



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • That is like bamboo shoot-centric dish tonight★

    今夜はタケノコづくしsteamed rice with bamboo shoots and seaweedタケノコとワカメの炊き込みご飯♪chinjaoro-su styleチンジャオロ-ス風♪i also made bamboo shoot sashimi and bamboo shoot tempura他にも、タケノコの頭の部分を使って、お刺身や天ぷらにした

  • Snail love to eat strawberries♬

    カタツムリは苺が大好きsnail ate a lot of strawberry yesterday.昨日、イチゴをめっっちゃ食べてたッッothe snail very rarely eat fruit naturally, so snail will never eat it for the rest of life.自然に苺を口にすることなんて殆どないから、残りの生涯、もう

  • Wisteria♬

    藤の花wisteria is in full bloom here藤の花が満開だよ★they are very beautiful綺麗だね∼♪see uit's pure white like a wedding dressウエディングドレスみたいな純白♪

  • I love this one too★

    これも好きッッッit's s’mores dipスモアディップ♪this is toasted marshmallows.これは、焼きマシュマロだよothe recipe is easy. spread some chocolates in the bottom of a baking dish. then arrange marshmallows on top. and then bake in the oven until m

  • Korean style s'more cookies★

    韓国風スモアクッキ-a new handmade baked sweets specialty shop called "mUah BAKE" has just opened in nagoya名古屋に、ムアベイクって言う手作りの焼き菓子専門店があるのね♬there is a popular oreo smore cookie here,ここには人気のスモアクッキ-があって、

  • Oh, gross‼‼

    ぎ~も~ぢ~わ~る~いぃぃぃfor some reason, there was an big snail on the asphalt parking lot.なぜか、コンクリ-トの駐車場に大きなカタツムリが居たのねoi looked at the snail shell carefully, there's a crack in the underside of the shell.カタツムリを手に取

  • Deep Fried Butter‼‼‼

    揚げバタ-finally, i made most DANGEROUS foodついに、もっとも危険な食べ物に手を出しちゃったッッッ‼that name is is none other than "deep fried butter"その名も揚げバタ---♪this deep fat fried butter recipe in us says to creative bite-size chunks fr

  • I want to hear the voice of the sky, and..♬

    空の声が聞きたくてthe sea was very cold early in the morning.早朝の海はめちゃめちゃ寒∼∼∼いothe ocean is blue and clear, shining beautifully because it reflects the color of the sky.海が青く透き通って輝いてるのは、空が青いからowhen the sky is ov

  • Moss phlox♬

    芝桜it comes to be this season this year too今年もまたこの季節が来たッッ♪i came here this year too今年もここに来たよ★i want to go to this handmaid swing (for children)(子供用の??)この手作りブランコに乗りたくて‼the reason why this is for chil

  • Summer day!!

    夏日today is still April 1st, but..まだ4月1日なのに‼there are a lot of things that i want to write, but..first, i'd like to talk about today's happenings.書きたいことがいっぱいあるんだけど、先に今日のこと書くねothe cherry blossoms were still beau

  • I'm feeling miserable.

    からいocherry blossoms are in bloom over hereこっちは桜が綺麗に咲いてるよ♪see u

  • My favorite place★

    お気に入りの場所i came here todayここに来たッッ♬i love the scenery(the industrial zone of Yokkaichi) i see from hereここから見る四日市の工場地帯の風景が大好きなの♪it's a great view眺めいいでしょ~★i fell in love at first sight when i saw the

  • I will go back to my parent’s home!!

    実家に帰らせて頂きます2022-12-31 16:00:25today's blog is updated in real time今日は、リアルタイムで更新★this morning, i went to the jyuwari-soba restaurant opens in the early morning今朝は、早朝から営業してる十割蕎麦のお蕎麦屋さんに行って来たッッ

  • Living together indefinitely♬

    無期限の同居生活the cat had surgery to be neutered and then she got my stitches removed too.ノラにゃんこの避妊手術と、そのあとの抜糸も終わったよoshe is receiving treatment for ear infection now.今は、耳の感染症の治療中oeverybody is so tense becaus

  • Deep fried oreos★

    フライドオレオi cooked it following this recipeこのレシピを参照★ feel this taste has something missing, so i coated it with granulated sugar after i deep fried, it tasted good何か物足りない感じがしたから、揚げた

  • I'm addicted to TikTok‼

    ティックトック中毒i can never get tired of looking at tik tokずっっっっっと見てられる♪tik tok videos of pet animals are so cute and funny. they are such mind soothersペット系の動画って、めっちゃ可愛くて思わず笑っちゃうo癒される∼♬and then, i rea

  • I received a travel gift from my friend♬

    お土産もらったッッi want to go somewhere in Japan, too私も、どっか旅行に行きた∼∼∼い‼i've been to hokkaido, miyagi, tokyo, chiba, shizuoka, nagano, toyama, gifu, aichi, ishikawa, fukui, shiga, mie, kyoto, nara, osaka, hyougo, okayama, kagawa, toku

  • Daifuku these days♬

    今どきの大福there are many kinds and you can enjoy various tastes of them now.今って、めちゃくちゃ色んな味が楽しめるよねoi bought chocolate banana flavor, melon flavor, pudding flavor, raw chocolate flavor and mugwort flavor買ったのは、チョコバナナ

  • I need more time every day‼

    毎日、時間が足らないi have a lot on my plate every day because i can't leave it to anyone else.自分以外の人に任せることが出来なくて、自分で自分の仕事を増やしてるのoso i want one more me自分がもう一人欲しいぃぃ‼i bought some donuts from misterdonu

  • I got blown away!!

    風に飛ばされたッッッwhat are the odds of thatそんなことってある??my blog entries are out of sequence, but..ブログの記事の順番がバラバラだけど、i was waiting for the bus at the bus stop on the day the first gale of spring has blown.春一番が吹いた

  • Cut it out‼

    やめて∼snail was pretending to be dead again, so i thought it was deadまたカタツムリが動かないから、死んじゃったのかと思ったッッッ‼so i threw a lot of water at the snail, the snail stick the head out of the snail shell.それで、水をいっぱいかけたら

  • Hey, look look!!

    見て見てッッi did a good job today with my gyoza hamburg steak餃子ハンバ-グが上手く焼けたッッ‼it cooked really well, so i wanted to showing off美味しそ-に出来たから、自慢したくなっちゃったッッッ★even if there is no gyoza skin, it will taste good

  • My small dream is..

    私の小さな夢..there's one image in my life that consistently makes me happy no matter when i think about it.想像するだけで幸せになれるイメ-ジがあるのねoi grow herbs on the bay window in my kitchen and i enjoy cook using herbs when i cookキッチンの出

  • You can’t see what’ insaid the crepe.

    クレ-プに何が入ってるか見えへんねoi can only see the skin of a crepe.ただのクレ-プの皮にしか見えないothe picture in the menu was so cute.メニュ-の写真はめちゃ可愛かったんだよoit isn't cute.可愛くな~~~いosee ui tried putting boiled quail eggs

  • I got one drink free★

    1ドリンク無料だったッッlucky meラッキ∼★i came to the food court again today今日もフ-ド・コ-トに来たッッ♪it's melon sodaメロンソ-ダ♪see ui made chicken karaage for dinner tonight夜は、鶏の唐揚げ作ったッッ♪

  • Tentative Reservation for get spayed.

    避妊手術を受ける仮予約ostray cat is getting spayed next month.野良ニャンコの避妊手術をする日が決まったよoi came to a food court this time今日は、フ-ド・コ-トに来たッッ★i ate this melon soda and takoyakiメロンソ-ダとたこ焼き食べた♬i captured t

  • My family will grow even larger.

    私の家族が増える..maybe,..かも!?i've decided not to keep the animals againも-二度と動物は飼わないって誓ったのに‼‼when i think about the time when my pets died, i can't think of owning another animals.死んだときのことを考えたり思い出したりすると

  • 行列が出来る人気のパン屋さん♪

    A popular bakery that can have people waiting in linebefore i go there,..そこに行く前に..i stopped by at a roadside station along the way and bought this and ate it道の駅に立ち寄ってこれ買って食べたッッ♬this frankfurter is popular, tooこのフラン

  • l feel like I am so odd person‼

    私、変な人みた∼∼∼いi was wearing a hat, sun glasses, a mask, a jacket, gloves and leggings. plus i was walking in that shopping district with my umbrella open.帽子を深くかぶって、サングラスをして、マスクをはめて、長袖のUVの上着を来て、手袋をして、レ

  • Some Things I Just Can't Throw Away★

    捨てるに捨てられないモノim sick of it~~も-嫌や∼∼‼i ordered takeaway in a Chinese restaurant.中華料理屋さんで、持ち帰りの注文したのねoi really hate staffs and chefs talk in chinese like crazy while cooking and don't wear a maskマスク無しで、中

  • Sometimes, I do not understand Japanese.

    ときどき日本語が分からな~いobtw, im purely japaneseちなみに、純粋の日本人★to add to what I was saying, さらに言うと、i don't get english at all.英語はもっと分からな~~いoi love Mini Stop's soft serve tooミニストップのアイスめっちゃ好きッッ★

  • Whole waiting for my mos burger★

    モスのハンバ-ガ-の出待ち★you have to wait for it to be made, but mos's food is prepared upon order so it is always fresh and hot出来上がりを待つことになるけど、モスは注文を受けてから調理してくれるから、いつも出来たてアツアツ♬because the wait is rea

  • Inosuke Hashibira!! That's it!!

    伊之助∼∼∼i saw inosuke i saw inosuke会っちゃった∼∼伊之助に会っちゃったッッ♪i ordered this chinese noodles at the ramen shop in the countryside,田舎のラ-メン屋さんで中華そばを注文したら、there was two sliced kamaboko in it which you can buy a

  • I thought my snail was dead!!

    カタツムリが死んじゃったのかと思ったッッthen, the snail was just sleeping into one's snail shell.そしたら、自分のお家の中で寝てるだけだったッッoi threw water at the snail and i I woke it up.めっっちゃ水をかけて起こしちゃったのoim sorry to wake you

  • The gelato portions were really huge★

    めちゃめちゃ大盛i went to my favorite gelateria this time今日は、大好きなジェラ-ト屋さんに行って来たッッ♪as i said, there were many flavours and the portions are really huge何度も紹介してるけど、フレ-バ-が沢山あって、めっちゃ大盛♪of course, all

  • Both of these are very attractive♪

    どっちも魅力的i ate this crepe this timeクレ-プ食べたよ♬there was something i forgot to write yesterday.昨日、書き忘れちゃったことがあるのoi went to the home improvement store to buy cat food and went to check out if they take of pet store anima

  • If I am wondering which one I should get,..

    どっちを買うか迷ってる時は、i'll get both of themふたつ買う♪i bought a strawberry shaved ice with soft ice cream at sugakiyaスガキヤでイチゴ氷買ってきたッッ★there are sometimes miserly staff at the shop inside a food court, rightたまに、お店の

  • Waiting for my chicken karaage♬

    鶏の唐揚げの出待ちthe chicken karaage here are delicious because they are made on-orderここの鶏の唐揚げは、注文を受けてから作ってくれるから美味しぃ♪so you can always eat fresh delicious karaage.いつも揚げたての美味しい唐揚げが食べることが出来るよo

  • They also love fruits♬

    果物も大好物i bought an apple for my snailカタツムリのために林檎買って来たッッ♪i heard they eat banana too, but it's sticky soon, so i don't recommend it, the country has very poor sanitation.バナナも食べるらしいけど、すぐにドロドロになっちゃうから

  • The very best photo★

    お気に入りの写真the deer in nara park奈良公園の鹿さん♪i want to feed all the deer and i was feeding them many times, i don’t know when to quit.み∼∼∼んなに餌をあげたくて、何度も餌をあげてたら、止め時が分からなくなっちゃ∼うoi love this picture

  • The nurse’s office of Umi♪

    ウミの保健室at one glance, im giving off an aura of listen to the worries of others, but i just talk one-sidedly about my worries hereいっけんすると、皆のお悩みを聞いてあげる雰囲気を漂わせてるけど、ここは私の悩みを一方的に話してるだけ∼∼♪there's t

  • A cute guest came to my house♬

    可愛い来客ッッッthere was a snail on the vegetable i bought at the fruit and veg shop.八百屋さんで買ったお野菜に、カタツムリがくっついて来てたothe snail is very small.めちゃくちゃ小っちゃいothe part of the house is about one millimeter. お家の部

  • I am deep cleaning the house★

    大掃除i'll start doing a little bit of the closing cleaning just like i always doいつものよ-に、少しづつ始めてく∼♪why does my cat, pippi knock everything off tables and shelves have something何でウチのニャンコ特にぴっぴは机や棚の全ての物を払い落し

  • With iced chocolate♪

    アイスココアとim about to have breakfast nowモ-ニングッッ★i ate at a place like thisこんな場所で食べたよ♬if i do go, it's once a year at most, but i was a little embarrassed that waitress remembered me.1年に1度行くか行かない程度なのに、覚えてて


    ヤギ髭をはやした猫my cat, pippi has a goateeウチのニャンコのぴっぴがヤギ髭はえてるのね♪i asked vet, "what causes this",..動物病院の先生に、何でか聞いたら..he said, "i don't know, too".分からないって言われたッッohowever, he continued and said

  • A super kind person♪

    ス-パ----優しい人ministop's smooth pudding parfait is essential to me both now and in the futureミニストップのなめらかプリンパフェは無くてはならないもの★deliciousめっちゃ美味しぃぃ‼there are so many kind people, but there are sometimes very kind

  • Get the coronavirus..

    コロナに感染するoit's my dentist..歯医者の先生が..i think he may have been infected with COVID.歯医者の先生がコロナに感染したかもoi had a call from my dentist, "the doctor is feeling under the weather, so dental office will be closed for about ten

  • Burping a cat♬

    ニャンコのゲップgaburi chicken is also good so it's hard to chooseがブリチキン。も捨てがたい‼hey, have you seen any cats liveね-、猫のゲップ見た事ある??i feel offended or bothered when i hear someone burp, but the cat's belch is so cute人間のゲ

  • A thin person who eats a lot★

    痩せの大食いi bought a barrel of KFC fried chicken today今日は、ケンタッキ-のバ-レル買っちゃったッッ♪this one has 8 piecesこれは、8ピ-ス入りッッ★btw, i wonder if there is really person who is thin but eats like a horse in the normal personとこ

  • It is fairy tale but the true story♬

    おとぎ話のよ-な本当の話しi might have told you before, but..前にも話したかも..??the story from when i was a child i will tell you from now is that you might think it is fairy tale but the true story.今から話す子供の頃の話しは、嘘のよ-な本当の話owh

  • I had lied a lot.

    いっぱい嘘をついちゃったッッothere's a popular restaurant inYokkaichi City. the entrance of the restaurant displays many different kinds of the dried fish and you can pick out any fish and the chef standing by at the counter will make it.四日市に、自

  • My body always discharg electricity♪

    いつも放電中 - ̗̀ ̖́-sometimes, im prone to getting shocked in the summer.ときどき、夏でも静電気がパチパチしちゃうoim at my favorite gelateria this time今日は、お気に入りのジェラ-ト屋さん★the service is great at that shopこのお店、めっちゃサ

  • That’s an unwelcome favor★

    ありがた迷惑before i go to sleep at night, i often feel (uneasy) a sense of panic that someone of my acquaintances might die.夜寝る前になると時々、誰かが死んじゃうじゃないかってゆう(不安??)恐怖心を感じるのねoi sleep with the light and tv left on at t

  • The moment of falling asleep★

    眠りに落ちる瞬間can you one be aware to the moment of the fallen asleep眠りに落ちた瞬間、気付くこと出来る??i ate this crepeクレ-プ食べたッッ★my mother threaten me saying, "you'll get diabetes if you keep eating all that sugar."お母さんが『そんな

  • Congrats to Argentina National Team for winning the FIFA World Cup‼

    アルゼンチン代表優勝おめでと∼∼∼i ate wrap sandwich from KFC this time今日は、ケンタッキ-のラップサンド食べたッッ♬hey today, i cannot keep from you how happy i am about this.ね-!! 今日は、この感激を言わずにはいられな~いo最高にスリリング??エキサ

  • I wonder if he dropped the pretense by accident??

    本音が出ちゃったのかな∼i got the fourth Omicron-Specific COVID-19 Vaccination(a new type of vaccine)4回目の(新しいタイプのワクチン)オミクロン株対応コロナワクチン接種したよ★today, can i talk first to you about it今日は、それについて話させて??my g

  • I found it★

    見∼っけtakikomi rice ball with chicken and burdock i I have wanted to eat最近ずっと食べたかった鶏ごぼうおにぎり♪i just came to kakiyasu main store in Mie Prefecture三重にある柿安本店に来ちゃったッッ★there is a lot of nice croquette too美味しそ

  • Remember the Nose hook★

    鼻フックを覚えたッッi think i've talked about this before, but my cat pippi is patting me on my face when im sleeping.前に、私が寝てるとニャンコのぴっぴが私の顔を優しくポンポンって触ってくるって話したと思うけどoit gradually escalatedだんだんエスカレ

  • I need brave people!!

    勇者を求むthere's a (cafe??) restaurant i wanted to check out. however i invited my friends, "let's go there together", but they do not want to go there.めっっちゃ気になる(カフェ??)レストランがあるんだけど、友達に一緒に行こうって誘っても誰も行きたがら

  • The ”Check out” Chapter★

    『下見』編while i just posted about Ghibli Park, i would like to write about the "check out" chapter for ghibli park.ジブリパ-クについて書いたついでに、『下見編』書くねosince i live somewhere about here, i was checking out the place for ghibli park b

  • This is in my top three of all time..

    ベスト3..or bottom 3それともワ-ストスリ-??first and foremost, i wanna talk about Ghibli Park today今日は、先にジブリパ-クのこと話させてッッ‼The Number One i felt was rip off at this point, Legoland sea life aquarium.今まででボッタくりだと感じた

  • So cute‼‼‼

    めちゃめちゃ可愛いi received tokyo DisneySea and Tokyo banana as a souvenir from Tokyo from my friend友達から、東京のお土産で、ディズニ-シ-と東京ばな奈もらったよ★i didn't know there was tokyo banana this cute now.今って、こんな可愛い東京ばな奈があ

  • Sennari from Ryouguchiya Korekiyo♬

    両口屋是清の千なりi bought that買って来たッッ★sennari is one of my grandmother favorite sweets千なりは、お婆ちゃんの好きなスイ-ツのひとつなの♪i went to my grandparent's house today.祖父母のお家に行って来たッッomy grandmother don't like it whe

  • Chicken and burdock onigiri from Kakiyasu♬

    柿安の鶏ごぼうおにぎりthis is a steamed pork bun from wan in kariya highway oasis park wan's buns are amazingly good刈谷オアシス内にあるウァンの豚まん★めっちゃ好き‼my mother loves that and ofthen bought it so i've come to like it more and more.お

  • Cats like brushing♪

    ニャンコはブラッシングが好きmy favorite convenience store sweets, smooth pudding parfait from ministop私はミニストップのなめらかプリンパフェが好き★my cats like to be brushed.ウチのニャンズはブラッシングされるのが大好きなのねoso i also tried groo

  • A pound of chicken★

    鶏肉1キロta-daど∼∼∼ん‼what i made is fried chicken of a pound作ったモノは、1キロの鶏の唐揚げ♪i went to AEON and bought extra-large helping of wing sticks because they were on saleイオンで手羽元のメガ盛りが売ってたから買って来たの♪i think

  • I was seeing human's bad points.

    人の嫌なところを見えちゃったotoday's lunch is KFC今日はケンタッキ-★the shop staff there is very gentleここの店員さん、めちゃくちゃ良い人なの♬they are giveing a friendly smile. i think that's because it's a job, too. but im feeling goodそれも仕

  • I finally came here‼

    とうとう来ちゃったッッッthat’s exactly the place where i have always wanted to go.ずっと、ずっと、ずっっっと来たいと思ってた場所ohere is uncharted area.地図にない村odon't worry, i won't do anything you don't like, so do not be scared of me.大丈

  • That's one of my essentials for summer★

    夏の必需品のひとつi don't use sunscreen at all because it is so sticky and greasyyyy.日焼け止めは、ベトベトして気持ち悪いからいっさい塗らないのねoparasol is a lifesaver日傘さまさま♪i bought ministop's halo halo shiro-kumaミニストップのハロハロ白

  • Teleportation‼

    瞬間移動i was always sucking on candies or eating gummy and chocolate or im fast asleep while im travelling for work or go out.車や公共交通機関で移動中はいつも飴やグミなどを食べてるか、ぐっすり眠ってるのねowhen i woke up,i think there was a candy in

  • I have not heard about it!

    聞いてないよぉ~when i was trying to make a reservations for the 4th doses of the COVID-19 vaccine,..4回目のコロナワクチン接種の予約をしよ-としたら..i have no choice but to pick either Omicron-adapted COVID-19 Vaccination of pfizer or Omicron-adapted

  • Cat punch★

    猫パンチhere is my favorite gelateriaお気に入りのジェラ-ト屋さん★im scared in the dangerous world.変な人が多くて怖いねoorange flavored gelato and milk flavorネ-ブルオレンジ味のジェラ-トと、ミルク味★chocolate flavor and soy milk flavoreチョコ

  • Nobunaga Oda by Takuya Kimura-san★

    木村拓哉さんの織田信長all that can be heard is the sound of birds小鳥の声しか聞こえな~い♪i wonder how old are the fans of SMAPスマップのファン層って何歳くらいなんやろ??my grandmother’friend is a fan of Takuya Kimura-san.ウチのおばあちゃんのお友

  • I made a long phone call with my friend♪

    朝まで電話i went to the seaに行って来たッッ★i bought or ate eat lots of different food at the marketsいろいろ食べたり買ったりしてきたよ♪it's the deep-fried horse mackerelsこれは、アジのフライ♬i have a very old friend. we belonged to the same

  • This is the best one I’ve ever eaten‼

    今まで食べた中で1番美味しいi ate delicious Hamburg steak today(to be more accurate, today is November 4th)今日(ってゆ-か、今日は11月4日なんだけど)、めちゃくちゃ美味しいハンバ-グ食べたの‼can i write about it in my blog of July7月の日記に、そのこと書

  • The refrigerator is full of shaved ice from sugakiya★

    冷凍庫の中にはスガキヤのかき氷がいっぱいi bought some shaved ice to go at sugakiya to eat at home when it becomes summer and then i'll put them in the fridge夏になると、お家で食べるために、スガキヤでお持ち帰り用でかき氷を8個くらい買って、冷凍庫に入れて

  • I can't help but talk‼

    黙っていられな∼∼∼いit's November 2nd today, but im writing about what happened summer because i was slacking off from write my diary.今日、11月頭なんだけど、日記を書くのをサボってて夏の出来事を書いてるのねohowever, im very happy and i've got somet

  • Kappa-zushi is supposed to be good these days!

    最近かっぱがうまいらしいi went for a walk in that park today今日は、公園にお散歩に行って来たッッ★i was going to eat lunch at the restaurant in the park, but i got here too early, so i was taking a walk in the park.公園内のレストランでご飯を食べよ-

  • Handmade by my friend★

    友達の手作りi think it must be hard to take care of a child.ママになるって大変そうohowever, it also brings with it overwhelming joy.でも、喜びもいっぱいあるよねomy friend made mask for a three-year old child.友達が、3歳になる子供のために手作りマ

  • It is the 100% fresh melon juice★

    そのままメロンジュ-スthis juice tastes refreshingめっちゃ爽やかな味∼★or it is also known as blandまたは、味がうっすいとも言う♪see ui made Ketchup-based spaghetti for dinner tongiht夜ご飯は、ナポリタン作ったッッ♬

  • I thought you were my best friend.

    親友だと思ってたのにoi bought crepe this timeクレ-プ買って来たよ★have you ever been trapped and fooled by the people (you thought were your friends)(友達だと思ってた)人にハメられたことある??have you ever tricked someoneハメたことは??i was once

  • Someone is there.

    変な人が居るothis is a chicken fillet burger from KFCこれは、ケンタッキ-のチキンフィレバ-ガ-♬see uim making a lot of Japanese omeletteだし巻き玉子めっちゃ作ってるトコ♪kind of the fillings are plain, imitation crab and roasted seaweed.具の種

  • The waitress put the bill next to me★

    私の方を向いてるッッッi and my friend decided that the person who pays by the direction of the billトモダチと、お会計の伝票の向きで払う人を決めてたの♪waitresses put the bill in front of the man when there is a man and a woman at the table.男性とだ

  • Here come...♬

    来た∼∼∼ッッHere Come the Antsありんこ来た∼∼∼‼‼btw, this is the cat food.これは、因みにキャットフ-ドだよoi want to wait until some ants walk in a line, but..アリの行列が出来るまで待ってたいのにぃぃ grandmather told me to come home be

  • My cats shed a lot of hair‼

    ニャンコ達の毛がめっちゃ抜けるthe cats have been shedding fur all over my body when i wake up in the morning.朝起きると、体中猫の毛だらけoi think first and foremost, i want to get it on my face off with a lint roller.まず何より、顔をコロコロでコロ

  • Oreo ice candy★

    オレオ・アイス・キャンディi tried making it by memoryイメ-ジだけで、これを作って見たッッッ♪i just put iced milk in one pack oreo(about contains 7 piecese)オレオ1袋(7枚入り)に牛乳をいれただけ∼∼♬actually, the recipe says to crash the oreos in th

  • I have butterflies in my stomach..

    ドキドキ not doing anything wrong, but i feel nervous when i seen the police officer. why is my heart so racing every time何も悪いことをしてないのに、警察官やパトカ-を見るたびにドキドキしちゃうのは何でやろ??before, i don't really know why, but i

  • I'm in the middle of making fresh caramel★

    生キャラメル制作中i've been trying it several times but i can't make it well.今まで一度も成功したことがな∼いoit hasn't set properly an d is too soft or it becames hard.上手く固まらず柔らかすぎたり、固くなりすぎたりしちゃうohowever, it's not quite

  • kishimen noodles★

    きしめんi ate at the outdoor tableテラス席で食べたッッ♬i love the kishimen here i didn't think kishimen would be that delicious until i tried it thereここのきしめん大好き♪ ここのきしめんを食べるまでは、きしめんがこんなに美味しいとは思わなかったッ

  • A ruthless battle between women♬

    女同士の壮絶バトルi went to my parent's house and my grandparent's house today実家と祖父母のお家に行って来たッッ♪neighbor relationship sometimes is placed much greater emphasis in the contryside, so i bought this crepe at the crepe shop near my gran

  • Sister-in-law★

    小姑i went to the pet store in the home depot for cheak if they take care of their animals動物達のケアがされてるかどうか確認するために、ホ-ムセンタ-のペットショップに行ってきたよ‼water dispensers for pets are full of water, too and on a scale from 1

  • We sort of stands out‼

    浮いちゃってるwhen i sit on a seat at the restaurants and cafes, i may have to sit across from each other because i have no choice, but i always sit next to my close friends.飲食店とかで座る時、仕方なく対面で座ることもあるけど、仲の良い友達だといつも隣

  • I did something terrible to caterpillar.

    可哀想なことをしちゃったoi love sweets so much, i could live on nothing but sweetss for the rest of my life一生、スイ-ツだけ食べて生きていけるッッ★i've liked sweets ever since i was a child. keep eating all those sweets, and i was suffering from mal

  • Share a table‼

    相席"Is it okay if I sit here" can you ask that to people at the food courts or restaurantsフ-ド・コ-トや飲食店で、『相席いいですか??』って聞ける??i always wait until a table becomes available.私はいつも席が空くまで待つのねoperson from Nagoya will

  • It has to be this!!

    こうじゃなきゃッッta-da a helping of whipped creamホイップど∼∼∼ん★it's a whipped bonbon from gouterグッテ!のホイップボンボン♬the amount of whipped cream was pretty disappointing the other day, so i was writing badly about shop in my blog. im

  • Magical powers★

    不思議な能力when i go to a country where the air is clear im surprised that water is beautiful.空気の澄んだ田舎に行くと、水の綺麗さに驚いちゃうothe irrigation canal is also clear.用水路まで透き通ってるoi bought takoyaki and ramen at the food stall

  • Bell of Happiness★

    幸せの鐘i will become happy..幸せになっちゃうらしぃぃ♪♪♪because it says, "if you ring this bell and you will be happy"だって-、この鐘を鳴らすと幸せになるって書いてあるんだもん♬there are too many things like this, rightこ-ゆ-のって何処にでもあ

  • He is disqualified as a top of the manager.

    店長失格ですoi ate this fresh seafood rice bowl at a restaurant attached to a fishmonger this time今日は、お魚屋さんが一緒になってるレストランで海鮮丼食べたよ★i changed this sushi with boiled shrimpトモダチのお寿司もらっちゃった(取った??)から、この

  • I'm worried about it‼

    いつも悩んじゃうif i said i'll pay for the check in the guys ten years older than me. did that come across as rude10歳年上の男性に、お会計のときに私がおごりますって言ったら失礼かな??he always is his treat, so i wanted to pay it because i feel so sorr

  • Sumicco-Gurashi♬

    すみっコぐらしi found sumicco-gurashi characters shaped fish cake at the supermarketス-パ-で、すみっコぐらしのキャラクタ-のカマボコ見つけたッッ★however, it looking good, but it doesn't taste good.でも-、見た目可愛いけど..美味しくな∼∼いoi like w



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