

  • 麺王

    I went Motmachi/Kobe to eat 'Tokushima-Ramen' here with my father. I don't know the differences with 'Wakayama-Ramen' represented by 「マッチ棒」. でも、普通は、生卵、ついてるやろ。

  • Kobe Romance Cafe

    I orderd 'Buena Vista',means 'super view' in Spanish. The flavor is so sweet,like 'Kahlua Milk'. This store is situated at the place 'Fujiya' had been, and many shops around here are more o

  • CAFE de CRIE

    Um,normal. A little expensive @310Yen.

  • 風天

    This is the most 「パンチ効いてる」tsuke-men I've ever had. Maybe it's a new store (in Oimachi).

  • Doutor

    Just so so. It's low price is attractive, but I don't know the differences with a Cafe latte.

  • Segafredo Zanetti

    Hello,again... I discovered the delicious capuccino at last! It's hard to drink because of the shape of the cup, but the satisfactory taste makes me so happy.

  • Ameba

    諸々思うところがありまして、 メインのブログをAmebaに移します。 当ブログは閉鎖せず、徒然なるまま存続させたく、 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。

  • at home

    Except Starbucks, I can't find a shop serves a satisfactry coffee, so we dicided to get roasted beans and make it at home. (I got them at Starbucks in Oimachi) Co-workers of my wife gav

  • Pronto

    I bought and read 「一生懸命」today, written by the Kimutaku's widow Mrs.Yumiko Kimura. I moved but felt healthful is the most important and there must be a reason why he was dead just 37 y

  • DruckerBOT

    「組織において、力強くはあっても 腐ったエグゼクティブほど、 他の者を腐らせる者はいない。」 生きてはるんちゃうか? どこぞで見てはるんちゃうか? 前から思とったけど、 ホンマえぇ

  • double short latte

    Tully's shop near the Omori Bell Port is comfy for me. Cappuccino is not so tasty, but the bitter taste of its latte is cool. I don't know why 'Soy latte' is popular among young women.

  • nephew

    'Kazuomi' was born this mornig. My sisiter had stayed 3days in the hospital, and wasted a hard time with the pain. I've bocome an uncle. Yeah!

  • Prize

    This is not the starter at the MLB All Star Game this year. I think this is the first time to win the Prize. In the first place,I've rarely applied this kind of campaign so far. Yeste

  • excelsior

    Just a milk cofee・・・ I hear 'excelsior' means 'higher', but,in fact,its amazing taste lets me down.

  • 三田製麺所

    Later lunch,alone. Better than 六厘舎、I guess. That the most of the clues are 支那人 makes me disappointed so much. ↓でもやっぱこれやで!! Oh,Cuppuccino. Buono!



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