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改正教育基本法、可決The newly revised Fundamental Law of Education includes additional pr…
石川高裁、住基ネットは「合憲」の判決The court has dismissed a demand by a group of residents that…
木村前知事、収賄で再逮捕Mr. Kimura apparently believed that receiving money would not cause…
近未來通信、詐欺の疑い強まるThe company calculated dividends based on an arbitrarily set leng…
中国残留孤児訴訟、国の責任を認める判決The state should have immediately repatriated war-displaced …
人工哺育の「ピース」、満7歳にShe is in her mid-twenties in terms of human age.・in one's mid-t…
「造反議員」復党に向けて誓約書を提出"That has not seemed to be the case."アナウンサーが Has the issue of…
ロシア、亡命スパイを放射性物質で暗殺?"You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protes…
ことしの紅白の司会は中居さん・仲間さんNakae says she will work together with Nakai to give a boost…
ハチ公、19年ぶりの里帰りThe stuffed specimen of the famous faithful dog, Hachiko, has been…