

  • ばあちゃんの憩いの場、東急プラザ

    Old women's favorite place called Tokyu Plaza has shut down. It might be late, but I have visited new building. There aren't so many clothing shops there as latest tendency. Maybe they don't buy clothes because of salary that doesn't raise. They tend to visit some goods or going to fancy restaurant instead of buying new extra clothes. But what…

  • この勉強方法効率が悪いのかもしれない。

    I believed my learning way. That is to check the dictionary when I found words I don't know. It happens when I'm writing, reading, speaking, listening to something. But checking words is not good for quick response or quick understanding. That might makes you to even think you don't like learning foreign languages. But obviously, you need to increa…

  • 日記やオンラインレッスンよりも時間短縮、勉強方法

    If you live in English speaking country, you will improve by checking out the expressions you didn't know later. It will work writing a diary and taking on line lesson as well. But if you want to decrease your time of learning. Memorising phrases from a text book with Japanese translation is good. Then you use those phrases right away.You can think something…

  • 英語の勉強はきりがない

    I started to try to answer the questions for grammar rules. It's very interesting than I thought. But I got an another problem. That is learning foreign language is endless. It's ok that is life work. But I feel something is wrong. I don't have any other hobbes. So I don't think this is wasting my time. 英語圏に住んでいる人は、必要な部分だけを勉強…

  • 英語で感想を言う

    I found a new way of speaking practicing. I told this many times. I can't speak fast. So I tried to watch Youtube blog called *trip to Saipan*. I've watched lots of Youtube blogs of native speakers. But I was focus on listening. But today, I tried to speak when I'm watching. I was like, water is not so clear, I'm getting feeling like a pancake, I haven'…

  • あなたは必ず話せるようになります

    It's very very hard to get fluent in foreign language. What is hard?That is you don't know how to learn foreign language. I can't believe people who learned foreign language in a year. I assume he/she sounds fluent, but he/she speaks in limited expressions. By the way I haven't talked to myself in English for a month. I was busy mentally. And today、 I tri…

  • 発音に興味がない人が音読しても無意味です。

    A study said you can understand well when you read silently. If you don't know proper pronunciation, or you are not willing to improve your pronunciation, it's not good to read out loud. You should not to listen to English which sounds Japanese. There are so many Youtubers says you don't need to learn pronunciation, but they highly recommend reading o…

  • 日本語の完璧度にこだわりすぎ外国人w

    I sometimes find arguments that about who speak perfect Japanese? in Youtube comment section. Basically some Youtubers speak Japanese which is from 90 to 99 percent perfect Japanese. You can't get 100percent perfect Japanese even though you study hard. But it's same with 90percent perfect person and 99 percent perfect person for Japanese people. You don…

  • 話せる人のアドバイスなのに役に立たないケース

    Why someone's advice isn't useful, even though he/she is fluent. I don't think those advices does work for beginners. I was thinking the reason. Someone forgot when he/she was a beginner. Someone thinks I'm fluent, but actually not. I've said those many times. @You shouldn't do this. @Try to speak or write English. @Do not listen English, just…

  • 動画を使った具体的勉強方法

    You choose Youtube video which native speakers made with English subtitle. They have subtitle mark on the list. First you watch subtitle. Then you pick up the word you don't know You check out those words by dictionary. Write each meaning. Memorize those words like memorize flash card. You listen Youtube video. You shouldn't watch it. Just l…

  • Why you can't do talking to yourself in English?

    Everybody knows talking to yourself in English is the most efficient way. You might try to do that but I assume you couldn't do well. Why couldn't you do that. Because you think you can do quick response. You have to speak slowly. You have to think in Japanese.You shouldn't use English English dictionary. 同じような話ですが、英語の独り言が効果的なの…




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