



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • The refrigerator is full of shaved ice from sugakiya★

    冷凍庫の中にはスガキヤのかき氷がいっぱいi bought some shaved ice to go at sugakiya to eat at home when it becomes summer and then i'll put them in the fridge夏になると、お家で食べるために、スガキヤでお持ち帰り用でかき氷を8個くらい買って、冷凍庫に入れて

  • I can't help but talk‼

    黙っていられな∼∼∼いit's November 2nd today, but im writing about what happened summer because i was slacking off from write my diary.今日、11月頭なんだけど、日記を書くのをサボってて夏の出来事を書いてるのねohowever, im very happy and i've got somet

  • Kappa-zushi is supposed to be good these days!

    最近かっぱがうまいらしいi went for a walk in that park today今日は、公園にお散歩に行って来たッッ★i was going to eat lunch at the restaurant in the park, but i got here too early, so i was taking a walk in the park.公園内のレストランでご飯を食べよ-

  • Handmade by my friend★

    友達の手作りi think it must be hard to take care of a child.ママになるって大変そうohowever, it also brings with it overwhelming joy.でも、喜びもいっぱいあるよねomy friend made mask for a three-year old child.友達が、3歳になる子供のために手作りマ

  • It is the 100% fresh melon juice★

    そのままメロンジュ-スthis juice tastes refreshingめっちゃ爽やかな味∼★or it is also known as blandまたは、味がうっすいとも言う♪see ui made Ketchup-based spaghetti for dinner tongiht夜ご飯は、ナポリタン作ったッッ♬

  • I thought you were my best friend.

    親友だと思ってたのにoi bought crepe this timeクレ-プ買って来たよ★have you ever been trapped and fooled by the people (you thought were your friends)(友達だと思ってた)人にハメられたことある??have you ever tricked someoneハメたことは??i was once

  • Someone is there.

    変な人が居るothis is a chicken fillet burger from KFCこれは、ケンタッキ-のチキンフィレバ-ガ-♬see uim making a lot of Japanese omeletteだし巻き玉子めっちゃ作ってるトコ♪kind of the fillings are plain, imitation crab and roasted seaweed.具の種

  • The waitress put the bill next to me★

    私の方を向いてるッッッi and my friend decided that the person who pays by the direction of the billトモダチと、お会計の伝票の向きで払う人を決めてたの♪waitresses put the bill in front of the man when there is a man and a woman at the table.男性とだ

  • Here come...♬

    来た∼∼∼ッッHere Come the Antsありんこ来た∼∼∼‼‼btw, this is the cat food.これは、因みにキャットフ-ドだよoi want to wait until some ants walk in a line, but..アリの行列が出来るまで待ってたいのにぃぃ grandmather told me to come home be

  • My cats shed a lot of hair‼

    ニャンコ達の毛がめっちゃ抜けるthe cats have been shedding fur all over my body when i wake up in the morning.朝起きると、体中猫の毛だらけoi think first and foremost, i want to get it on my face off with a lint roller.まず何より、顔をコロコロでコロ

  • Oreo ice candy★

    オレオ・アイス・キャンディi tried making it by memoryイメ-ジだけで、これを作って見たッッッ♪i just put iced milk in one pack oreo(about contains 7 piecese)オレオ1袋(7枚入り)に牛乳をいれただけ∼∼♬actually, the recipe says to crash the oreos in th

  • I have butterflies in my stomach..

    ドキドキ not doing anything wrong, but i feel nervous when i seen the police officer. why is my heart so racing every time何も悪いことをしてないのに、警察官やパトカ-を見るたびにドキドキしちゃうのは何でやろ??before, i don't really know why, but i

  • I'm in the middle of making fresh caramel★

    生キャラメル制作中i've been trying it several times but i can't make it well.今まで一度も成功したことがな∼いoit hasn't set properly an d is too soft or it becames hard.上手く固まらず柔らかすぎたり、固くなりすぎたりしちゃうohowever, it's not quite

  • kishimen noodles★

    きしめんi ate at the outdoor tableテラス席で食べたッッ♬i love the kishimen here i didn't think kishimen would be that delicious until i tried it thereここのきしめん大好き♪ ここのきしめんを食べるまでは、きしめんがこんなに美味しいとは思わなかったッ

  • A ruthless battle between women♬

    女同士の壮絶バトルi went to my parent's house and my grandparent's house today実家と祖父母のお家に行って来たッッ♪neighbor relationship sometimes is placed much greater emphasis in the contryside, so i bought this crepe at the crepe shop near my gran

  • Sister-in-law★

    小姑i went to the pet store in the home depot for cheak if they take care of their animals動物達のケアがされてるかどうか確認するために、ホ-ムセンタ-のペットショップに行ってきたよ‼water dispensers for pets are full of water, too and on a scale from 1

  • We sort of stands out‼

    浮いちゃってるwhen i sit on a seat at the restaurants and cafes, i may have to sit across from each other because i have no choice, but i always sit next to my close friends.飲食店とかで座る時、仕方なく対面で座ることもあるけど、仲の良い友達だといつも隣

  • I did something terrible to caterpillar.

    可哀想なことをしちゃったoi love sweets so much, i could live on nothing but sweetss for the rest of my life一生、スイ-ツだけ食べて生きていけるッッ★i've liked sweets ever since i was a child. keep eating all those sweets, and i was suffering from mal

  • Share a table‼

    相席"Is it okay if I sit here" can you ask that to people at the food courts or restaurantsフ-ド・コ-トや飲食店で、『相席いいですか??』って聞ける??i always wait until a table becomes available.私はいつも席が空くまで待つのねoperson from Nagoya will

  • It has to be this!!

    こうじゃなきゃッッta-da a helping of whipped creamホイップど∼∼∼ん★it's a whipped bonbon from gouterグッテ!のホイップボンボン♬the amount of whipped cream was pretty disappointing the other day, so i was writing badly about shop in my blog. im

  • Magical powers★

    不思議な能力when i go to a country where the air is clear im surprised that water is beautiful.空気の澄んだ田舎に行くと、水の綺麗さに驚いちゃうothe irrigation canal is also clear.用水路まで透き通ってるoi bought takoyaki and ramen at the food stall

  • Bell of Happiness★

    幸せの鐘i will become happy..幸せになっちゃうらしぃぃ♪♪♪because it says, "if you ring this bell and you will be happy"だって-、この鐘を鳴らすと幸せになるって書いてあるんだもん♬there are too many things like this, rightこ-ゆ-のって何処にでもあ

  • He is disqualified as a top of the manager.

    店長失格ですoi ate this fresh seafood rice bowl at a restaurant attached to a fishmonger this time今日は、お魚屋さんが一緒になってるレストランで海鮮丼食べたよ★i changed this sushi with boiled shrimpトモダチのお寿司もらっちゃった(取った??)から、この

  • I'm worried about it‼

    いつも悩んじゃうif i said i'll pay for the check in the guys ten years older than me. did that come across as rude10歳年上の男性に、お会計のときに私がおごりますって言ったら失礼かな??he always is his treat, so i wanted to pay it because i feel so sorr

  • Sumicco-Gurashi♬

    すみっコぐらしi found sumicco-gurashi characters shaped fish cake at the supermarketス-パ-で、すみっコぐらしのキャラクタ-のカマボコ見つけたッッ★however, it looking good, but it doesn't taste good.でも-、見た目可愛いけど..美味しくな∼∼いoi like w




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