美大出身デザイナーが、文字通り英語ペラペラになるまで英語で書いてるブログ。 主に英語日記ダヨ Writing every day if possible.
New practice! and Writing practice vol.78
Hi there! From today, I would like to start the new practice.It is that answering random question in English!By usi
Night shopping and Writing practice vol.77
Hi there! As I wrote before,I sometimes go to grocery store in the night to avoid heat.I went to them just a moment
Difficulty for listening in English and Writing practice vol.76
Hi there! Recently, I like listening of POD CAST. Particularly, I like the program called "This American li
Difficulty to fall in a sleep and Writing practice vol.75
Hi there! Too hot summer has come!I couldn't sleep in my room where is not the air conditioner,so I sleep in li
After damn, dawn will come and Writing practice vol.74
Hi there.What we couldn't help saying "Damn!" was occurred again. Don't bother others. Don't
Too hot!! and Writing practice vol.73
Toooooo hot!!!! Because of this,I had to go to grocery store in the evening.However, it was interesting in midnight
Don't bother me! and Writing practice vol.72
Hi there!I couldn't practice yesterday followed by last week,Thanks to sudden request for my work.It always can'
Busy!Busy! and Writing practice vol.71
Hi there!I couldn't practice this week because I have been busy for working recently!I don't want to work m
「ブログリーダー」を活用して、Napoleon Dynamiteさんをフォローしませんか?