



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • ★Thank you so much for visiting my blog★

    遊びに来てくれて、ありがと-ございます★初めまして、こんにちわっっ★私も、ブログに遊びに行きたいのでURLを載せて下さい(★・v・)ヨロシクお願いします♪I write a diary in English★If something is wrong with my English, please correct me★Im afraid I ca

  • I rescued him‼

    保護したッッwhen i went to the gas station,i saw him walking the said of my car.ガソリンスタンドに行ったら、車の脇を歩いてるのを見たのoto be continued..zzZ

  • I love seasonings★

    調味料が大好きッッi want to eat mayonnaise so i eat salad, and..マヨネ-ズが食べたくてサラダを食べたり、when i want to eat wasabi, i eat beef steak and raw sashimi.ワサビを食べたい時は、牛肉やお刺身を食べたりするのoi put a lot of Japanese peppers o

  • Hot dog finger wiener sausages★

    指ホットドッグi tried to make severed bloddy sauseage fingers for halloweenハロウィ-ン仕様の血まみれの指を作って見たッッ♪this sausage looks like a severed finger, right切断された指のよ-に見えるでしょ??this time i ate this crepe今日は、イチゴティ

  • Today's dinner is spaghetti with fingers♬

    今日の夜ご飯は指入りパスタyou can have another fingers指のおかわりあるよ∼♪today, i went to misdo今日は、ミスド★misdo sell special donuts for Halloweenハロウィン仕様になってるよ★see u

  • Meeting Up For A Date★

    デ-トの待ち合わせi want you to meet my boyfriend私の彼氏紹介するねッッッ♪he is fair-skinned with a smooth face色白でのっぺりしてるでしょ♪it was really tasty.これ美味しぃosee uthe shop window is cuteお店の窓が可愛い♬

  • I got lots of souvenirs♪

    いろいろ貰ったッッi visited my grandfather's houseおばあちゃん家に行って来たッッ♬i bought crepe as usual at the crepe shop in the countryside.田舎にあるクレ-プ屋さんでいつものクレ-プ買ったよoit's in the middle of nowhereめっちゃ田舎♪i got lot

  • Matsuri Food♬

    お祭りフ-ドlook what i've foundこんなの見つけたよ♪it's choco banana bread.チョコバナナパンothis is a simple, fun and delicious楽しいし美味しい♬see u

  • Sliced ​​bread and milk chocolate bar♬

    食パンと板チョコi made this chocollate bar toast, but this is soooooo sweet板チョコト-ストを作ったんだけど..めっっっちゃ甘い‼‼i don't want it for a while.当分いらないotoday, i bought some donuts at misterdonut今日はミスド∼∼★i have eaten 8

  • Nyamu-Nyamu-Chicken with tartar source♬

    ニャムニョムチキンとタルタルソ-スsource tastes better honey mustard.タレは、ハニ-マスタ-ドのほうが美味しぃotoday, i went to CFC, but..今日はケンタッキ-に行ったんだけどねoi feel lucky得した気分♪♪♪i also ordered the french fries, but it item w

  • lap pillow★

    ひざ枕my cat, pippi like sleeping on my teddy bear's lapニャンコのぴっぴはクマの縫いぐるみのひざ枕が大すきッッ♪i really loved lying on my mother.私はお母さんのひざ枕が大大大すきッッ..だったorecently, she isn't so cute at all, irritated wi

  • So called Melon bread★

    なんちゃってメロンパンthis is made with white bread食パンで作ったッッ♬you can easily make at homeお家でも簡単に作れるよ★this time, i went to the daifuku store今日は、大福屋さんに行って来たッッ♬see u

  • The pinnacle of happiness♬

    幸せの極みi came to the chicken karaage restaurant this time今日は、鶏の唐揚げ屋さん★it's freshly fried揚げたてだよ∼∼∼‼this tartar sauce dip was also sold, so i made an additional orderタルタルソ-スのディップも売ってたから、追加注文したッッ

  • So called French cruller♬

    なんちゃってフレンチクル-ラ-you can make them with tempura flourてんぷら粉で、フレンチックル-ラ-が作れるよ‼i was a little impressed.ちょっと感動しちゃったッッッoi ate this crepe this time今日は、クレ-プ食べたよ♪see u

  • I suppose.

    知らんけどoi received a souvenir from osaka from my friend.大阪のお土産貰ったよoi went to the daifuku-mochi shop this time今日は、大福屋さんに行って来たッッ★i ate kakigori with strawberry daifuku苺の大福かき氷食べたよ♬it looks cute何か可愛い

  • Nothing beats this‼

    やっぱこれが1番~my recommendation: putting the mayo on first and sprinkling some rock salt on top is the best way to make this topping私のオススメは、マヨ+塩たこ焼き★i get a craving to eat this occasionallyたまに無性に食べたくなる~♪see ui ate

  • Butcher shop♬

    精肉店i bought various deep fried foods at a butcher shop.お肉屋さんで色んな揚げ物買って来たッッoi also tried buying fried chicken gizzard for the first time because i can't stand the way it looks.食べず嫌いな砂肝の唐揚げも初めて買って見たよothe t

  • The best match★

    最強コンビchicken karaage and tartar sauce is the best combination鶏の唐揚げと、タルタルソ-スは最強コンビ‼i took a drive in the country today今日は、田舎にドライブに行って来たッッ★this season there are surprisingly wild flowers open with red spi


    麻薬卵i tried to make for the first time in a while久しぶりに作って見たッッ♪this food has too much seasoning, rightこれって、めっちゃ味が濃いよね??it is too strong for me, although i put a lot of suger in it.砂糖をいっぱい入れても味が濃~いoso

  • I get a warm fuzzy feeling♬

    癒しmy cats are awake, they keep having brother fight, but..起きてる時は、ずっっと喧嘩ばっかしてるのに at Misudo right now今日は、ミスドだよ~★i came here to buy thisこれを買いに来たッッ♪Misudo's autumn 2023 limited menu "Sweet potato do"

  • My favorite shop will closed down.

    お気に入りのお店が潰れちゃうoevery time i come to this shop, there are no customers, so i had a feeling like that.いつ来ても、お客さんに会ったことがないから..そんな気はしてたoi will eat as much as possible until that day comesその日まで、思う存分食

  • There is a buffet at gaburichicken every month on the 14th♬

    毎月14日は、がブリチキン。の食べ放題however, im afraid i can eat it when im on holidays, but my schedule don't much. i can't find a day that's good.なのにぃぃぃ、私の休みの日だったら食べることが出来るけど、なかなか予定が合わな~いoso i I bought many c

  • Halloween character doughnuts♬

    ハロウィン仕様ド-ナツmisdo is on the ball when it comes to cute character doughnuts.ミスドって可愛いキャラクタ-のド-ナツのことになると抜かりないよねopokemon donuts are cute, tooポケモンド-ナツも可愛すぎるし‼see u

  • Moon Viewing Burger from KFC♬

    ケンタッキ-の月見バ-ガ-im not satisfied unless i eat it every year毎年食べないと気が済まな~~い♬see u

  • A Sweets Outlet shop★

    スイ-ツのアウトレットi bought a lot for everyone.皆の分もいっぱい買って来たッッosee u

  • An unwanted favor..

    ありがた迷惑...i always ask Amazon set to deliever to my door every time, but Yamato never will do it. they leave the paper. the Amazon delivery slaves will leave it, which is what i prefer.アマゾンで毎回置き配指定をしてあるのに、ヤマト経由だと再配達の

  • Running an errand♬

    お使い物today, i was given a little errand by my grandmother, so i went to the sea今日は、おばあちゃんにちょっとしたお使いを頼まれて海に来たの♪i was told to get spicy polllack roe at mentai park by her.かねふくのからし明太子を買って来てってoshe l

  • A popular Japanese sweets' parlour★

    人気の甘味処i visited to the interesting Japanese sweets' parlour featured in a magazine雑誌に載ってて気になってた甘味処に行って来たよ♬the place was packed, so i ordered almond jelly shake and warabimochi to go and had it at the car店内は人でいっぱ

  • Simmered pork belly and White radish with sweet soy sauce♬

    豚バラ大根煮i made this today for dinner.今日はこれを作ったよothis meat has a little fat on it which makes it tender and delicious, so i love it豚バラの脂身が柔らかくて美味しいから大好きッッ★limited-edition crepe came out期間限定のクレ-プが発売

  • How lovely‼

    可愛いぃぃぃthese are the pink version oreo cookies with vanilla cream fillingピンクバージョンのオレオクッキ-だよ♪they were deliciousめっちゃ美味しかったッッ★my favorite way to eating it is to spread vanilla ice cream on it私の好きな食べ方は、

  • Hide her head but fail to hide her butt♬

    頭隠して尻隠さずim addicted to mosburgerモスバ-ガ-のとりこ♪i get to like what my mother likes the foods.お母さんの好きな食べ物って、私も好きになっちゃうoshe eat any dish with worcester sauce.お母さんは何にでもソ-スをかけて食べちゃうのねoand sh

  • gelato pique cafe★

    ジェラピケカフェtheir crepes dough are delicious, tooクレ-プの生地からして美味しい‼see u

  • I was ordering 15 pieces this time★

    15個入りi also bought chicken karaage at takoyaki shopたこ焼き屋さんで鶏の唐揚げも買って来たッッ♬it tastes great, tooこれがまためちゃくちゃ美味し-の‼see u

  • So called mosburger★

    なんちゃってモスバ-ガ-i made it while looking cookpad's recipeクックパッドのレシピを参考にして作ったよ♬it tasted like it was from the mosお店の味~★today, adidas store was having a sale.今日、アディダスでセ-ルやってたよothere's an adidas logo

  • Summer beach was lively, but..

    夏のビ-チは賑やかだったのにoi went to the beach on an early morning walk.朝、お散歩しにビ-チに来たッッothere's no one place after Obon holiday, which is in the middle of August. where did everyone goお盆が済んだ途端、誰も居なくなっちゃったッッ...皆

  • Pika-chu-uu‼

    ピカ..チュゥゥ~i bought the pokemon couble cup from Baskin Robbins because i wanted special pokemon sticker featuring a 31 Ice original designサ-ティワンオリジナルデザインのポケモンステッカ-が欲しくて、31のポケモンダブルカップ買ったッッ★im taken in

  • Overflowing tomato meat sauce★

    溢れ出すトマトミ-トソ-スi went into battle with mosburger at mos today今日は、mosのモスバ-ガ-とバトルしに行ったッッ♪actually, i want to eat with Mussha mussha, is a very difficult job to eat, rihgtホントはムシャムシャ食べたいけど、食べるの

  • My glandmother and I have different tastes in food‼

    祖母と食の好みが合わな~いi really love mayo egg toast. this dish tastes delicious and easy to make, so i often cook it.私、マヨエッグト-ストがめっちゃ好きで、美味しくて簡単に出来るからよく作るのねoand i also cooked it for my glandmother.それで、お婆

  • Welcome back‼

    お帰り~~~~~is self-checkout really more convenient for anyoneセルフレジって便利??there are some donuts i'd like to buy at misdo,but..ミスドのド-ナツをもっと買いたかったんだけど..first, i have chosen the middle sized paper bag, so the bag is not bi

  • It looks like an avalanche of whipped cream♬

    ホイップクリ-ムの雪雪崩や∼~isn't it amazingすごくない??see u

  • Sleep is my source of energy like nezuko in Kimetsu no Yaiba.

    鬼滅の禰津子のよ-に睡眠がエネルギ-源oi really love icecream from ministopミニストップのアイスめっちゃ好きッッッ‼i also eat sweets to boost my energy, but..甘~~いモノもエネルギ-チャ-ジがあっぷされるけど、when i feel exhausted, i fall asleep withou

  • Eating whatever I want is what makes me the happiest every day♬

    毎日好きなものを好きなだけ食べるのって幸せright now, im at crepe shopクレ-プ屋さんに来たッッ★here comes the freshly made crepe. it looks delicious出来立てのクレ-プ来た-!!美味しそ~‼see ui received a souvenir from tottori from my friend.鳥取の

  • Fighting verbally is a form of communication, too♬

    口喧嘩もコミュニケ-ションのひとつi bought warabi mochi drink with brown sugar and milk飲むわらび餅の黒糖ミルク買って来たよ★my friend is somewhat clumsy.ちょっと鈍くちゃ~い友達がいるのねoit may be thanks to the car performs extremely well, but whe

  • I feel so sad and tears come naturally‼

    悲しくなって涙が出ちゃ~~~うis it just me私だけ??because i have a hard time getting up in the morning when i ended up going to bed later at night.前日の夜に寝る時間が遅くなったとき、朝起きるのがつらくて.. i hate getting up and i just feel really sa

  • A TV program called ”JOBTUNE”♪

    テレビ番組『ジョブチュ-ン』mini stop convenience store's naganopurplesoft was featured on TVテレビで紹介されたミニストップのナガノパ-プルソフト★this was unanimously voted most expensive dessert by the the top class great pastry chefs超一流スイ-ツ職

  • Popular shaved ice shop in the corner of the shrine♬

    神社の一角にある人気のカキ氷屋さんthe place was full of peopleお店はお客さんでパンパン‼and there's also a line outside the shop. お店の外にも列が出来てたよothe owner is incredibly considerate of others and such a good personバイトちゃんはちょっ

  • Shaved ice with mandarin orange from Difuku-Mochi Store★

    大福屋さんのミカンかき氷to be continued..zzZ

  • Cats love boxs★

    ニャンコ達は箱が大好きwhen they found a cardboard box, they are always getting into a box.ダンボ-ルを見つけると、とりあえず箱の中に入るよねothe box is too small and she can't curl up and relax in the box.箱が小さすぎて、寝転んでリラックス出来ないo

  • If you don't eat it quickly!!

    早く食べないとmy ice cream will meltアイスが溶けちゃう‼this is a soy milk ice cream from the tofu shop豆腐屋さんの豆乳アイス♪after becoming an adult i could understand soy milk taste大人になって、豆乳の美味しさを理解出来たッッ★see uim so i

  • Snail become much bigger now★

    カタツムリがだいぶ大きくなったよhaving said that, it's 6 mm long.って言っても、6ミリくらいの大きさotoday's meals are melon and eggshell🥚今日のご飯は、メロンと卵の殻をあげたよ♬hey, this everyday heat makes me worn outね-、毎日暑くて死んじゃ---う

  • Purple potato★

    紫いもi made potato chips with the vegetables my Grandma used to grow in her fieldおばあちゃん家の畑で採れた野菜でポテトチップス作ったッッ♬a color is bright and very interesting色が鮮やかで面白~い‼i went to get vegetables from my grandparents ho

  • Deep cleaning‼

    大掃除i gradually started tidying up少しずつ始めた♬i feel good if a house is clean in every corner隅々まで綺麗だと気分いいもんね★but,..でもね..when i was deep cleaning my fridge a topdown, inside-out, front-to-back scrubbing,冷蔵庫を上から下

  • You can enjoy crunchy texture♬

    ザクザク食感something good is going to happen to you, in MisterDonutいいことあるぞ~MisterDounut♪i can't stop eating "White Pon de Ring"白いポンデリングにめっちゃハマっちゃったッッ‼just so you know, i only had to buy three donuts, but staff put t

  • Valuable people♬

    貴重な人種my grandparents and i have never gotten COVID yet祖父母と私はまだ1度もコロナなってな~~い♪my mother infected from my father with COVID, too.父経由で、お母さんもコロナに感染しちゃったッッoshe told me about half at my father's company got

  • I couldn't help but laugh out loud‼

    思わず声を出して笑っちゃったッッwhen i was watching tik tok while waiting for a bus, Japanese comedian duo bambino came up in my recommended videos.バスを待ってる間ティックトックを見てたら、バンビ-ノって言う2人組のお笑い芸人さんの動画が出てきたのねov

  • Nyam-nyam chicken★

    ニャムニャムチキンnyam nyam chicken means yangnyeom chicken(spicy korean fried chicken)ニャムニャムチキンって、ヤンニョムチキンのこと♬i always just call it "nyamnyam chicken" by myself私がいつも勝手に『ニャムニャムチキン』って呼んでるだけッッ♪be

  • That was close‼‼

    セ-----フi got a call from my father saying that there is anything that im having trouble. and if i have any trouble, tell him about it.父から何か困ってることはないかって、何かあるときは言うようにって電話がかかってきたのねoand i replied, "i've never

  • I feel so sorry for people living in kyoto!!

    京都に住んでる人達ごめんないit's been so hot lately i came all the way here連日のあまりの暑さに、はるばるここまで来ちゃったッッッ‼it's lake biwa琵琶湖だよ~~~‼this lake was not clear, to say the most, but..most of the water used in the city of Ky

  • The grass is always greener on the other side♬

    無い物ねだりi want a big sisterお姉ちゃんが欲しい‼i want to have a little sister, too妹も欲しいぃぃぃ‼i think having a younger and older sisters are the best feeling in the world it can't not be fun姉妹が居るって絶対に楽しいや~~ん‼for exampl

  • He got married to other person~♬

    別の人の旦那になったよ~summer is just around the corner夏が来るね♪childhood friend got marriaged, but i know everybody's face of all his ex-girlfriend susually幼馴染の友達が結婚したんだけど、歴代の彼女を全員知ってるッッッ★in fact, i made for his

  • Goes on sale May 6‼

    5月6日より発売開始right now, im at ministop convenience storeミニストップに来たッッ★my purpose of came here this time is to buy this今日ここに来た目的は、これを買うため♬it's melt in the mouth tiramisu pudding parfaitとろけるティラミスプリンパフ

  • Be big!!

    大きくな∼∼れthere was already 5 millimeter size of snail shell.5mmくらいになったよothis time, i ate this kishimen at nagoyabunroku in the food court of aeon mall nagoya noritake garden今日は、なごや文六のきしめんッッ♬my eyeblows ran away from m

  • What is this??

    何これ~ made onion rings on this recipe★オニオンリングれしぴi meant to make this, but..これを作ったつもりだったんですけど??i made it according to the recipe, but these two don't look al

  • The moment of relief♬

    ホッとする瞬間i stopped by a convenience store to buy some energy drink on the way home.帰りに、エナジ-ドリンクを買おうと思ってコンビニに寄ったのねowhen i saw person in front of me also buying two energy drink,..私の前の人がエナジ-ドリンクを2本も買

  • How to eat Yukimi Daifuku★

    雪見だいふくの食べ方put sliced cheese first on a sliced bread white bread, then yukimi daifuku.食パンの上にスライスチ-ズを乗せて、さらに雪見大福を乗せるのotoasted it with the toaster oven, and it's all done.ト-スタ-で焼いたら、出来上がりoi've alre

  • True love★

    純愛my friend got married. she has known the bride since high school with himお友達が高校の頃から付き合ってる彼氏と結婚したのね♪i was moved to tears by her grandfather speech友達のおじいちゃんのスピ-チが、めちゃめちゃ泣けたッッッ‼im so glad that

  • Korean foods♬

    韓国食品there is such a Korean boom in Japan.韓国ブ-ムだよねothere's a sundry of Hangul-written korea foods in the corners of supermarketsス-パ-の一角に、めっちゃ沢山のハングルで書かれた韓国食品が並んでる♬i didn't get the earth gummy for a while

  • For the first time in a while..

    久しぶりに..a ghost appeared in front of meお化け出たッッッ‼im thought to be an odd person if i saying something like this, so i hate to say this but..こ-ゆ-ことを話すと、頭がおかしいと思われちゃうからあんまり言いたくないんだけど.. i saw a ghost

  • It’s a common thing at my girls school♬

    女子校あるあるlike, what belongs to my friend belongs to me, what's mine is my friend's belongings友達の物は私の物、私の物は友達の物みたいな♬because i spent most of my time with my friends than i do with my family during my school days.だって、学

  • My Stress Busters✩

    ストレス解消法i make sweets to relax night after night夜な夜なお菓子作り♪these cookies are handmadeクッキ-♬i ate it allぜ∼んぶ食べちゃったッッッ★this one is poundcake with dryfruitこっちは、ドライフル-ツのパウンドケ-キ♬i don't want to s

  • Muffin top fat♬

    ぷにぷにのはみ肉when i gave as much of any fruit that snail like, it was bigger and lounder. カタツムリの好きな果物をいっぱいあげてたら、丸々太っちゃったッッotoday's meal is banana今日のご飯はバナナ♪there is a broken part on the snail shell. snai

  • Men just don't understand that.

    男の人なんかには分からないoi went to my grandma's house today.今日は祖父母のお家に行って来たッッoi bought a usual crepe at the crepe shop in the neighborhood田舎にあるクレ-プ屋さんで、いつものクレ-プ買ったよ♪in the countryside, good communication

  • A sad dream..

    悲しい夢oi had a sad dream.悲しい夢をみたのねoi thought that i have my grandmother listen to me, but..おばあちゃんに聞いてもらおうと思ったんだけど..i don't want to make her feel sad, so i stopped talking to her.おばあちゃんにも悲しい思いをさせた

  • Like oil and water‼

    水と油it has been about several months since my pets and a new cat have lived together, but..新入りネコと一緒に暮らし始めて数カ月経つんだけど..they can’t get on with a new cat..先住ペット達と、まっっったく仲良くならないのoshe's sleeping with her

  • Korean style Mayak eggs★

    韓国風麻薬たまごi tried to make mayak eggs for the first time in a while久しぶりに、麻薬卵を作って見たッッ♪if you make it in the morning, source soaks into eggs enough to become good to be eaten when you returned home at night朝作っておけば、夜に帰

  • My future dream★ I'm in the 1st grade, class 2. Umi

    将来の夢 1年2組o when i grow up, i want to be a great..大きくなったら、立派な...great..立派な..i want to be the karashi mentaiko辛子明太子になりた∼∼∼い‼i hope im good美味しくな∼れ♪this mentaiko soft serve ice cream is very tasty明太ソ

  • That is like bamboo shoot-centric dish tonight★

    今夜はタケノコづくしsteamed rice with bamboo shoots and seaweedタケノコとワカメの炊き込みご飯♪chinjaoro-su styleチンジャオロ-ス風♪i also made bamboo shoot sashimi and bamboo shoot tempura他にも、タケノコの頭の部分を使って、お刺身や天ぷらにした

  • Snail love to eat strawberries♬

    カタツムリは苺が大好きsnail ate a lot of strawberry yesterday.昨日、イチゴをめっっちゃ食べてたッッothe snail very rarely eat fruit naturally, so snail will never eat it for the rest of life.自然に苺を口にすることなんて殆どないから、残りの生涯、もう

  • Wisteria♬

    藤の花wisteria is in full bloom here藤の花が満開だよ★they are very beautiful綺麗だね∼♪see uit's pure white like a wedding dressウエディングドレスみたいな純白♪

  • I love this one too★

    これも好きッッッit's s’mores dipスモアディップ♪this is toasted marshmallows.これは、焼きマシュマロだよothe recipe is easy. spread some chocolates in the bottom of a baking dish. then arrange marshmallows on top. and then bake in the oven until m

  • Korean style s'more cookies★

    韓国風スモアクッキ-a new handmade baked sweets specialty shop called "mUah BAKE" has just opened in nagoya名古屋に、ムアベイクって言う手作りの焼き菓子専門店があるのね♬there is a popular oreo smore cookie here,ここには人気のスモアクッキ-があって、

  • Oh, gross‼‼

    ぎ~も~ぢ~わ~る~いぃぃぃfor some reason, there was an big snail on the asphalt parking lot.なぜか、コンクリ-トの駐車場に大きなカタツムリが居たのねoi looked at the snail shell carefully, there's a crack in the underside of the shell.カタツムリを手に取

  • Deep Fried Butter‼‼‼

    揚げバタ-finally, i made most DANGEROUS foodついに、もっとも危険な食べ物に手を出しちゃったッッッ‼that name is is none other than "deep fried butter"その名も揚げバタ---♪this deep fat fried butter recipe in us says to creative bite-size chunks fr

  • I want to hear the voice of the sky, and..♬

    空の声が聞きたくてthe sea was very cold early in the morning.早朝の海はめちゃめちゃ寒∼∼∼いothe ocean is blue and clear, shining beautifully because it reflects the color of the sky.海が青く透き通って輝いてるのは、空が青いからowhen the sky is ov

  • Moss phlox♬

    芝桜it comes to be this season this year too今年もまたこの季節が来たッッ♪i came here this year too今年もここに来たよ★i want to go to this handmaid swing (for children)(子供用の??)この手作りブランコに乗りたくて‼the reason why this is for chil

  • Summer day!!

    夏日today is still April 1st, but..まだ4月1日なのに‼there are a lot of things that i want to write, but..first, i'd like to talk about today's happenings.書きたいことがいっぱいあるんだけど、先に今日のこと書くねothe cherry blossoms were still beau

  • I'm feeling miserable.

    からいocherry blossoms are in bloom over hereこっちは桜が綺麗に咲いてるよ♪see u

  • My favorite place★

    お気に入りの場所i came here todayここに来たッッ♬i love the scenery(the industrial zone of Yokkaichi) i see from hereここから見る四日市の工場地帯の風景が大好きなの♪it's a great view眺めいいでしょ~★i fell in love at first sight when i saw the

  • I will go back to my parent’s home!!

    実家に帰らせて頂きます2022-12-31 16:00:25today's blog is updated in real time今日は、リアルタイムで更新★this morning, i went to the jyuwari-soba restaurant opens in the early morning今朝は、早朝から営業してる十割蕎麦のお蕎麦屋さんに行って来たッッ

  • Living together indefinitely♬

    無期限の同居生活the cat had surgery to be neutered and then she got my stitches removed too.ノラにゃんこの避妊手術と、そのあとの抜糸も終わったよoshe is receiving treatment for ear infection now.今は、耳の感染症の治療中oeverybody is so tense becaus

  • Deep fried oreos★

    フライドオレオi cooked it following this recipeこのレシピを参照★ feel this taste has something missing, so i coated it with granulated sugar after i deep fried, it tasted good何か物足りない感じがしたから、揚げた

  • I'm addicted to TikTok‼

    ティックトック中毒i can never get tired of looking at tik tokずっっっっっと見てられる♪tik tok videos of pet animals are so cute and funny. they are such mind soothersペット系の動画って、めっちゃ可愛くて思わず笑っちゃうo癒される∼♬and then, i rea

  • I received a travel gift from my friend♬

    お土産もらったッッi want to go somewhere in Japan, too私も、どっか旅行に行きた∼∼∼い‼i've been to hokkaido, miyagi, tokyo, chiba, shizuoka, nagano, toyama, gifu, aichi, ishikawa, fukui, shiga, mie, kyoto, nara, osaka, hyougo, okayama, kagawa, toku

  • Daifuku these days♬

    今どきの大福there are many kinds and you can enjoy various tastes of them now.今って、めちゃくちゃ色んな味が楽しめるよねoi bought chocolate banana flavor, melon flavor, pudding flavor, raw chocolate flavor and mugwort flavor買ったのは、チョコバナナ

  • I need more time every day‼

    毎日、時間が足らないi have a lot on my plate every day because i can't leave it to anyone else.自分以外の人に任せることが出来なくて、自分で自分の仕事を増やしてるのoso i want one more me自分がもう一人欲しいぃぃ‼i bought some donuts from misterdonu

  • I got blown away!!

    風に飛ばされたッッッwhat are the odds of thatそんなことってある??my blog entries are out of sequence, but..ブログの記事の順番がバラバラだけど、i was waiting for the bus at the bus stop on the day the first gale of spring has blown.春一番が吹いた

  • Cut it out‼

    やめて∼snail was pretending to be dead again, so i thought it was deadまたカタツムリが動かないから、死んじゃったのかと思ったッッッ‼so i threw a lot of water at the snail, the snail stick the head out of the snail shell.それで、水をいっぱいかけたら

  • Hey, look look!!

    見て見てッッi did a good job today with my gyoza hamburg steak餃子ハンバ-グが上手く焼けたッッ‼it cooked really well, so i wanted to showing off美味しそ-に出来たから、自慢したくなっちゃったッッッ★even if there is no gyoza skin, it will taste good

  • My small dream is..

    私の小さな夢..there's one image in my life that consistently makes me happy no matter when i think about it.想像するだけで幸せになれるイメ-ジがあるのねoi grow herbs on the bay window in my kitchen and i enjoy cook using herbs when i cookキッチンの出

  • You can’t see what’ insaid the crepe.

    クレ-プに何が入ってるか見えへんねoi can only see the skin of a crepe.ただのクレ-プの皮にしか見えないothe picture in the menu was so cute.メニュ-の写真はめちゃ可愛かったんだよoit isn't cute.可愛くな~~~いosee ui tried putting boiled quail eggs




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