


スウェーデンのシンフォでハードなプログレバンド、Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion (HFMC) のファンサイト所属ブログ。サイトでは基本情報を、当ブログではよりリアルタイムに近い情報を書いていきます。

本体サイトはスウェーデンのHMバンドSpellboundから、元メンバー達によって結成されたプログレバンドHFMCのファンサイトに生まれかわりしました。当ブログの内容に特に変化はありません。引き続きよろしくお願いします。 website:



  • Let's talk! (4)注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見てもよくわからない会話はすっ飛ばしています。大体の内容はわかると思いますが、完全な和訳ではありません。ちょっと会話がごちゃごちゃしてるので、大事そうな言葉だけ拾いました。前回の動画はこちらLet's talk! (1)

  • send in/out

    I believe today is the day Roine will send the master(s) and artwork to Inside Out. It’s exciting even to me, it sure is. As late as yesterday night I received the last mixes of two of the songs and I think I dare “put out the chest” (Swedish saying I guess) and say we have some cool music on our hands. Don’t forget that before the album release in September we have some very special gigs in May w...

  • Studio Report 4

    photo from Hasse's facebook”The morning after the night before” (as we say over here). There’s always a price to pay. The question is are you willing to pay the cost? Of course we say in unison. Last night we solved many of the mysteries of the world, as well as some of the arrangements for today’s recordings. I can inform you all that so far yesterday’s whiskey extravaganza has paid off really we...

  • HFMC、レコーディング開始

    photo from HFMC's facebookHasse Fröberg & Musical Companionは6枚目のアルバム(来年リリース予定)のレコーディングに入っています。場所は5th「We are the Truth」で使用したNevo Studiosですね。よほど居心地が良かったんだろうなぁ。写真は2日目(4/14)、ドラムのレコーディングが終わったところ。KjellがOlaをクールダウンさせるために水をかけようとしています(笑)。...

  • Studio Report 3:

    photo from Hasse's facebookOnwards. That’s our strategy and that’s the way it looks right now. We ARE moving onwards. We’ve got four songs down by now and we’ve made it through the first part of the biggest, longest and probably the most demanding song to play of them all. The lads are still in good mood and I just left the studio for the first time to get some fresh air in a sunny and welcoming S...

  • Studio Report 2

    photo from Hasse's facebookTwo songs down and now lunch. I can honestly say we’re a little less prepared this time. It goes both ways of course but what you miss in stability and self confidence, you gain in curiosity and the fact that you’re more open to new ideas. The lads are in fine form and Ola (who’s the main guy in this part of the process) is handling the situation like the pro he is. And ...

  • Studio Report 1

    (04/13 16:55)Here are exactly two glamorous photos from our trip up to Sundsvall and Nevo Studios. The adventure of recording the sixth HFMC studio album is about to begin. From one thing to another, of course I spent the day rehearsing with TFK up until the guys picked me up at Vimus, I mean what else? For those who are interested, I will try to give you some updates over the weekend. Time to get...

  • snow shoveling

    photo from Hasse's facebookAfter two days of brutal snowing, at least this late of the season on this latitude, I finally got out of the house to get rid of it (please notice the cat trail for Thomas o Malley). Not sure I should tell you this but now I’m doing it anyway. During the shovelling I slipped in a spectacular, almost cartoonish kind of way but I believe I’m good. At least no broken bones...

  • Zach Kamis脱退

    3/20の記事で書いたように、The Flower KingsのキーボーディストZach Kaminsがバンドを離れました。今の時点で予定されているTFKのライブは、日程がバラバラで、そのたびに機材を持ってアメリカからヨーロッパへ飛ぶのは、コストがかかりすぎるという理由でした。コロナ禍、そしてロシアのウクライナ侵攻以降、燃油サーチャージがバカみたいに高いのは知っていました。私は何度か、FinnAirでヘルシンキ経由ストックホルムの航空券...

  • separete ways

    pic from Hasse's facebookIt's with a heavy heart I state the following. For now we have to part ways with Zach. The logistics and the economic side of it all proved to be too much to handle this time around. I will most surely miss Zach, his kind soul, his contagious laughter and his fabulous playing of course. However the show must go on so I'm very pleased to welcome our new guy onboard. His nam...

  • Let's talk! (3)

    Hasse Fröbergのインタビュー動画の紹介です。インタビュアーのJohan Steenslandは、Hasseと同年代で、彼自身も音楽活動をしてるようです。彼のサイトはこちら。Uppsala出身と言うこともあり、Hasseとは旧知の仲のようです。めっちゃ長いので、3つに分けて掲載します。注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見てもよ...

  • Let's talk!(2)

    Hasse Fröbergのインタビュー動画の紹介です。インタビュアーのJohan Steenslandは、Hasseと同年代で、彼自身も音楽活動をしてるようです。彼のサイトはこちら。。Uppsala出身と言うこともあり、Hasseとは旧知の仲のようです。めっちゃ長いので、3つに分けて掲載します。注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見ても...

  • Let's talk!(1)

    Hasse Fröbergのインタビュー動画の紹介です。インタビュアーのJohan Steenslandは、Hasseと同年代で、彼自身も音楽活動をしてるようです。彼のサイトはこちら。。Uppsala出身と言うこともあり、Hasseとは旧知の仲のようです。めっちゃ長いので、3つに分けて掲載します。注意)和訳はYouTubeの字幕機能で出てくる英語を元に作りました。聞き取れる音は字幕と違っても訂正していますが、字幕を見ても...

  • new releases

    Hi guys, it’s been a while so I thought it was about time to deliver some information about what’s going on. Some of you might be familiar with the fact that I’m soon finished with my contributions to the upcoming TFK album, due for release in September. Who knows, you might also be aware of the TFK touring plans for 2023? On the banner below you can see the official dates so far but keep your eye...

  • stay in the loop

    Apparently some more shows has been added to the list of official ones. In other words here we go again. In the meantime I can inform you that we are about to wrap up the ongoing TFK recording. From where we are now it won't be long until Roine will start mixing the bastard, or the beauty, or whatever it is. Once again, my advice to you is to stay in the loop because lots of things will happen wit...

  • TFK新作制作中

    明けましておめでとうございました。いやもう、時間の流れと変化は容赦なくて、1月終わっちゃうし。初場所が終わって白鵬は引退しちゃったし。(末っ子ちゃんのお手紙最高でしたね)Jeff Beckと高橋幸宏が亡くなっちゃうし。Pochakaite Malkoの桑原さん亡くなってたし。新型コロナが第5類に指定されたってやることは変わりません。手洗い・マスク・密回避です。今でも人のいないところではマスクはしていない(正確に言うと鼻だけ...

  • weekend in Askesta

    from Hasse’s facebookHome again after an intense weekend in Askesta. After five studio albums I thought it was a good idea to try something new. The plan was to write together, or arrange already written songs together, to get more of a band feeling this early in the process. For instance what's the point in me telling Kjell what to play, when he's a hell of a lot better keyboard player than I am....

  • Live in Sala

    10月22日に行われたSala公演のセットリストです。1. Rise Up2. Venice CA3. Other Eyes4. Yoko5. Song for July6. The Constant Search for Bravery7. We are the Truth8. Can't Stop the Clock / What if God is Alone9. Parallel LifeencoreTo Those Who Rule the World / Church of Your Heart“Church of Your Heart”、HFMCで演奏するのは初めてですね。本家The Flower Kingsでは、今年のラインナップ(Jonas Reingoldの代わり...

  • Rockland

    photo from Hasse's facebook Yesterday reminded me of why I love doing this. The band was in fine form and the audience in an even better shape. The crowd yesterday was receptive, focused and very enthusiastic and cheerful between the songs. It was a true pleasure to play.Rockland proved to be just the rock club I’ve heard it should be. I mean even the dressing room looks the way it should for cryi...

  • the last rehearsal

    Last Saturday was dedicated to HFMC. First mission of the day was the last rehearsal with full band before our show now on Saturday.On top of that Johnny, our companion or sixth member or how I shall put it, treated us all with a home cooked dinner afterwards. In the middle of the eating and drinking (plus all the goofy stories and laughs) we were able to hold a band meeting. I'm glad to say we've...

  • postponed

    HFMC、予定されていたベルギーのフェスとオランダのライブが、残念ながらキャンセルされました。10/15 Progtime Festival at De Dreff, Vorselaar (Belgium) 10/16 De Pul, Uden (The Netherlands)Progtime Festivalは2023年に延期です。どうもチケットが売れなかったみたいで・・・。運営からのテキストはこちら。それに対してのHasseのテキスト。は「LeprousやMyrathのようなバンド...

  • 追加公演

    HFMCとAstrakhanの追加公演が発表されました。facebookに宣伝動画がアップされています。Hasse、なんでいつも驚いたような顔から話し始めるんでしょうね?会場のRocklandは、Uppsalaから西に65km行ったSalaという街にあるようです。これまでに発表されている秋のライブは以下の通り10/15 Progtime Festival at De Dreff, Vorselaar (Belgium) 10/16 De Pul, Uden (The ...

  • an evening of darkness and light

    photo from Hasse's facebookAs Per Schelander of Astrakhan said, “this will be an evening of darkness and light”. I guess he’s referring to HFMC bringing the light and Astrakhan playing a darker music. Anyway, I hope to see as many Dutch and Belgian friends as possible now in October for the coming shows.Progtime Festival at De Dreff in Vorselaar (Belgium) on saturday the 15th of October.De Pul in ...

  • Crescendo Festival

    photo from HFMC facebookTo be honest we had our fair share of obstacles before our show last night. I won’t go into detail but among other things I can mention our luggage were stuck at the Frankfurt airport until just before the gig. Let’s forget about that and just state it felt phenomenal to enter the stage in the warm French summer evening and play our music to an enthusiastic crowd. We can on...

  • Catch two of Swedens most interesting bands on the prog scene!


  • Reginateaternの写真など

    5月28日、HFMCは地元UppsalaのReginateatern でライブを行いました。5月21日にWe Låva Rock festival(Norway)に出演しましたが、単独公演は3年半ぶりではないかな(2019年11月のTallinn(エストニア)公演)。ReginateaternはライブDVD「No Place Like Home」を収録した会場です。前回は前半分スタンディング/後ろ半分座席でしたが、今回は全員着席の公演だったようです。HFMCのfacebookに感想がアップされていました。2019年10...

  • Progtime Festival

    10月15日、ベルギーのVorselaarで開催されるProgtime Festivalに、HFMCの参加が決まりました。会場はDe Dreefという、スポーツバー兼ライブハウスみたいな場所らしいです。日本でも人気があるLeprousとMyrathをはじめ、 Astrakhan、MAX PIE、Sister May (and more)といったバンドが参加予定です。Myrathはまた観たいな〜。フェスの公式facebookはこちら:

  • Reginateatern

    photo by ThomssonIt's been a rather busy month. Not that much when it comes to gigs, since it's only been 9 shows from the third of May up until yesterday. It's more the diversity between the performances that makes me feel like I've done a lot lately. There's been club gigs, boat gigs, festival gigs and now a theatre gig yesterday. I've done my best to prepare for it all but I've noticed that wit...

  • We Låve Rock

    This is what my life looks like right now. It’s a rather silent ensemble that has gathered in the minivan to take us home from Hurum (Norway) to Stockholm and Uppsala. As I said, the lads might not be as cheerful as after the gig yesterday evening but they all look happy in a relaxed and maybe Swedish kind of modest way.Yesterday was great from start to finish except for that Kayak had to cancel t...

  • jet lag

    Just woke up for the tenth time I believe since I went to bed. I clearly haven’t adjusted to the time zone yet. Is that something to dwell about, is it even worth mentioning? The answer is of course no. The weather is nice, the sea is magic, the surroundings are beautiful and I’m surrounded by crazy and funny but kind people.I’m right now at a hotel somewhere between Orlando and the port where Cru...



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