G Skate Demo Tapes: Hawaii from CI Surfboards on Vimeo . The G Skate Demo Tapes' Hawaii edition follows the Gudauskas Brothers during t...
"PROGRESSION" from Bing Surfboards on Vimeo . Bing family member and owner of Progressive Surf Academy, Christian Marcher, throws down so...
Devon Howard 9'9 Traditional Longboard Proto
A new design I've been working on for 2023 with Wayne Rich. Goal is to build a very balanced traditional longboard for riding in the pocke...
Teiki Balian lives and works at Hollow Trees Resort in the Mentawai Islands and loves Twin Fins, so we asked him to show us his quiver and...
NATURAL HIGH surf movie (Official Trailer)
Available for purchase NOW on 'VIMEO ON DEMAND' !! Surfing. The ultimate "NATURAL HIGH". "You ...
R&D meeting on a refreshing autumn day
R&D meeting on a refreshing autumn day. We spend time on research and development. While taking advantage of the 20/20 and RPM models. ...
Banjo SPEED EGG DT from Misfit Shapes on Vimeo . You asked, here is more of BANJO on the NEO SPEED EGG Diamond Twin. Our classic NEO ‘...
Jack Coleman dug up some quality, unused clips of the vissla crew from 2022. Enjoy! Featuring: Derrick Disney Nick Melanson Jimmy Thompso...
晩夏のミーティング Expectations for future development. @MEDIUM THE BRAND @tappyyoshikawa @rioueda_ @s.masahiro_japan_account @katsunori_ito Fi...
Kookapinto Shapes Funboard Twins
Jimmy & Corey surfing on 6’0, 6’5, and 7’0 twin fin mid-length by Kookapinto Shapes. - Presented by - Kookapinto Shapes (@kookapinto) htt...
Abundante from Micah Crozier on Vimeo . Footage courtesy of Jack Coleman サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
JUJU Surf Club x PVW from Paradise Studios on Vimeo . サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
RS SURFBOARDS from Matt Murphy on Vimeo . サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Loose Tracks from Thalia Surf Shop on Vimeo . Thalia Surf brings you Matthew Allen's latest short film "Loose Tracks" featuring the surf...
MPE Coho Fish from Mollusk Surf Shop on Vimeo . サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Deepest Reaches –MEGA FISH 8’0″
Deepest Reaches –MEGA FISH 8’0″ Ride by TATSUTOSHI MUTO from STANDARDSTORE on Vimeo . 【Surfboards】 Deepest Reaches / MEGA FISH 8'0 Sha...
Tri Plane Hull Single by CI Surfboards
Tri Plane Hull Single by CI Surfboards from CI Surfboards on Vimeo . サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Bryce Bakes from Mollusk Surf Shop on Vimeo . サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Fun surf, perfect weather, and live music brought the community together for the 24th Annual Cosmic Creek in Dana Point. After a two year ...
1ミニッツ・インプレッション by Blue. /PYZEL Mid Length Crisis 7’0″
Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはパイゼルのミッドレングス・クライシス 7'0"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。 PYZEL ...
A First Look at my 'Volcanic' Seaside.
The 'Volcanic' project has been going on behind the scenes at Firewire Surfboards for a few months now. 'Volcanic' references basalt; a ...
JAdams on a modded 7ft. 88Surfboards Australia 2022 サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
One Day Session☀ "TORCH" Mid-Length Quad 6'8" & 6'6"
【TORCH MID-LENGTH QUAD】 6'8"×20 1/4"×2 9/16" 6'6"×20"×2 1/2" with Tappy template quad fins @true_ames_ Shaped by R.U 植田梨生 Crafted by Bas...
Noa Mizuno Alex Lopez Diamond Twin
Hawaiian stylist Noa Mizuno draws dreamy lines on an Alex Lopez twin fin during the Spring season on the South Shore. Video by Christian ...
70年代のシングルフィンを現代版にグレードアップ! ショートボードの技術だけではなくロングボードのノーズ側の使い方を合わせてスタイリッシュにメイクすることができるモデルです。 おすすめは6'1~6'4ぐらいでフィンのサイズは7.25以上でよろしいかと思います。 中村光貴 y...
MACKIE DESIGNS Sidecut Fish 6’4″
Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはマッキー・デザインのサイドカット・フィッシュ 6'4"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。
Episode 1 of 'ISLAND FEVER' features best buddies Tosh Tudor & Kobe Hughes enforcing a strict regiment of frisbee & cinnamon rolls as they...
湘南某所 film Eijisan insta eichan_murata Koki Nakamura
Album Surf // Moonstone Explained
A sit down with Matt Parker to discuss the concept and design behind the Moonstone. "Little Sunflower " by Dorothy Ashby Additional Foo...
CI Free Scrubber: Tom Curren Twin Fin
The twin finned board that was primarily featured by Tom Curren in the recent surf edit Free Scrubber started as a customized project he w...
You are invited! Captain Fin's Wavepool Party @ BSR Wavepool Featuring Dylan Graves Leila Hurst JJ Wessels Mitch Abshere Music Jump by...
Board: Sunday Killer performance edition size: 5'3 - 22 -2 3/8 shaper : Masayuki Yoshida rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito 【SUNDAY KILLER PF...
Carter, OHLSON TWIN MID-LENGTH. 6'3 x 19 1/2 x 2 7/16 at 33L More サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Rob Machado Surfing Homebreak in Cardiff
Rob Machado headed to his local break he grew up surfing and proceeded to demonstrate his mastery of this wave. With a fun new swell in t...
今話題のツインピンのHELLCATは力強く、波を切り裂くようなカービングを可能とするモデルです。 ジャストフロー派の方でも2サイズぐらい長めをお勧めします。 ・Hellcatのオンラインはこちら
Our friend, partner, surfer, half Santista, half Viking, Alexandre Wolthers, better known as Xande, navigates the waters in every way you ca...
Case Study 04 Alex Lopez from Daydream on Vimeo . Welcome back to another Case Study where we take a deeper dive into the lives of the s...
This is a little project my friend Drew Miller made. It's comprised from a few sessions... A combo of the stuff I like to ride at some of...
Bryce Baker: charger, chef, stoker. The man sets the tone. Watch Bryce bake backdoor, then your mind. Radio Surfboards by Allan Gibbons A...
filmed by Benjamin Parrrot 5`1 fish 20 1/4 2 1/2 shaped by Koki Nakamura https://...
Joel Fitzgerald Surfboards: East Coast Autumn Edit
Joel Fitzgerald surfing his Dreamcatcher, Sea Gypsy and Space Hawk on the East Coast of Australia サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Mostly lefts down at Rocky Point with a fun cast of surf characters:} In order of appearance: Dane Gudauskas, Mikey February, Harry Bryan...
The California Twin by MR and Matt Biolos
Mark Richard's & Matt Biolos come together to bring you a modern Twin Fin + Trailer “Fish” with some unique tweaks to create a modern MR. ...
SWAY - 3 months in Indonesia riding twin fins
Album presents SWAY- Josh Kerr spending months in Indonesia riding Twin Fins. A film by Matt Kleiner. All twins ridden: Twinsman 5'3" Tw...
Ari Browne - Cowabunga Cowboy Lesson 1
G'day (tips hat) The country critter, Ari Browne, is here to show you the ropes. Y'all will have 3 easy-to-follow lessons of the finless ...
DMShapes - The Almond Mid Length Twin
Almond 6’3 mid length twin in Canggu Bali サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Cosi Veloce from Deus Ex Machina FRANCE on Vimeo . Nous avons tous été dans cet état de stagnation pendant deux ans, bloqués sur place p...
ANDY 6'9 Arrowhead from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo . Andy riding his 6'9" Arrowhead. Film/Edit: @everydaysrad サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Joel Tudor, Justin Quintal, Tosh Tudor in Moon Station 2
Joel Tudor, Justin Quintal, Tosh Tudor in Moon Station 2 from BEOMJUN KIM on Vimeo . サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
5`2 deadkooks Riches TF at 湘南 film Eijiさん 中村光貴イン...
DMShapes - The Almond Board Review
The Almond, a tribute to the late 1960’s ‘tracker’ models. Great for long drawn out turns and high line trimming. It features a rolled v d...
Alex Knost Draws Daring Lines With A Custom Fin Setup
Surfboards don't come with a warranty, and Alex Knost is more than happy to tinker away. サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Mikey February grooving' along in his home country of South Africa, riding a stock sized CI Mid, with a 2 + 1 fin CI Mid fin set of 6.5" c...
Cosi Veloce from Deus Ex Machina FRANCE on Vimeo . Nous avons tous été dans cet état de stagnation pendant deux ans, bloqués sur place p...
5`2 deadkooks Riches TF at 辻堂 film Eijiさん 中村光貴イン...
Vissla is glad to welcome Jimmy Thompson to our family of creators and innovators. Hailing from South Carolina and recently making the pil...
surfboard deadkooks "YingYang" 長さ6`3 at 鵠沼海岸 film Eijiさん Koki Nakamuraインスタグラム https://www.ins...
Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはTHCのサマー・スケート 7'1"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。 THC ...
Get to know: Ronan Gibbs from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo . Ronan is a mega-stoked 18-year-old kid, and we're stoked on his surfing and t...
Tosh Tudor Hurricane Larry from Buck Cumbo on Vimeo . Tosh Tudor sitting on top of the world in outer banks chasing swell with the vans ...
Ellis Ericson Riding A Steve Lis Fish at Malibu
Bird lends Ellis his Steve Lis Fish that hasn't been ridden in 30+ years. Off the rafters and straight to Malibu. The raw footage from El...
Jimmy Surfs & Kookapinto Shapes Funboard Twins
6'5 Thinnest Twin, 7' Original Twin, 6' Standard Twin サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Deus Ex Machina - Rucksack Revolution
Deus Ex Machina - Rucksack Revolution from Deus ex Machina on Vimeo . Salsa and the Rucksack Revolution in Sumatra サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
Tosh Tudor Surfing and good times
Tosh Tudor surfing in Hawaii. Direct/film/edit by Hayden Garfield Follow on Instagram: @Haydengarfield_
Crumbs from around the shop and beyond with Ryan Burch Surfboards. Featuring: Ryan Burch, Eric Snortum, Bryce Young, Stephanie Gilmore, K...
Funboarding With Leah Dawson from The Seea on Vimeo . Leah's surf everything mindset, visually translated in Funboarding on film. A lan...
Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはジョシュア・ケオのモナド 5'11"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。 JOS...
”TORCH” Mid-Length Quad R.U shape MEDIUM THE BRAND
MEDIUM THE BRANDのシェイパーに、R.Uこと植田梨生が新加入!同時にR.UシェイプによるNEW MODEL、ミッドレングス・クアッドの「トーチ」が11/1にリリースされました! 【TORCH MID-LENGTH QUAD】 6'8"×20 1/4"×2 9/16...
Tappy x 市東重明が提案するミッドレングスFISH 片貝漁港の腰〜腹サイズの波でターン&クルーズを楽しみました。 Board: MAD FISH size: 7'0 shaper : yoshikawa "Tappy" rider: 市東重明 shigeaki s...
FIREWIRE Sunday Helium Series 7’0″
Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはファイヤーワイヤーのサンデー 7'0"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。 FI...
【TWIN PIN ミッドレングス 7'0"】優雅で美しい森園海斗の大人クルージング
自分らしいスタイルを追求する森園海斗のシリーズ「BE MYSELF」。 今回はTWIN PIN ミッドレングス 7'0"(ツイピン)で貸切ファンウェーブをクルージング。とても優雅で美しいライディングを是非ご覧ください!! ●出演ーーーーーーーーー 森園海斗(age25)...
Yuta Riding 9'4 Harrison Model 22'3/4 - 2'7/8 by Thomas Bexon Surfboard at Home. -Music- 「In your own way」 George Shearing / Niels-Henni...
1ミニッツ・インプレッション by Blue. / ELLIS ERICSON First Model 6'2"
Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはエリス・エリクソンのファーストモデル 6'2"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。 ...
No Straight Lines // Asher Pacey
RVCA Surf advocate Asher Pacey performs his version of a masterclass with his drawing of, you guessed it, No Straight Lines, in his latest...
SURF SHORTS CI Mid & CI Fish ft. Matt Bennett
Matt Bennett surfing on Channel Islands Surfboards at Raglan, New Zealand. 3-min short surf video. - Location - Raglan, New Zealand - Su...
That was one for the ages. By far the best contest we've ever covered. The swell actually showed up and the behind the scenes action was a...
CI 5'6 Twin Pin - Josiah Amico
Josiah Amico takes Mikey February and Britt Merrick's Twin Pin creation to the test at his favorite point. Dimensions: 5'6 x 19 1/4 x 2 3/...
ニューボードのシングルフィン練習 Surfboard deadkooks モデル HELLHOUND 6`7 オールドスクールなトラッカーを最新にしてみたのがこれ。 ヘルハウンドは、自ら...
Alkali x Koki Nakamura Ltd. Small Twin Fin
Collaboration with alkalifins . アルカリフィンとコラボレーションさせて頂きました!🇯🇵 10/2 (Sat) 発売しました! 2種類のツインフィンです。 この映像はSmall Twinfinの映像で 立ってるタイプの形のフィンです...
Funboarding With Leah Dawson from The Seea on Vimeo . Leah's surf everything mindset, visually translated in Funboarding on film. A lan...
A Bit Of Fun EP02: Colin Moran from Monster Children on Vimeo . Colin Moran ain’t leaving Orange County anytime soon. As he says, “I lov...
October hosts some of the best surf in California. Glassy waves coupled with JJ's wizardry on a longboard made for a magical evening at th...
Justin Adams Raw Surfing (Salt Creek)
Justin at his home break in California. He's always been a standout surfer riding little twin fin fish surfboards with a unique approach i...
A Bit of Fun EP03: Alex Knost & Warren Smith from Monster Children on Vimeo . We could rifle off a ton of cute celebrity duos like “Benn...
Joel Tudor and Tosh Tudor + ROB MACHADO and BONUS
Joel Tudor and Tosh Tudor + ROB MACHADO and BONUS MICK FANNING (at end) Joel Parkinson, Taylor Knox PLUS MORE. Leave a comment with a time...
Shaper and Surfer Alex Knost / @knostthankyou and Justin Adams sharing a nice session at this famous Mexican Pointbreak on August 2021. B...
Behind The Curtain - Mick Fanning Twin
Drawing from the revolutionary H4 fin project, we’ve worked with Mick Fanning to apply the state-of-the-art template and foil profiles to ...
Josh Sleep is a Fun Boy Surfing twin fish
] Josh Sleep or JS as he is known amongst friends is a stylish goofy footed local from the Byron Bay Area. His approach to life in and out o...
オンショア鵠沼海岸サマーセッション film Eijisan insta eichan_murata 中村光貴 Koki Nakamura insta https://www.ins...
AC Standard Mid 7'3 ride by Taiga Ito
【SHAPER】 YASU ARAI 【SURFER】 伊藤 大河(TAIGA ITO) 【FILM・EDIT】 MASASHI IZUMIKAWA STANDARD STORE 神奈川県藤沢市稲荷1-11-19 0466-84-1789 http://surfmark...
Justin Adams Finless on Thalia Surf Crafts Soft Boards
Justin Adams Finless on Thalia Surf Crafts Soft Boards from Thalia Surf Shop on Vimeo . Justin Adams takes a spin on Thalia Surf Crafts ...
RPM 5'5" with Tappy template twin fin
ミディアム ザ ブランド タッピーシェイプ "RPM" 4チャンネルツインザーフィッシュで伊良湖ファンウェーブを快速クルーズ 【RPM 4channel twinzer fish】 5'5"×20 3/8"×2 7/16" with Tappy template t...
WOODIN VOODOOCHILD 7'6" ride by Sai Yoshino
DRIFTER / Performance Twin Fish
チームライダー小林直海による、ZBURHサーフボードV-Seriesハイパフォーマンスツインフィッシュモデル「DRIFTER」のライディング動画が完成。 この動画は、1月末に小林直海の地元鎌倉のコシムネサイズコンディションで撮影。 思い通りのハイパフォーマンスサーフィンができ...
Introducing Miguel Sinclair from Bing Surfboards on Vimeo . Bing Surfboards would like to extend a warm welcome to Miguel Sinclair as a ...
Joel Tudor & Ryan Burch enjoying their 'spot'. サーフィンランキング にほんブログ村
【小林直海、 中村光貴、 河村サリア】Home Sweet Home
#小林直海 #中村光貴 #河村サリア セミの音が鳴り響き、夏真っ盛りの湘南に台風のうねりが入り久しぶりにパンプアップした湘南。湘南をベースにしているスタイルサーファー達のスーパーセッションをお届けします! 波が上がれば誰にも連絡しなくても、海に行けば仲間に会えてしまう...
This past few days, I had the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful days and friendly waves at home, tasting some new twinies with my dear f...
Sea excerpt from Little Black Wheels
Taken from upcoming film by Mick Waters. Featuring the Seamen from Byron Bay. Please visit & http://...