



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • I had lied a lot.

    いっぱい嘘をついちゃったッッothere's a popular restaurant inYokkaichi City. the entrance of the restaurant displays many different kinds of the dried fish and you can pick out any fish and the chef standing by at the counter will make it.四日市に、自

  • My body always discharg electricity♪

    いつも放電中 - ̗̀ ̖́-sometimes, im prone to getting shocked in the summer.ときどき、夏でも静電気がパチパチしちゃうoim at my favorite gelateria this time今日は、お気に入りのジェラ-ト屋さん★the service is great at that shopこのお店、めっちゃサ

  • That’s an unwelcome favor★

    ありがた迷惑before i go to sleep at night, i often feel (uneasy) a sense of panic that someone of my acquaintances might die.夜寝る前になると時々、誰かが死んじゃうじゃないかってゆう(不安??)恐怖心を感じるのねoi sleep with the light and tv left on at t

  • The moment of falling asleep★

    眠りに落ちる瞬間can you one be aware to the moment of the fallen asleep眠りに落ちた瞬間、気付くこと出来る??i ate this crepeクレ-プ食べたッッ★my mother threaten me saying, "you'll get diabetes if you keep eating all that sugar."お母さんが『そんな

  • Congrats to Argentina National Team for winning the FIFA World Cup‼

    アルゼンチン代表優勝おめでと∼∼∼i ate wrap sandwich from KFC this time今日は、ケンタッキ-のラップサンド食べたッッ♬hey today, i cannot keep from you how happy i am about this.ね-!! 今日は、この感激を言わずにはいられな~いo最高にスリリング??エキサ

  • I wonder if he dropped the pretense by accident??

    本音が出ちゃったのかな∼i got the fourth Omicron-Specific COVID-19 Vaccination(a new type of vaccine)4回目の(新しいタイプのワクチン)オミクロン株対応コロナワクチン接種したよ★today, can i talk first to you about it今日は、それについて話させて??my g

  • I found it★

    見∼っけtakikomi rice ball with chicken and burdock i I have wanted to eat最近ずっと食べたかった鶏ごぼうおにぎり♪i just came to kakiyasu main store in Mie Prefecture三重にある柿安本店に来ちゃったッッ★there is a lot of nice croquette too美味しそ

  • Remember the Nose hook★

    鼻フックを覚えたッッi think i've talked about this before, but my cat pippi is patting me on my face when im sleeping.前に、私が寝てるとニャンコのぴっぴが私の顔を優しくポンポンって触ってくるって話したと思うけどoit gradually escalatedだんだんエスカレ

  • I need brave people!!

    勇者を求むthere's a (cafe??) restaurant i wanted to check out. however i invited my friends, "let's go there together", but they do not want to go there.めっっちゃ気になる(カフェ??)レストランがあるんだけど、友達に一緒に行こうって誘っても誰も行きたがら

  • The ”Check out” Chapter★

    『下見』編while i just posted about Ghibli Park, i would like to write about the "check out" chapter for ghibli park.ジブリパ-クについて書いたついでに、『下見編』書くねosince i live somewhere about here, i was checking out the place for ghibli park b

  • This is in my top three of all time..

    ベスト3..or bottom 3それともワ-ストスリ-??first and foremost, i wanna talk about Ghibli Park today今日は、先にジブリパ-クのこと話させてッッ‼The Number One i felt was rip off at this point, Legoland sea life aquarium.今まででボッタくりだと感じた

  • So cute‼‼‼

    めちゃめちゃ可愛いi received tokyo DisneySea and Tokyo banana as a souvenir from Tokyo from my friend友達から、東京のお土産で、ディズニ-シ-と東京ばな奈もらったよ★i didn't know there was tokyo banana this cute now.今って、こんな可愛い東京ばな奈があ

  • Sennari from Ryouguchiya Korekiyo♬

    両口屋是清の千なりi bought that買って来たッッ★sennari is one of my grandmother favorite sweets千なりは、お婆ちゃんの好きなスイ-ツのひとつなの♪i went to my grandparent's house today.祖父母のお家に行って来たッッomy grandmother don't like it whe

  • Chicken and burdock onigiri from Kakiyasu♬

    柿安の鶏ごぼうおにぎりthis is a steamed pork bun from wan in kariya highway oasis park wan's buns are amazingly good刈谷オアシス内にあるウァンの豚まん★めっちゃ好き‼my mother loves that and ofthen bought it so i've come to like it more and more.お

  • Cats like brushing♪

    ニャンコはブラッシングが好きmy favorite convenience store sweets, smooth pudding parfait from ministop私はミニストップのなめらかプリンパフェが好き★my cats like to be brushed.ウチのニャンズはブラッシングされるのが大好きなのねoso i also tried groo

  • A pound of chicken★

    鶏肉1キロta-daど∼∼∼ん‼what i made is fried chicken of a pound作ったモノは、1キロの鶏の唐揚げ♪i went to AEON and bought extra-large helping of wing sticks because they were on saleイオンで手羽元のメガ盛りが売ってたから買って来たの♪i think

  • I was seeing human's bad points.

    人の嫌なところを見えちゃったotoday's lunch is KFC今日はケンタッキ-★the shop staff there is very gentleここの店員さん、めちゃくちゃ良い人なの♬they are giveing a friendly smile. i think that's because it's a job, too. but im feeling goodそれも仕

  • I finally came here‼

    とうとう来ちゃったッッッthat’s exactly the place where i have always wanted to go.ずっと、ずっと、ずっっっと来たいと思ってた場所ohere is uncharted area.地図にない村odon't worry, i won't do anything you don't like, so do not be scared of me.大丈

  • That's one of my essentials for summer★

    夏の必需品のひとつi don't use sunscreen at all because it is so sticky and greasyyyy.日焼け止めは、ベトベトして気持ち悪いからいっさい塗らないのねoparasol is a lifesaver日傘さまさま♪i bought ministop's halo halo shiro-kumaミニストップのハロハロ白

  • Teleportation‼

    瞬間移動i was always sucking on candies or eating gummy and chocolate or im fast asleep while im travelling for work or go out.車や公共交通機関で移動中はいつも飴やグミなどを食べてるか、ぐっすり眠ってるのねowhen i woke up,i think there was a candy in

  • I have not heard about it!

    聞いてないよぉ~when i was trying to make a reservations for the 4th doses of the COVID-19 vaccine,..4回目のコロナワクチン接種の予約をしよ-としたら..i have no choice but to pick either Omicron-adapted COVID-19 Vaccination of pfizer or Omicron-adapted

  • Cat punch★

    猫パンチhere is my favorite gelateriaお気に入りのジェラ-ト屋さん★im scared in the dangerous world.変な人が多くて怖いねoorange flavored gelato and milk flavorネ-ブルオレンジ味のジェラ-トと、ミルク味★chocolate flavor and soy milk flavoreチョコ

  • Nobunaga Oda by Takuya Kimura-san★

    木村拓哉さんの織田信長all that can be heard is the sound of birds小鳥の声しか聞こえな~い♪i wonder how old are the fans of SMAPスマップのファン層って何歳くらいなんやろ??my grandmother’friend is a fan of Takuya Kimura-san.ウチのおばあちゃんのお友

  • I made a long phone call with my friend♪

    朝まで電話i went to the seaに行って来たッッ★i bought or ate eat lots of different food at the marketsいろいろ食べたり買ったりしてきたよ♪it's the deep-fried horse mackerelsこれは、アジのフライ♬i have a very old friend. we belonged to the same

  • This is the best one I’ve ever eaten‼

    今まで食べた中で1番美味しいi ate delicious Hamburg steak today(to be more accurate, today is November 4th)今日(ってゆ-か、今日は11月4日なんだけど)、めちゃくちゃ美味しいハンバ-グ食べたの‼can i write about it in my blog of July7月の日記に、そのこと書




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