the statement of Singapore Summit
Singapore Summit was a historical big event. We saw the conscience in East Asia has been highly developed. China South Korea US Japan and off course North Korea cooperated well for one goal. We would
Trump was elected to US president. It is totally nightmare for me because of my political view...but then found I am thinking of US so much after that...I even doubt if it is any kind of love... So
God telling me watch out America
Please let me declare my opinion. Trump who nominated for US president is totally gross for me. I never wanna him become president. Maybe we must watch out America even instead of Muslim terribl
I am disappointed so badly that UK decided to leave from EU. I never think it is a good decision. That way is just to make the world go backward. It is never positive way. There is no future.
http://youtu.be/NVVUv9flZKM My son told me about the story of the movie "Ruronin Kenshin" After that I became Kenshin's fan smile The story is from end of Edo period to early Meiji pe
Think of weakness. Don't ignore. Don't pretend not to notice them. Stay in their side. Well...I am just telling to myself as just note for myself. Because it is easy to forget...Don't you think so?
I don't want my son to be ignorant
My son just became 15 years old. Next spring he will go to highschool. So recently I have supported his study for highschool exam. And I think it is a good chance to teach him. His favorite subjec
Today is the day of the poll if we are for or agains Osaka Metropolis Plan. Under the Osaka city mayor Hashimoto, the Osaka Metropolis Plan has been planning. If the plan win today's poll, Osaka cit
I am happy to tell you that I will open my own English class for kids next month. However in fact I don't have any experience that I lived in any Engish speaking countries. I just have one time exper
Extream muslim terrolism is our big problem. Even Japan has got involved there though we kept some distance from such conflicts for a ling time. In the world we all know we have to stop them. Ho
色々、悩むことが多いので、会社帰りに占いの館で占ってもらった。 仕事について聞いたのだけど、来年くらいまで、あまり運気的にいいものは望めないそうで、今の仕事、続けたほうが良いと。。。 昼間の貿易事務の
We are deeply shocked that Japanese journalist Kenji Goto was killed. We pray his soul may rest in peace. It is sure that such a barbarous act is definitely wrong. We have to stop them our best.
Where do you put your priority on? I think in Japan "democracy", "human right" and "pacifism" are our priority. Our law is declaring that. Telling me that. I think. However in the world there is
To remind myself not to be that selfish and not to get wrong as I work for the business world, my purpose is firstly LOVE, secondly FAIRNESS and lastly COOPERATION. However during busy days to keep o
7月始めまで勤めていた外資系会社を解雇されたのだが、先日、その時の同僚から連絡があり、日本法人の閉鎖が決まったと聞いた。 急激な円安と売上の頭打ちで苦しいはずだから、誰か上の人間の首が切られるのは、絶
I really don't like Japanese extreme right wing. I believe most of Japanese neither. For us their acts are definitely harrasment and violence. Whenever we see them, we feel fear and humiliated even