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  • ブログが不定期になるかも


    I wanted to keep up with what I wanted to do which is writing blog,now I'm getting crazy busy!So, I decided to take some serious English lessons from 3 teachers!Can you believe that?Reason why I do this because, each teacher has different skills.And it is

  • これを読める? can you read this?!

    これを読める? can you read this?!

    Feedback for Vivian's post.ビビアンの記事の下にコメント入れました。 If you can read it, your English is either really advanced or you are a native English speaker.読めるなら、英語がすごく上手です。。。それともネイティブですThis is really fun isn't it!Tha

  • アパート暮らしは楽じゃないIt's not easy to live in an apartment

    アパート暮らしは楽じゃないIt's not easy to live in an apartment

    アパートに住んでいるけどI'm livinig in an apartment.結構気を使うIt's a kind of pain sometimes.前家に住んでいたときは何も考えてなかったけどI used to live in a house so I've never thought of livinig  in an apartment.アパートだと、音とかを気にしなくてはいけ

  • I took a walk

    I took a walk

    I took a walk today.The weather was nice!Since I got new shoes, I never get tired.I feel like starting to do some exesice soon.I want to stay in fit. 

  • Weather and natural dissaster

    Weather and natural dissaster

    It seems like the weahter aroud the world getting very weird.It is very sad to see people suffer...Speaking of weather, Whenever we have bad rain storm, I feel like the earth tries to clean itself. 

  • 旅行したい I want to travel somewhere

    旅行したい I want to travel somewhere

    One of My friend went to Italy and Spain.友達がイタリアとスペインに行ったのだけれどI've been always wanted to go but I've never had a chance.Mikaも前からずーーーと行きたかったんだよね。でも機会が無かった(涙)I heard they are so beautiful and she had fun.

  • Update


    I've been busy again:(My goal was to write something every day.Maybe I should learn how to post some entries from my phone.Let's hope it works... 

  • Coffee


    I'm not a coffee drinker.Mikaはコーヒーを沢山飲むタイプじゃないI used to drink coffee a lot in my teenage.昔は(10代のころ)コーヒーを沢山飲んでいたけどNow, I'm more like tea drinker.今はお茶が好き!I only drink good teas.  でも。美味しいのに限りますI wi

  • It is always sad to say good-bye

    It is always sad to say good-bye

    I could spend sometime with my best friend.She have to leave tomorrow.It's gonna be tough for me because she lives abroad.I wonder when I can see her again.Now, we have skype so it is not difficult to keep in touch.But still you can beat that seeing someo

  • 秋大好きI Love Fall!

    秋大好きI Love Fall!

    Mikaは四季の中で秋が一番好き!I love fall out of 4 seasons.美味しいし、天気もだいたい最高だし、なんかいい感じGood food, Nice weather and just feeling good you know.お散歩したり、カフェで読書したりしたいねぁ(*゚∀゚)っ Go for a walk, read some books at a c



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