



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。




    カラス強ッッthe crow chased the little bird.カラスが小鳥を追いかけ回してたのねoso i throw a pebble at the crow,..それで、小石をカラスめがけて投げてたら..the new target changed to me and the crow came flying toward meタ-ゲットが私に変わって、カラ

  • There was anything like this in the dish★

    こんなの入ってたッッi went to the food court today and 今日は、フ-ドコ-トに行って、i ordered seafood rice bowl, but..海鮮丼にしたのねoi found green onion like this when i was eating it食べてたら、こんな長ネギが出てきたッッ♪i wonder if i win当

  • Vaccination of third COVID-19 Vaccin★

    3回目のコロナワクチンの予防接種my grandparents are third vaxedお爺ちゃんとお婆ちゃんが3回目の予防接種完了♪well, i felt relieved to hear that.あ∼、これでひと安心omy grandmother told me she has some pain in her arm.副反応は、腕の痛みだけだってo

  • Actually I wanted to make this, but..

    本当はこれが作りたかったのにぃぃぃ is thisこれ---!!healthy fofu Hamburg steak with grond onion and ponzu sauceヘルシ-豆腐ハンバ-グ、すりおろし玉ねぎポン酢★(this is recipe i was using, here.)(使用したレシピはこちらo)i just made it by eye, s

  • I buy too much♬

    買いすぎちゃうi came to a chicken karaage specialty shop this time今日は、鶏の唐揚げの専門店に来たッッ★they put them in a hand paper bag because i bought as many chicken karaage as my hands could hold.色んな種類の唐揚げを沢山買って持ちきれないから

  • That awkward moment..

    気まずい瞬間..when i meet eyes with a couple's boyfriend..カップルの彼氏とガッツリ目が合っちゃうとき..i don't know what to do and i look away quickly, makes me feel awkward, rightどうしていいのか分からなくて、慌てて目をそらすんだけど..あれっ

  • I get rid of...

    ...駆除oi just can't eat at the shop絶対にお店で食べるのは無理‼it's very dangerous before i eat.食べる前から危険な雰囲気othe hamburger already being too soggy with sauce.既にハンバ-ガ-がソ-スでべちゃべちゃやんowhen i was a high school student,

  • Pasta with sea urchin, pop cod roe and creamy uni cream sauce★

    うにとぷちぷちたらこの濃厚うにクリ-ムソ-スパスタthe name of dish is too long料理名が長ッッ‼if the dish name is very long, i often shorten words when ordering.料理の名前が長いと、注文するとき言葉を短縮しちゃうoim gonna bite my tongue if i read it

  • Chocolixir from Godiva★

    ゴディバのショコリキサ-i thought chocolat was chocolate.ショコリキサ-をずっとチョコリキサ-って言ってたッッohowever, it’s ok to make mistakes. that’s how i grow.でもいいの..こうやって成長していくからoi also boguht chocolateチョコも買って来たよ♪

  • One of foods i suddenly feel like eating sometimes is..

    時々、無性に食べたくなるモノ∼french friesフライドポテト‼i bought an extra-large helping of french friesメガ盛り買って来たよ♬see u

  • The people around me has made me what I am today.

    友達や周りの人達のおかげで、今の私につながってるotoday's lunch is hamburger from KFC今日は、ケンタッキ-のハンバ-ガ-♬when the people around me just started smoking one day, i also tried to smoke. but they said, "You Don't Have to Smoke"何となく周り

  • All-you-can-pack sweets★

    キャンディの詰め放題part 2, i tried to an all-you-can pack candy this time第二弾、今回はキャンディの詰め放題やってみたッッ★hey, there is a notice saying that "Being able to close the lid"ね---、貼り紙に『フタを閉めることが出来ること』って書いてある

  • I'm going to become the king of the pirates‼

    海賊王に俺はなるjust a momentちょっと待っててね‼one two,よいしょっ、one two,よいしょっと..okay~いいよ∼∼∼★im going to become the king of the pirates海賊王に俺はなるッッ‼see u

  • Being a vet is "just a Job"..

    所詮...『仕事』donuts from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts are cuteクリスピ-クリ-ムのド-ナツ可愛い♬im disappointed in my vet..動物病院の先生には..がっかりomy vet said, "you don't push yourself too hard". i don't want to hear that from him.先生から『そん

  • Eating Nameko for the first time♬

    初めてのなめこi tried miso soup using nameko for the first time初めて、なめこでお味噌汁を作って見たッッ★i often hear that the nameko is used as an ingredient in miso soup, but i assume that it does't taste good because of the way it looks.お味噌汁

  • Morning combo at FRESHNESS BURGER★

    フレッシュネス・バ-ガ-のモ-ニングi can't drink coffee, so i always ordered milk or melon soda for drinkコ-ヒ-が飲めないから、飲み物はいつもミルクかメロンソ-ダなの★see ui made thick sushi roll today夜は焼肉の太巻き寿司作ったよ♬

  • Self-service Definition & Meaning‼

    セルフサ-ビスの意味i take the trouble to go to gas station offer self-service, but..わざわざセルフのガソリンスタンドに行ってるのに、whenever i go to the store, a shop clerk will certainly say something to me...super annoying.行くたびに店員がでてくる

  • For soft serve ice cream from COSTCO★

    コストコのソフトクリ-ムのためにi pay my membership fee.年会費払ってるんだけどoAND i usually only attend 2 or 3 times a year, but..しかも-、年に2、3回くらいしか行かないのにだよoi also ate pizza at costcoコストコでピザも食べたよ★costco items are

  • Miso nikomi udon★

    味噌煮込みうどんi went to the japanese restaurant for lunch today今日は、和食屋さん♪i ate miso nikomi udon味噌煮込みうどんにしたよ★speaking of miso nikomi udon, yamamoto-ya main store is famous, but..味噌煮込みうどんって言えば、山本屋本店が有名

  • Great responsibility!!

    責任重大when i was just eating lunch at the food court today, mother with an infant in a stroller and a little child were sitting near to me.今日ね、フ-ドコ-トでお昼を食べてたら、ベビ-カ-に乗せた赤ちゃんと小っちゃい子供を連れたママが私の近くに来たのねo

  • I can’t wait★

    めっっっちゃ楽しみッッッit's not too much to say that i’ve been living for this day. i was looking forward to going thereこの日を楽しみに生きて来たって言っても過言ではないほど、楽しみに待ってたの♪”ghibli-park” will be open at mori koro park in ai

  • Now that i am a member of pushy middle-aged woman♬

    これで私も、おばちゃんの仲間入りthe all-you-can-pack of clementine service was being held at the supermarket.ス-パ-で、ミカンの詰め放題をやってたのねothe garden of my grandparents own some mikan trees, but..祖父母のお家の畑にはミカンの木があるんだけ

  • Days of Conflict.

    葛藤の日々osee ui bought only what i like好きなモノばっかり買って来たッッッ♪

  • Pancake mix is a great idea★

    ホットケ-キミックスは良いアイデアhomemade red bean buns are so delicious手作りのあんまん美味しい♪you can make in a frying pan. do you think it's amazingフライパンで出来ちゃうんだよo すごくない??this time i have bought so many fried chicken at KFC

  • Can i ask you a question hypothetically??

    例えばの話をしてもいい the putty from burger king is delicious(this is the third time.)バ-ガ-キングのパテって、めっちゃ美味しいよね♬(3回目言うけど)just if i have the bullet, am i being questioned about the crimeもしも..もしもだよ、私が銃弾を所持し

  • Every time the cherry blossom season comes..

    桜の季節がくるたびに、i think i have lived for another year.また1年、生きてたんだって思うohey, i wonder if the roosters bear a grudge against meね-、私..ニワトリに恨まれてないかな??this shop has mayonnaise on the table, so you add mayonnaise on ch

  • It's so fragrant♪

    めっちゃ良い香り∼i ate a crepe at gelato pique cafe this time今日はジェラピケカフェのクレ-プ食べたよ★it looks good and very delicious見た目も味も◎♪after that, i went to a next-door gelato pique shop store. and bought laundry detergent and fabr




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