美大出身デザイナーが、文字通り英語ペラペラになるまで英語で書いてるブログ。 主に英語日記ダヨ Writing every day if possible.
Hi there! I watched a YouTube program that impressed me. The older man who is over 60 years old told that his hist
Drinking alcohol is completely bad for my health?
Hi there!Recently, I've been interested in how I should take a rest to be healthier.This is because I've felt an
Hi there!As I said,I try "SPEAK" app also today.To be honest, it made me frustrated little by little. This
Hi there! Recently, I have a new hobby. It is an English conversation app with AI named "SPEAK." &n
The list of actions I decided to keep doing
It's been forever since I met you!It is the threase from SPEAK I've been trying recently. It'
The list of actions I decided to stop
Hi there! As I wrote before, I decided to stop taking action to improve my life. I had thought doing was import
Deciding actions to stop and keep
Hi there!As I wrote yesterday, I decide to write English diary.Daily custom is the most important action for making a go
A new journey had already started.
It has been a while!!!!Don't worry!I keep living! I couldn't remember when I wrote this diary.I checked las
Hi there!Long time no see after I said I waited for the result.Actually, after getting back to my hometown,My famil
Hi there!I haven't received the result I wrote about before yet.However, why do I make such a sad title?I saw a drea
I did a second interview on this monday night.I did my best for the interview.If god gives me time to do once again for
Praise me!!I passed the first interview!!!!Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Acturally, I had confidence because I did so wel
Hi there! Long time no see! I had been busy for a while, and I needed time to prepare to go upper. J
The elegant time is always silent
As writing yesterday, I like silence. In other words, I hate the noisy environment.If hear any music or the voice o
I have worked in my room after Covid pandemic.While working, I listen to some music or radio programs,but actually, any
I have bought some clothes online sometimes.Although I want to try the clothes I want, it is tedious.Because of online,
Instant noodles tend to past the expiration date soon.
Today's diary would be very personal. No, the diary is natively personal. I bought some instant noodle
Although this May almost ended,I need to make the goal in my company.Making goals is bothering anytime.This season
Before starting this diary,please check this X post! So: Here's what I did in Japan.At the International Forum
Did you watch The 2nd The Second was on TV last week? The Punch won second place!!Of course, G
Sometimes, I become a hairdresser.It is when I have my haircut and I cut my son's hair. My son&#
My dream was to have a bookshelf wall.The bookshelf wall is that wall in the room is covered by a bookshelf.Li
Yaki Udon is the best for this season!
I love hot pot dishes.Usually, I cook hot pot including Udon without rice almost every day in the winter
During G.W., I drank alcohol-free beer at my parent's house. Because is this, my older sister needed to r
Unfortunately, the Japanese consecutive holiday named Golden Week ended.I came to my hometown througout the Golden
Golden week is about to come soon!The remaining days of working are only today and tomorrow.After that, I will have
How to spend time with a child in working time.
As I wrote yesterday,I spent a day with my son through a day.Although stayed until noon, she had to go to
My smartphone rang yesterday afternoon.Smartphone display showed "It's called by Kindergarten." OH MY
Hi there!I couldn't write daily tomorrow and the day before yesterday.I had to work late evening.I have been a desig
Drinking helps me to forget a little thing which is not needed to think.
Drinking helps me to forget a little thing which is not needed to think.That's why an adult needs to drink. As
The other day, I ate a double cheeseburger from McDonald's.When I ate a double cheeseburger for the first time in my
To begin with, Cherry blossoms are beautiful.Second, I have had an allergy to pollen.Therefore, I have never d
Baby more often gets a fever than expected.I had to care of my baby today because he got a fever yesterday.When my phone
If I'm allowed, I want to drink everyday.
I like drinking.As I said in the title, if drinking every day didn't cause me some problems, I would like to drink e
Hi there!Long time no see!!I came back! I had been busy for a while.Actually, I concentrated on working and feeding
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? and Writing practice vol.80
Hi there!It's been a while after writing this diary.I was busy and it is continuing.It might be needed to be relaxed
Want to speak English!! and Random question 4
Hi there!It's been a little for a while after writing this diary last time.This is because, I was busy with my job t
MITSURU Adachi and Writing practice vol.79
Hi there! As I wrote in this diary,I read "Touch" again. After that, I knew that the new story of To
TOUCH! and the KOUSHIEN! and Random question 3
Hi there!I read the manga named "Touch."This manga was a little old, but still are very popular manga in Japan
Hi there!I couldn't come here for a while.I was busy at work these days.I always work in my room as remote work.
New practice! and Writing practice vol.78
Hi there! From today, I would like to start the new practice.It is that answering random question in English!By usi
Night shopping and Writing practice vol.77
Hi there! As I wrote before,I sometimes go to grocery store in the night to avoid heat.I went to them just a moment
Difficulty for listening in English and Writing practice vol.76
Hi there! Recently, I like listening of POD CAST. Particularly, I like the program called "This American li
Difficulty to fall in a sleep and Writing practice vol.75
Hi there! Too hot summer has come!I couldn't sleep in my room where is not the air conditioner,so I sleep in li
After damn, dawn will come and Writing practice vol.74
Hi there.What we couldn't help saying "Damn!" was occurred again. Don't bother others. Don't
Too hot!! and Writing practice vol.73
Toooooo hot!!!! Because of this,I had to go to grocery store in the evening.However, it was interesting in midnight
Don't bother me! and Writing practice vol.72
Hi there!I couldn't practice yesterday followed by last week,Thanks to sudden request for my work.It always can'
Busy!Busy! and Writing practice vol.71
Hi there!I couldn't practice this week because I have been busy for working recently!I don't want to work m
About the ZARD and Writing practice vol.70
Hi there! As I wrote about the ZARD yesterday,I didn't be enough to write about it at all,so I want to write fo
ZARD and Writing practice vol.69
Hi there! As I wrote about WANDS,I also listen ZARD recently. I don't know why I wanted to listen Japanese
Fall in love! girls! and Writing practice vol.68
Hi there! As I don't want to say such a things because it will tell about my age,I listen songs of WANDS I list
Drinking weekend and Writing practice vol.67
Hi there!How did you do last weekend? Honestly, I like drinking so much.As liking drinking, I decided to drink only
What is fluent? and Writing practice vol.66
I want to speak English more fluently. After taking online English class,I always think that.What is fluent?When wi
Clean up my room! and Writing practice vol.65
Hi there!It was already late today,because I cleaned my room up until now.It is the day old books are damped by city tom
Hi there! This time came to be enjoyable time to me gradually.If I come to say anything I want to say, it will
Writing practice vol.63 and the things on weekend.
Hi there!How did you do weekend? It was the best weekend for me.I went shopping by train with my family,and tried t
Hi there!It's Friday today! TGIF!!!Acutually, I didn't know this word until recently,but one of my col
Hi there!It was hard rain yesterday, isn't it in Tokyo? As I hanged my children's clothes, it started ra
Hi there!Are you guys loving each other?It is mimicking my respectful musician "Kiyoshiro!" Without chang
Hi there!What did you do last weekend? As I drank with my colleagues after a long time,I drank too much and I
Hi there!As I have taken DMM online English, I found Describing pictures practice page in that today.This is good to
Long time no see! and Writing practice vol.57
Long time no see!! I came back here after long while finally.I had so many things I had to in that time. Anywa
Busy period and Interview test vol.32
Hi there!I couldn't write yesterday because I was busy every this period. As I work in IT company,usually I wor
Hi there!How did you do on weekend? I met with my parent for the first time in a while.They seemed old so much.My d
New segment and Writing practice vol.56
Hi there! I want to start new topic in this blog,because diary blog is difficult to make topics about my daily
The moon was too bright to walk tonight and Writing practice vol.55
"The moon was too bright to walk tonight" I just want to tweet this poem.It was just poem I made, sorry.I
Thinking about CANADA and Writing practice vol.54
Hi there!As I mentioned, I had been in Canada about 2 weeks in late September.I'd like to write impression of Canada
It’s been a very long time!! and Writing practice vol.53
Hi there!I'm here for the first time in a very very long time!!As I mentioned here,I went to Canada for study abroad
September sudden rain and Writing practice vol.52
Hi there!As it was fine and hot in the morning,I washed clothes with the washing machine, and I hung those cloth
September!!! and Writing practice vol.51
Hi there! It is in september from today.Is Summer end?Acutually, I don't like summer because I don't like b
Late summer and Writing practice vol.50
Hi there!Long time no see!As I wrote before, this summer is the best excite summer in my life,so I had to do a lot.
The happiest day of my life!! and Writing practice vol.49
Hi there!Actually, the last day was the happiest day of my life!However, I can't say what happened now.After about 1
August!! and Writing practice vol.48
Hi there! August has come!It's too hot today!I wish that your summer will be great this year!!Therefore, why do
Hi there! Let me do the writing practice today as usual!!Today is the last practice on this week. Let'
Hi there! As I wrote yesterday,I don't have enough time.Therefore, I can't diary as before.However, I
Hi there!I couldn't write diary and practice recently, because I have some reasons.It might be the time for me
DMM English conversation and Writing practice vol.45
Hi there!It's hot today.Is your location also hot? I think about whether to take an EIKEN test now.I have taken
DMM English conversation and Writing practice vol.44
Hi there!It's hot tonight, isn't it?! As anyone know well with Twitter,DMM announced suddenly tha
Long time no see!I had came back to my family's houseand I had to do something, so I couldn't write this diary.M
Parents' house and Writing practice vol.43
Hi there!How did you do on last weekend? I went to my wife's parents' house.It took over 4 hours by ca
Pork Bone Broth Ramen and Writing practice vol.42
Hi there!I went to the Nitori to buy the new summer cold carpet. While going there, I went to the Ramen restaurant
Tell me when it starts raining! and Writing practice vol.41
Hi there! As approaching summer, it became hot recently.Therefore I decided to put the blanket away and use thin to
Ramen shop elegy and Writing practice vol.40
Hi there!How did you spend on last weekend? I went to the Ramen restaurant by my car and the appliances store.If I
Cleaning screen doors and Writing practice vol.39
Hi there! I cleaned all of screen doors in my house and attached blocking brushes to them. The blocking brush is a
Putting away and Writing practice vol.38
Hi there! While my wife has been away from my house, I try to clean and put it away here.I opened the storage
TOEIC Week! and Writing practice vol.37
Hi there!I have taken the TOEIC IP test about once a year.TOEIC IP test is the test for employees in companies.Therefore
How to spend time on the weekend as single and Writing practice vol.36
Hi there!How did you do on last weekend? I enjoyably spent my weekend by myself without my wife.However, if I don&#
The 100 yen shop and Writing practice vol.35
Hi there! The nearest supermarket from my house has a 100 yen shop. It is so large that I have gone there almost
How could make our life more enjoyable and Writing practice vol.34
Hi there! I went to my office and met my colleagues for the first time in a while.It was very fun!We took lunch tog
Odd smell! part 2 and Writing practice vol.33
Hi there! I wrote the story I fighted odd smell yesterday and I detected that smell came from drain in kitchen.Howe
Odd smell! and Writing practice vol.32
Hi there!!How did you do on last weekend? Although I wanted to write what I did on last weekend,I should write toda
Room-Moving! and Writing practice vol.31
Hi there! It was getting hot day by day,so time has come also this year!I moved to kitchen on the ground floor from
Self-haircut and Writing practice vol.30
Hi there!How did you on wedesday?Actually, I have done haircut by myself for about 6 years.I wanted to cut my hair every
Lost topics and Writing practice vol.29
Hi there!It is the second day of single life. However, without a wife,I can't find any topics to write about.Th
Hangover and Writing practice vol.28
Hi there!How did you do on last weekend? For some reasons,my wife have went back to her parents house.It is not bad
Taking a nap and Writing practice vol.27
Hi there!I'm working hard this week,so I feel sleepy now. To be honest,because I didn't work busily re
Beat the crows! and Writing practice vol.26
Hi there! Other day, I threw away trash bag.The day was for combustible trash, so I put it front my ho
Hot tofu: Yudofu and Writing practice vol.25
Hi there!It's getting hot recently.Neverthless, I have ate Hot tofu: Yudofu almost everynight.This is because i
Gyoza no Osho is the best! and Writing practice vol.24
Hi there!How did you do on last weekend?! I bringed my wife to go shopping.When going shopping,we always took lunch
How you get used to words and Writing practice vol.23
Hi there!It's a Friday, so it's last practice this week. I have tried reading pre-test almost every evening
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