



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • I got one drink free★

    1ドリンク無料だったッッlucky meラッキ∼★i came to the food court again today今日もフ-ド・コ-トに来たッッ♪it's melon sodaメロンソ-ダ♪see ui made chicken karaage for dinner tonight夜は、鶏の唐揚げ作ったッッ♪

  • Tentative Reservation for get spayed.

    避妊手術を受ける仮予約ostray cat is getting spayed next month.野良ニャンコの避妊手術をする日が決まったよoi came to a food court this time今日は、フ-ド・コ-トに来たッッ★i ate this melon soda and takoyakiメロンソ-ダとたこ焼き食べた♬i captured t

  • My family will grow even larger.

    私の家族が増える..maybe,..かも!?i've decided not to keep the animals againも-二度と動物は飼わないって誓ったのに‼‼when i think about the time when my pets died, i can't think of owning another animals.死んだときのことを考えたり思い出したりすると

  • 行列が出来る人気のパン屋さん♪

    A popular bakery that can have people waiting in linebefore i go there,..そこに行く前に..i stopped by at a roadside station along the way and bought this and ate it道の駅に立ち寄ってこれ買って食べたッッ♬this frankfurter is popular, tooこのフラン

  • l feel like I am so odd person‼

    私、変な人みた∼∼∼いi was wearing a hat, sun glasses, a mask, a jacket, gloves and leggings. plus i was walking in that shopping district with my umbrella open.帽子を深くかぶって、サングラスをして、マスクをはめて、長袖のUVの上着を来て、手袋をして、レ

  • Some Things I Just Can't Throw Away★

    捨てるに捨てられないモノim sick of it~~も-嫌や∼∼‼i ordered takeaway in a Chinese restaurant.中華料理屋さんで、持ち帰りの注文したのねoi really hate staffs and chefs talk in chinese like crazy while cooking and don't wear a maskマスク無しで、中

  • Sometimes, I do not understand Japanese.

    ときどき日本語が分からな~いobtw, im purely japaneseちなみに、純粋の日本人★to add to what I was saying, さらに言うと、i don't get english at all.英語はもっと分からな~~いoi love Mini Stop's soft serve tooミニストップのアイスめっちゃ好きッッ★

  • Whole waiting for my mos burger★

    モスのハンバ-ガ-の出待ち★you have to wait for it to be made, but mos's food is prepared upon order so it is always fresh and hot出来上がりを待つことになるけど、モスは注文を受けてから調理してくれるから、いつも出来たてアツアツ♬because the wait is rea

  • Inosuke Hashibira!! That's it!!

    伊之助∼∼∼i saw inosuke i saw inosuke会っちゃった∼∼伊之助に会っちゃったッッ♪i ordered this chinese noodles at the ramen shop in the countryside,田舎のラ-メン屋さんで中華そばを注文したら、there was two sliced kamaboko in it which you can buy a

  • I thought my snail was dead!!

    カタツムリが死んじゃったのかと思ったッッthen, the snail was just sleeping into one's snail shell.そしたら、自分のお家の中で寝てるだけだったッッoi threw water at the snail and i I woke it up.めっっちゃ水をかけて起こしちゃったのoim sorry to wake you

  • The gelato portions were really huge★

    めちゃめちゃ大盛i went to my favorite gelateria this time今日は、大好きなジェラ-ト屋さんに行って来たッッ♪as i said, there were many flavours and the portions are really huge何度も紹介してるけど、フレ-バ-が沢山あって、めっちゃ大盛♪of course, all

  • Both of these are very attractive♪

    どっちも魅力的i ate this crepe this timeクレ-プ食べたよ♬there was something i forgot to write yesterday.昨日、書き忘れちゃったことがあるのoi went to the home improvement store to buy cat food and went to check out if they take of pet store anima

  • If I am wondering which one I should get,..

    どっちを買うか迷ってる時は、i'll get both of themふたつ買う♪i bought a strawberry shaved ice with soft ice cream at sugakiyaスガキヤでイチゴ氷買ってきたッッ★there are sometimes miserly staff at the shop inside a food court, rightたまに、お店の

  • Waiting for my chicken karaage♬

    鶏の唐揚げの出待ちthe chicken karaage here are delicious because they are made on-orderここの鶏の唐揚げは、注文を受けてから作ってくれるから美味しぃ♪so you can always eat fresh delicious karaage.いつも揚げたての美味しい唐揚げが食べることが出来るよo

  • They also love fruits♬

    果物も大好物i bought an apple for my snailカタツムリのために林檎買って来たッッ♪i heard they eat banana too, but it's sticky soon, so i don't recommend it, the country has very poor sanitation.バナナも食べるらしいけど、すぐにドロドロになっちゃうから

  • The very best photo★

    お気に入りの写真the deer in nara park奈良公園の鹿さん♪i want to feed all the deer and i was feeding them many times, i don’t know when to quit.み∼∼∼んなに餌をあげたくて、何度も餌をあげてたら、止め時が分からなくなっちゃ∼うoi love this picture

  • The nurse’s office of Umi♪

    ウミの保健室at one glance, im giving off an aura of listen to the worries of others, but i just talk one-sidedly about my worries hereいっけんすると、皆のお悩みを聞いてあげる雰囲気を漂わせてるけど、ここは私の悩みを一方的に話してるだけ∼∼♪there's t

  • A cute guest came to my house♬

    可愛い来客ッッッthere was a snail on the vegetable i bought at the fruit and veg shop.八百屋さんで買ったお野菜に、カタツムリがくっついて来てたothe snail is very small.めちゃくちゃ小っちゃいothe part of the house is about one millimeter. お家の部

  • I am deep cleaning the house★

    大掃除i'll start doing a little bit of the closing cleaning just like i always doいつものよ-に、少しづつ始めてく∼♪why does my cat, pippi knock everything off tables and shelves have something何でウチのニャンコ特にぴっぴは机や棚の全ての物を払い落し

  • With iced chocolate♪

    アイスココアとim about to have breakfast nowモ-ニングッッ★i ate at a place like thisこんな場所で食べたよ♬if i do go, it's once a year at most, but i was a little embarrassed that waitress remembered me.1年に1度行くか行かない程度なのに、覚えてて


    ヤギ髭をはやした猫my cat, pippi has a goateeウチのニャンコのぴっぴがヤギ髭はえてるのね♪i asked vet, "what causes this",..動物病院の先生に、何でか聞いたら..he said, "i don't know, too".分からないって言われたッッohowever, he continued and said

  • A super kind person♪

    ス-パ----優しい人ministop's smooth pudding parfait is essential to me both now and in the futureミニストップのなめらかプリンパフェは無くてはならないもの★deliciousめっちゃ美味しぃぃ‼there are so many kind people, but there are sometimes very kind

  • Get the coronavirus..

    コロナに感染するoit's my dentist..歯医者の先生が..i think he may have been infected with COVID.歯医者の先生がコロナに感染したかもoi had a call from my dentist, "the doctor is feeling under the weather, so dental office will be closed for about ten

  • Burping a cat♬

    ニャンコのゲップgaburi chicken is also good so it's hard to chooseがブリチキン。も捨てがたい‼hey, have you seen any cats liveね-、猫のゲップ見た事ある??i feel offended or bothered when i hear someone burp, but the cat's belch is so cute人間のゲ

  • A thin person who eats a lot★

    痩せの大食いi bought a barrel of KFC fried chicken today今日は、ケンタッキ-のバ-レル買っちゃったッッ♪this one has 8 piecesこれは、8ピ-ス入りッッ★btw, i wonder if there is really person who is thin but eats like a horse in the normal personとこ

  • It is fairy tale but the true story♬

    おとぎ話のよ-な本当の話しi might have told you before, but..前にも話したかも..??the story from when i was a child i will tell you from now is that you might think it is fairy tale but the true story.今から話す子供の頃の話しは、嘘のよ-な本当の話owh




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