



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • It’s filthy!!

    汚∼∼いi came to the food court for eat lunch, but..フ-ドコ-トに来たんだけど..acrylic plate for droplet transmission is so dirty with soup.飛沫感染予防用のアクリル板が汁でめっちゃ汚れてる∼othere are lots of different noodles restaurants(sugakiya

  • Ta-da‼

    じゃ---んyes, it's a hamburger from KFCはい、ケンタッキ-のバ-ガ-♪see u

  • I can sleep anywhere★

    どこでも寝れちゃうbesides..i sleep extremely wellしかも..熟睡‼i can fall asleep in a second as soon as i get in bed, of course, but also in the car.ベッドはもちろんだけど、車に乗っても秒で寝ちゃうのoas soon as the movie starts, i fall asleep, and

  • As new year gets closer,..

    お正月が近づくと..the supermarket sells herring roe, but it's not usually sold anywhere.ス-パ-で数の子を良く見かけるけど、普段はどこにも売ってないよねomy grandfather said that he wants to eat it so i ordered it on lineおじいちゃんが数の子が食べたい

  • Give mosburger a try‼

    モスバ-ガ-に挑戦hey, take a look at is plenty of ketchup-based sauceね-、これ見て..ケチャップベ-スのソ-スがた∼∼っぷり‼well..,ん-----、actually, take and eat them in my car.やっぱ車の中で食べよっとosee ui made natto spaghetti for d

  • Days of despair...

    絶望の日々oi ate lunch there when i went out for shopping sometimes today今日は、お買い物ついでにお昼ご飯も食べて来たッッ♬it's hamburger from KFCケンタッキ-のハンバ-ガ-★there are no door in this room of my parents house because it was removed by

  • The third COVID-19 vaccination★

    3回目のコロナワクチンim getting a third booster next month18歳以上枠で、ワクチンの予約取れたよ♪i still had't received the vaccination coupon, so i was thinking that i was forgotten, but i was worried.周りの友達はすでにうち始めてるのに、私だけ接種券

  • The barefoot soft and fluffy like marshmallows★

    マシュマロ素足do you know thisこれ知ってる??i think almost all girls are using itほとんどの女子は使ったことあると思う♬restore your feet to their original baby-soft & flawless conditions.足の裏を赤ちゃんのよ-な柔らかい肌に戻してくれるのohowever

  • Too juicy to pass up!?

    おいしいバイト(話)i ate this crepe this time今日は、クレ-プ食べたよ♪im thinking of making that myself at home, but it sounds like a hassle and im not motivated.お家で、自分でもクレ-プを作ってみよ-と思ってるんだけど、大変そ-でやる気が起きな∼いowh

  • I have just come here again★

    また来ちゃったッッseeing my face, the person at the store recognized me at once, so i have decided to stop coming here for a while.お店の人に顔を覚えられてた..しばらく行くのやめるoi hate stranger way of talking to anyone in an overfamiliar manner.知

  • Sweets with green tea★

    お茶屋さんのスイ-ツoh, so goodえ-、めっちゃ美味しい‼see uwhen i was going to make katsudon,...カツ丼を作ろ-と思ったら、it is something burned, right何か..焦げてない??besides,..ってゆ-か..the cutlet is burned, tooカツも焦げてる♪

  • Japanese Sponge Cake★

    ベビ-カステラa new japanese sponge cake shop opened in the approach of a shrine today, so i went to go buy some right away今日は、神社の参道に新しくベビ-カステラのお店がオ-プンしたので行ってみたッッ♪it became popular for a long time ago. the hype is

  • Culinary herbs★

    料理用のハ-ブi want to grow culinary herbs on the bay window in the kitchen and went to the flower storeキッチンの出窓で、料理用のハ-ブを育てたくて、お花屋さんに行ってきたよ♪i found basil. it's easy to grow, rightバジルあった∼、めっちゃ育てやすそ

  • My strange experie.

    不思議な体験oi talked about this year's fireworks display with my friend today.今日、友達と今年は花火大会あるのかなって話してたのねoi haven't went there about in three years because of the coronavirus and bad timing, but there is my favorite firework

  • Put up with it, put up with it..

    我慢我慢omy cat, pippi threw up everything on the carpet she ate..ニャンコのぴっぴがじゅうたんにゲロ吐いたothey ate the cat grass from some time ago, then always vomited, but..前から猫草が大好きで、それを食べては吐いてるんだけど..i get the feeling

  • Zizitty-chan♬

    ジジティちゃんi saw a mister on the pavement who was cosplaying as kitty-chan this morning..今朝、キティちゃんのコスプレをした70代くらいのお爺ちゃんが歩道を普通に歩いてたooff course, it is a hat with cat ears of kitty-chan and a signature red bow on

  • The standard of medical treatment in Japan is extremely high!!

    日本の医療レベルは高水準the documents arrived from the university affiliated hospital.大学病院から封筒が届いたのねoi wondered what was going on..the contents of the letter is about that invoice for the emergency medical helicopter.何かと思ったら、ド

  • The hamburger patty is amazing‼

    ハンバ-ガ-のパティがめっっちゃ美味しいi bought lunch at burger king this time今日は、バ-ガ-キングでお昼ご飯買って来たよ♪like, how many "patty is delicious" do i have to say何回パティが美味しいって言うねんって感じ??see ushe is an adult cat, but

  • I wonder what she's thinking??

    なに考えとるんやろoh, i got bustedあ、気付かれちゃったッッ♪for my lunch today,今日のお昼は、DSC_0003" hspace="5" class="pict" align="left" />i ate at KFC in the food courtフ-ドコ-トのケンタッキ-で食べたよ★see ui made deep-fried stuffed aub

  • I am afraid♪

    こわ∼∼∼∼∼いi went to the shop newly opened this morning今朝、新しくオ-プンしたお店に行って来たのねothen, it was very crowded thereそしたら、めっっっちゃ混んでたッッッ‼the fat woman, who obviously had been trying to look like an punk chic cam

  • I became patient♪

    我慢強くなってきたッッno matter how hard i clean up it only takes an instant for the mess to come back. my cats like making a messも∼∼∼、どれだけ大掃除してもすぐにニャンコ達に汚されちゃう‼however, even if i have to get dirty from their vomiting o

  • I have a strange hobby★

    マニアックhave you ever seen the honey bee that attaches itself to "Winnie-the-Pooh"くまのプ-さんに、くっついてるミツバチ知ってる??i love itめっっちゃ好きなの‼i ate this vegetable tanmen at the food court in the shopping mall today今日は、ショッ

  • I want to ban the sale of puppys and kittens in AEON!!

    店頭での子犬や子猫の販売を禁止にさせたいi received a call from an unknown number on my smartphone today.今日、携帯に知らない番号から電話がかかってきたのねoi don't normally answer calls from an unknown number, but..the telephone number was from the la

  • Tarattatta~♬

    タラッタッタタ∼i started cleaning my house step by step from today because i want to finish spring cleaning before i start summer vacatio夏休みまでに大掃除を終わらせたいから、今日から少しずつお家の掃除始める♬for now, i washed only two stuffed toys

  • Person behind me is..

    後ろのおっちゃんが..i was recommended the garlic sauce flavor of takoyaki by him. help meめっちゃガ-リック味のたこ焼を勧めてくるのo助けて∼‼DSC_0001" hspace="5" class="pict" align="left" />i ordered ginger and soy sauce fravor生姜醤油味にしたッッ

  • The vanilla ice cream is topped boiled whitebait★

    バニラアイスの上にシラスがのってるよi love itこれ、大好きなの♪vanilla ice cream and boiled whitebait are a good pairingバニラアイスとシラスって、めっちゃ合う★btw, chicken breast strips cutlet goes well with chocolate sauceちなみに、ささみのフラ

  • Breakfast combo at the soba restaurant★

    蕎麦屋さんのモ-ニングi tried the soba restaurant that was shown on TV this morning今日は、テレビで紹介されてた蕎麦屋さんのモ-ニングに行ってみたよ♬the morning menu was set filling curry and soba are a great dealカレ-とお蕎麦がセットになったモ-ニング

  • Memories of the past..

    過去の記憶oim haveing partial loss of memory..部分的に消えちゃってるoi have vivid memories of events that occurred before and after the occasion even now, but..今でも、その直前の行動なども鮮明に覚えてるのに、i cannot remember an important aspect o

  • I slept funny and my neck hurts‼

    首を寝違えて痛∼いi wonder if i sleep in an awkward position私、変な寝方してるのねo だからかな??i will often hurt your neck and back.よく首や腰を痛めちゃうofirst, im sleeping without a pillow every daty when sleeping.まず、寝る時は枕を使わないで

  • Plan For The Future With My Childhood Friend★

    幼馴染との将来設計when i was in junior high school, i made plans for the future with my childhood friend中学生の時、幼馴染と一緒に将来設計を立てたのねowe will get married to each other, then i and friend have finished raising my children and get much

  • If it's for my friends..

    友達のためなら..seasonal fruits' parfaits from ministop are very deliciousミニストップのパフェって、どれもめっちゃ美味しいよね★soft serve ice cream by itself is already deliciousアイスがすでに美味しいもんね♪i can to get my hands dirty in crime f




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