

  • Just Like That, Two Years Went By – Part 1

    When I went back home two winters ago, little did I know, nor the rest of the world, for that matter, how much the world would change, and along with it, our daily realities. Looking back, I’…

  • Of Goodbyes & Reunions

    The world has changed so much in the last two years. Who would have thought that in spite of the advances in technology, a pandemic would shake the world and it hit close to home. Our family witnes…

  • Fitting Response to the Pandemic: Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself & Bless Others Instead

    Many people would rather erase this year 2020 from the calendar, mainly because of the pandemic and the many other limitations and challenges that came with it. Countless travel plans were cancelle…

  • 2019-2020 School Year in Review: Hosting the Ise City Speech Contest

    When something is about to end, it’s as if you’re forced to reflect on its beginnings. I find myself going through a mental flashback of the previous school year, part of it because I just realized…

  • How Not to Have Regrets in Relationships

    Yesterday, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions. The new academic year is starting in a few days and I just found out about the many changes within my workplace. Some of them, I didn’t imagine so …

  • Certified Country Girl: Enjoying the Longest Golden Week in Japan

    It’s one of the longest Golden Weeks I’ve had while staying here in Japan, and possibly the longest in the country, thanks to ascension of a new Emperor. I heard that some people are no…

  • 住めば都 [Sumeba Miyako] Home is Where You Make It

    A Japanese teacher I’ve worked with over the past year told me about this phrase and explained this is a principle a lot of Japanese live by as many of them are ready to be assigned anywhere,…

  • Life Lessons from the Tamaru ES Staff Dinner Party

    It’s been more than four years since our last dinner party and it struck me how many things can remain the same and at the same time how much can change. This dinner party that has become tra…

  • Thank You for Four Years, Tamaki!

    Almost a year has passed since then and I now have a different set of challenges at a different place (more on that later), but every time I remember that special school visit or see pictures of it…

  • This Year (2018), Let’s Learn Better

    We only have a few hours before 2017 ends.  Before long, we’ll find ourselves welcoming the new year and with it comes challenges, joys, disappointments, failures, and great opportunities to learn.…


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Sarah Senseiさん
The Adventures of Sarah Sensei
The Adventures of Sarah Sensei

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