。今年の3月にはアメリカのCruise to the Edgeに出演する予定でしたが、キャンセルになりました。あとおそらく、Roine StoltにはTransatlanticの予定が入っていたのではないかな、と想像します。時間が有り余っちゃったんでしょうねぇ・・・。恐ろしいことに、新作「Islands」はまた2枚組です(^^;)。個...

  • All Those Faces

    (from Hasse's facebook)When your audience mostly contains of Prog fans and some Hardrock fans, why not release a video of a




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