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グルメブログ 圏外 圏外 圏外 圏外 圏外 圏外 圏外 31,792サイト
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  • 手作りフランス料理


    I use to …

  • 他人との関わりに影響を受けた一昨日の話


    Someone said about human relationship. I was very impressed. I like people who change my thinking way. To meet those kind of people is rare case for me. I always have my own opinion. Basically I don't get influence from others. People don't hear others will never change. They insist their thoughts. Learners love to find their own mistakes will progress…

  • 英語は日本語で勉強しましょう


    I still use English textbooks with Japanese translation. Never think I want to get English brain. I started leaning French 6days ago. I use English translation. But I feel drastic progress my French. I don't need "French brain." I'll use English translation. There are so many YouTube videos for foreign languages lesson with English translation. People all ov…

  • 商店街通って歩いて帰った


    I didn't …

  • 料理は手作り派


    I made fres…

  • ららぽーと立川


    I made a cheese burger, and brought it for dinner. I was planning to go to Shouwa kinen park. But I realized it close 5pm. I changed it to go to LaLaport Tachikawa. I wasn't planning to have dinner outside. So I couldn't go to Eggs'n things. I tried Pink berry instead. I like their frozen yogurt. It tastes fresh. If you don't take topping, that's not so exp…

  • 英語が話せない人は人生の半分損してる?


    I started make vegetable juice everyday 4days ago. And I also try to sleep more hours. I feel I became healthy. You haven't lived until you try healthy things. I also started running for 5minutes. I was injured on my leg since 2005. I couldn't running for long. 5minutes is still hard for me. I can't believe people who don't do any sports. It's good mentally.…

  • 睡眠時間を増やす


    I've deci…

  • 甘いもの好きな人の為のダイエット
  • ピザもう一枚ゲット


    I got anoth…

  • 小さくまとまって生きる


  • 先伸ばしを改善


    I put off…

  • バーガーキングのワッパーを25年ぶりに食べた
  • 無いものに固執


    My Galapagos phone refuses watching Yelp. I should've bought Iphone not Android. It's 30thousand yen higher prices. But I finally got a tablet. I can read Reddit at least. It's fun than I thought. My Galapagos phone refuses posting comments in 4 channel. But you can't copy sentences from Reddit. 4channel is better about that. I will buy a Mac PC s…

  • Seven places you can feel foreign countries. 東京周辺で異国を感じる場所7選
  • 980円の靴


    I bought a pair of shoes 3month ago. It didn't become soft. I realized it has a net inside of shoes. It made me hurt for a month. I cut 1 centimeter. It became OK. But right side of bottom became thin all of the sudden. And strangely right side of my foot felt pain. After it gave me pain whole 3months. It calls Style jerry beans. It was around 5000yen. I f…

  • 小さなエンターテイメント


    I tried roorou rice. This is a Taiwan dish. This is pork tasted star anis and a boiled egg. It was good. I will try another Taiwanese dish next time. Trying new food is fun. By the way, I bring some stick coffee, sugar, tea bags. I have heavy cream in the refrigerator at the office. When I buy a bottle of tea or coffee, I put them into the bottle. It ge…

  • 時間について考える


    I'm pretty obasan. This pretty doesn't mean kawaii. It means I don't have time. I have to think the way of using time every moment. I don't have time to argue with others who have different opinions. I have to stay healthy mentally. ネットで言い合いする程人生長くないんだよね。良くない習慣を変えなきゃ。もっと良い意味で自分の殻に閉じ籠った方が良いよね。 …

  • 必ずするって英語で何て言うの?


    今思えば l…

  • ポジティブを強要する人はポジティブじゃない


    Someone said I'm not taling about "why Japanese people can't speak English?"It sounds like negative person. I'm talking about "what should we do to learn English?" I agree. It sounds like arrogant if he/she is bilingual even though he/she doesn't mean it. "How to learn English?"sounds way better. That's positive. I'm not positive person nor negative person.…



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