


初めまして! イギリス人夫のアンディと日本人妻のアヤです。 旅行記事や、洋書ブックレビュー、イギリス料理、イギリスで作る日本食料理などのレシピを紹介しています。



  • 「モダン」原田マハ著

    舞台は、モダンアートの聖地・ニューヨーク近代美術館「MoMA」。そこに勤務し、アートにいろんな形で関わる人々の人生を描いた5つの短編が含まれています。 一番心に残った短編は「中断された展覧会の記憶」。MoMAの展覧会ディレクターとして働く杏子は、ふくしま近代美術館の企画展「アンドリュー・ワイエスの世界」展に関わっていました。しかし、東日本大震災後、MoMAの理事会は、「クリスティーナの世界」…

  • 「楽園のカンヴァス」原田マハ

    シンプルすぎて子供っぽく見えるアートを描いていたと言われる「アンリ・ルソー」の代表絵画「夢」に関するミステリー小説。有名はアートコレクター・バイラーは、ニューヨーク近代美術館で働くティムと日本人のルソー研究者・オリエを、スイスのバーゼルに内密に招き、ルソーの「夢」に似た作品「夢を見た」が本物か偽物かどうかを7日間で判定する。そして、正しく判定した方に、「夢を見た」の所有権を渡すと伝えた。 小…

  • “For all the stars across the sky” 💤

    Bedtime bear story beautifully illustrated by a Japanese illustrator, Chiaki Okada 🧸💤 A little bear is going to close his eyes on the bed and makes wishes “I wish …” Wishes that everyone must have …

  • 「モネのあしあと」原田マハさん作


  • ジヴェルニーの食卓

    Maha Harada is a Japanese writer. She used to work as a curator at some museums, so she has written novels about arts and lives of artists. I have been engrossed in reading her books during this su…

  • 国際結婚について

    インスタでいつもお世話になっているソング・里菜さんに、今回は「旦那様との馴れ初めや結婚、国際結婚」についてインタビューしました。 前回のインタビューでは、里菜さんの紹介、イギリス生活や英語の勉強の仕方についてお話を伺いました。こちらも素敵なお話を聞くことができたので、もしよかったら読んでみてください。 また、里菜さんも私のインタビュー記事を書いてくれました。普段自分のことはあまり話しませんが…

  • “If All the World Were” written by Joseph Coelho

    Heart-warming, beautiful picture book about a girl and her dad💌 They spent all the seasons and smiled together, but her grandad wasn’t with her anymore. While she was seeing some things that her gr…

  • “The Travelling Cat Chronicles” by Hiro Arikawa🐈

    Laughed and cried a little.  Lovely, touching story about Satoru and a cat called Nana, which means seven in Japanese. This story tells you the value of bonds and how these bonds create a posi…

  • “The Smile Shop” by Satoshi Kitamura ☺️

    Excellent picture book to teach the importance of being kind and the power that smiles hold 📚  The boy was walking in the market excitedly wondering what to buy with his saved money! Foods? Mu…

  • “Junkland -The Hoarding- book one” by Patrick Johns

    It is an adventurous book about a boy called Jahrys, who trains himself hard to become a knight someday. He thinks that heroes are not fearless, but might be scared and still believe in themselves …

  • Mr Tiger, Betsy Series

    “Mr Tiger, Betsy and the Blue Moon” “Mr Tiger, Betsy and the sea dragon” written by Sally Gardner and illustrated by Nick Maland Enchanted, creative stories about Mr Tiger and Betsy, the daughter o…

  • “Before the coffee gets cold” by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

    The Japanese bestseller that takes you through four enjoyable, a bit emotional stories. ‘If you could go back, who would you want to meet?’ A cafe in Tokyo offers four people time-travelling with s…

  • “The Dictionary of Lost Words” by Pip Williams

    Emotional, educational, excellent story about a strong woman, Esme.  When she was a child, she spent most time at the Scriptorium in Oxford, where her dad and his colleagues collected words for the…

  • “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame

    「楽しい川辺」は、1908年に出版されたイギリス児童文学作品。100年以上も子供達や大人達から愛されている絵本です。”willow”は、日本語で「ヤナギ」という意味。細長い緑色の葉っぱが枝垂れる川辺が好きな動物達の物語。絵本の表紙のように、イギリスの美しい田園が全てのページに描かれています。 川ネズミ、アナグマ、モグラは、破天荒で大胆なヒキガエルに振り回されるけど、みんなで知恵を振り絞って、…

  • “The Memory Police” by Yoko Ogawa📘

    What if things surrounded around us like roses, boats, books , calendar etc… would gradually disappear in our lives…  This book was first published in 1994, but translated into English in 2019…

  • “London Parks”

    “London Parks” by Hunter Davies (the 85-year-old author of some bestselling books and the columnist) Lovely, uplifting books about 11 parks in London. It’s full of their entertaining histories, uni…

  • “Around the world in 80 days” by Jules Verne 🌍📚

    Adventurous book to travel around the world in 80 days with unique people!  This book was first published in 1872. The British gentleman, Fogg, living in the same routine in the same place at …

  • “Loveykins” by Quentin Blake 🍰

    Quentin Blake is a 88 year old cartoonist and illustrator, which has drawn lovely illustrations for lots of Roald Dahl’s books 📚 Love his illustrations 🥰🇬🇧  Augustus, a little red bird, was rescued…

  • “Harklights” by Tim Tilley

    Harklights is a fairytale, exploring the wonder of nature and showing that small things can make a difference.  Wick, the orphan, were forced to make matches in Harklights, the orphanage, run …

  • THE QUEEN’S HAT 💂‍♀️

    The queen’s hat flies up in the sky in London 🇬🇧👒 The queen and her guards chase her hat all over London💂‍♂️🌟Lovely, charming picture book 📚 クイーンの帽子👒🇬🇧 クイーンの帽子が風で飛ばされて、クイーンと衛兵が帽子を追っかけて、ロンドン中を巡ります💂‍…

  • “The legend of Spud Murphy” by Eoin Colfer

    My favourite quote from this book 📕 “Every new book opened the door to a new world. We floated down the great Mississippi River with Huckleberry Finn. Robin Hood taught us how to shoot a bow and ar…

  • “Klara and the Sun” Kazuo Ishiguro

    ‘Irreplaceable’ is the word that came upon in my mind when I finished reading this book. Not only human beings but also something inside connects people are irreplaceable.  A lot of things cou…

  • “Sam wu is NOT scared of ghosts” by @kevgtsang 📚

    Hilarious, joyous story about an Asian boy, Sam wu! His story is based on the author that has an Asian background. Sam Wu is scared of everything but decides to overcome it. But one day he becomes …

  • 🇬🇧Katie in London 🇬🇧

    Katie and her brother travel London on a lion statue in Trafalgar Square 🦁  ケイティと弟が、トラファルガー広場のライオンにのって、ロンドンの名所を回る絵本です🦁🌼ビッグベン、ロンドン塔、ハロッズなどをライオンがガイドしてくれる素敵な絵本です☀️🌈…

  • “The Witches” by Roald Dahl

    These days, I read a humorous and heartwarming story, the witches again because it was made into film again and available to rent from Amazon Prime UK and other platforms. I’d love to see it soon! …

  • “Toffee” by Sarah Crossan

    Toffee is not her real name. Her parent named her Allison. But she is called Toffee by Marla, who has dementia and lives alone in a house. This encounter with a kind elderly lady, Marla makes Allis…

  • Halloween Picture books!

    ハロウィンまで後少し! 私の甥っ子(5歳)と姪っ子(2歳)が好きなハロウィンの絵本を紹介します🎃 📕Funny bones by Janet & Allan Ahlberg The classic and beloved Halloween picture book by Janet, a wife and Allan, and a husband. Ahlberg夫妻によって描かれ…

  • “The Girl Who Stole an Elephant” by Nizrana Farook

    This is a great children’s book for 9-11 year old kids to learn morality.  A girl, Chaya, stole a lot from the rich to help poor people in her community. One day, her friend was about to lose …

  • AI vs 教科書が読めない子どもたち


  • Japanese bedtime story: The Princess Kaguya

    Since this week was a book week, I introduced one of my favourite Japanese stories to my students. Once upon a time, an old man was cutting bamboo and found a little girl inside the bamboo. She gre…

  • “The Enchanted Wood” by Enid Blyton

    This book is chosen for our book week. We read it and do some activities about the enchanted wood for the whole week before the half term.  It is one of the beloved children’s books in the UK:…

  • “Lost in translation” Ella Frances Sanders

    Words are the most fascinating thing to me in the world. This book is full of interesting words that I never heard of. The author collected the words that are difficult to translate into another la…

  • 「猫を抱いて象と泳ぐ」小川洋子

    涙なしでは読み切れないほど素晴らしくて、大好きな1冊「博士の愛した数式」の著者・小川洋子さん。 本作は、無口で引っ込み思案な少年がチェスと出会い、多くの人々と対戦し、チェスの名騎手として成長する素晴らしいストーリー。 成長しても、見た目や背丈は11歳程度のまま変わらず、いつも自信がなさそうに見えたアリーヒョンが主人公。チェスが得意なマスターに教えてもらい、いつも「慌てるな」と背中を押してくれ…

  • After the storm the Percy the park keeper

    Last week in an English reading comprehension lesson for year 2, we read “After the storm”, one of the popular books of the series “Percy the park keeper” written by Nick Butterworth.  I showe…

  • 「猫を抱いて像と泳ぐ」小川洋子

    読書の秋🍁 イギリスの気温も15度程度、道を歩けばどんぐりや栗、栗に似たconkerや落ち葉が目立ちます。この秋、手に取った本は博士の愛した数式の著者・小川洋子さんの作品「猫を抱いて像と泳ぐ」。 口が閉じられたまま生まれ、脛の皮膚を口に移植した無口な少年がチェスと出会い、人と出会い変わっていくストーリー。小川洋子さんのインタビュー記事で、「言葉というツールに頼らなくても、本当に人と触れ合った…

  • Victoria sandwich cake recipe

    My mom likes baking and she told me this great recipe of Victoria sponge cake. It was named after Queen Victoria in the 19th century. Although it is commonly called Victoria sponge cake, its correc…

  • “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig 2

    “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig  Attractive book cover and perfect book title for me! These are the reasons why I decided to read this book. The story is very heart-warming, so I’m sure yo…

  • “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig

    The midnight library is a real page turner although I’m still half way through! Nora, a lady in mid 30s, thinks that she is a loser: she quits swimming, is fired at work, she did not get married to…

  • 絵本の紹介

    SNS上でおすすめの絵本を教えてもらい、読んでみたら、とてもとてもとても良かったです😊良いものは独り占めせず、シェアする方がいいと思ったので、何冊かこの場で共有させてもらいます。コメント本当にありがとうございました。 心温まるストーリーと素敵なイラストをお楽しみください。 @eri.kenkokitchen さんおすすめ “You can’t take an elephant on the …

  • “The Shepherd’s life – A Tale of the Lake District” by James Rebanks

    This memoir illustrates the Lake District beautifully and differently from a shepherd’s perspective and a life of James Rebanks as the shepherd and a person. I really like reading this book because…

  • “The Shepherds’s life – A tale of the Lake District-“

    I was going to Lake district this May but it was canceled due to Covid-19. So I bought this book to feel Lake district through words. James Rebanks, the author and the shepherd, describes this grea…

  • 「イギリスの歴史が2時間でわかる本」

    題名はあまり好きではないけど、多くの方がレビューで、わかりやすい!と言われていたので、手に取った1冊。2時間では読み切れず、全てを読み切るのに、10時間ぐらいはかかりました。 「チャールズ1世?2世?どっちがどうだったっけ?」と時代の動きと王の性格や対策が頭の中で整理できていない自分にとっては、イギリスの歴史がとてもわかりやすく説明されていました。内容も浅すぎず、時代の移り変わりの背景が解説…

  • 「地球にちりばめられて」多和田葉子

    ’ノーベル賞に最も近い日本人作家’と言われている多和田さんの長編小説。自分が海外留学中に母国が消えてしまった主人公と、彼女の母語と彼女が自分で作り上げた言語に興味を持つ大学院生。2人は、彼女の消えてしまった母語を話す人がこの世にもう1人いるということを知り、その人を探す旅に出ます。 本の中には、言語、移民、人種に関してとても興味深い文章がちりばめられています。 例えば、「ネイティブ」という言…

  • Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens 📚

    “I wish I could be a strong person like her.” That’s what I was thinking in my mind while reading this book. The Marsh girl. That’s what people called a little girl, Kya. Her father, mother, brothe…

  • “The Silent Patient” by Alex Michaelides


  • 「不真面目な批評家、文学・文化の英語をマジメに語る」北村紗衣


  • Groom Speech

    I’m on the verge of an anxiety attack.  Firstly I’d like to thank you all for coming. It means a lot to us that many of you travelled far to be here today, We’ve got some that came from as far…

  • First anniversary

    Well it’s been one year since we got married, and there’s been a lot that has happened since then. We’ve had our ups and downs, and our fair share of trials to overcome. But we’re still going and w…




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