BIOHAZARD: vendetta の続き つか最初っからやるか LEON: When I was a kid, I used to think about the kind of man I'd glow up to be. I never thought my life would turn out this way. 日本語訳「俺は子供の頃、どんな大人になりたかったのか?…まさかこんな人生になるとは」 自分訳「子供の頃、大きくなったらどんな大人になるのか考えていたが…自分の人生がこんなふうになるとは考えたこともなかった」 turn out 自動詞+ 副詞〔+(to be)補〕結局〈……
BIOHAZARD: vendetta の続き 最初っから全部やればいいんでしょうけれどもまあ…少しずつ LEON: Careful you don't scare the locals. Your stealth's for shit. 日本語訳「地元民をビビらせるな その格好浮いてるぞ」 stealth 【名】ひそやかなやり方、内密の【形】秘密の deepl訳「地元の人を怖がらせないように気をつけてください。お前のステルスはクソだ。」となっています。ステルスの訳し方がどうもわからない。 "for shit"の意味が「少しも、全然」となっているようなので 「気をつけろ、地元民を怖がらせるなよ…
最近BIOHAZARD: vendetta見てアクションにはまってしまったので そこから少し… (というか英語でバイオみてるとレオンじゃなくてリオンって言いそうになる) LEON: Dibs on the bike. 日本語訳「イカしたバイクだぜ」 BSAAから援軍は送れないけどせめてものプレゼントということで準備してもらったいい軍用車とバイクを見た時のレオンのセリフです 日本語字幕だと「イカしたバイクだぜ」となっていましたが、dibs onの意味は「俺のもの」ということなので、「バイクは俺の(俺が乗るからな)」っていう意味のようです。最初日本語字幕で見ていたときに「当たり前のようにレオンがバ…
2021_011 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その11
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 10. The SIS Building, Vauxhall It’s officially called the SIS Building (Secret Intelligence Service), but everyone refers to it as the MI6 building. (Not to be confused with the MI5 building across the water on Millbank, which must surely be linked via a secr…
BIOHAZARD: Infinit Darknessの海外の反応
It's maybe a thinly veiled metaphor for real world politics, or a story that uses them as inspiration for its own story, but its also just mostly a snooze. thinly うっすら veil ベール metaphor 比喩 現実の政治の世界を薄いベールで比喩しているんだと思う、または話のためにインスピレーションとして使用した話となっているが、ただ退屈だ <deepl>現実の政治を薄っぺらくメタファーしたり、それをネタにした物語なのかもしれませ…
2021_010 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その10
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 9. West Brompton Lift Tower Only kidding. This is not one of London’s best postmodern buildings. But it was opened by Glenda Jackson… who turned down the role of M in the James Bond franchise… which is a neat link to... 【単語】 shaft 軸 turn down 断る、下げる、低くする、低下する…
2021_009 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その9
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 8. Limehouse Link Portals The Isle of Dogs is a happy hunting ground for postmodern architecture. This is unsurprising. The still-continuing construction boom on the peninsula began in the late 80s just as postmodernism was peaking. The Limehouse Link skirts …
2021_008 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その8
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 7. Charing Cross Railway Station London’s largest postmodern building? It has to be up there, along with 125 London Wall and the MI6 building (see below) by the same architect, Terry Farrell. Actually, most of what we see at Charing Cross isn’t part of the st…
2021_007 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その7
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 6. TV-AM Studios, Camden Town Anyone who was of TV-watching age in the early 1980s will immediately recognise the egg cups on top of this building. The architectural ova were a key motif of TV-AM, one of Britain’s pioneering breakfast magazine-style shows. Th…
2021_006 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その6
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 今日はリハビリ五発目 こちらの記事の五つ目から 5. Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre From the south-west, Chiswick Roundabout’s leading leisure facility is utterly unremarkable - a dark-brick boredom that looks like a Sainsbury’s without the Nectar Points. But viewed from the north-…
2021_005 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その5
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 今日はリハビリ四発目 こちらの記事の三つ目から 4. Tower Gateway DLR Station You know that scene in E.T. where Elliott and the alien are dying in a military field hospital? THAT was the architectural inspiration behind Tower Gateway DLR station. Look: That’s my theory, anyway. This …
2021_004 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その4
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 今日はリハビリ四発目 こちらの記事の三つ目から 3. No 1 Poultry, City of London Many people hate this James Sterling creation on Bank junction. It has been called unsubtle, childish and crass. Some lament the elegant Mappin & Webb building it replaced in the 1990s. But I have to adm…
2021_003 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その3
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 今日はリハビリ三発目 こちらの記事の二つ目から 2. Bentall Centre, Kingston-upon-Thames The words “landmark architecture” and “shopping centre” do not often find themselves cohabiting a sentence, unless as part of a marketing fib. Kingston's mighty mall is a genuine exception. The f…
2021_002 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その2
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 今日はリハビリ二発目 こちらの記事の一つ目から 1. Storm Water Pumping Station, Isle of Dogs London has one of the most eclectic collections of pumping stations in the world (I assume… I mean, who really keeps track of these things?). The ‘cathedrals of sewage’ at Abbey Mills and Cr…
2021_001 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その1
ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← 今日はリハビリ一発目 こちらの記事の前段から What is postmodern architecture? The term broadly describes structures, usually from the 1980s or early 90s, that are playful and colourful, with strong geometric elements. You'll almost always find a semi-circle in there, and usually a… Grange Hill A grange was simply a farm with a granary, here located on a hill. The tube stop has no connection to the well-known children's show of the same name, which was originally filmed in Willesden, Kingsbury and Borehamwood. ◆単語の意味 grange 屋敷、農場 granary 穀物倉庫 ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる グランジヒルグランジ… Hainault We were convinced this one had to have French/Norman origins. C'est faux. The name stems from an Old English way of saying a wood belonging to a religious community, and is first recorded in 1221 as Henehout. The modern spelling came from a mistaken connection to Philippa of H… Fairlop If the name conjures images of chopped trees, then you're along the right lines. From around 1725, Fairlop became a popular destination for its fairs, held around a great oak tree with lopped limbs. The tree was badly damaged by fire in the early 19th century and eventually ble…
◆書きたい内容 私は子供のころ日本舞踊を習っていました。日本舞踊には藤間流と花柳流の二つの流派があります。わたしはこの二つにどのような違いがあるのか知りません。私が習っていたのは藤間流でした。 ↓↓↓ ◆英訳しやすい文に直す - ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに訳して書いてみる I used to learned Japanese dance when I was a child. Japanese dance has two style Fujima-style and Hanayagi style. I don't know what is different from them. The … Newbury Park The name is medieval and has a simple derivation from 'new borough'. Barkingside First recorded in 1538, the name is a reference to Hainault Forest. The settlement here was on the same side as Barking. Barking's name is either a reference to birch trees or — like Ealing an…
◆書きたい内容 私がストーリーに感動したゲームのひとつに「ヘラクレスの栄光III」があります。感動したポイントはラストのストーリーの大どんでん返しです。記憶をなくした男が主人公ですが、その正体がわかった時には、それまでまったくなかったタイプの子供向けゲームの世界に一石を投じるものでした。細かいストーリーは覚えていませんが、衝撃だけは忘れらません。 ↓↓↓ ◆英訳しやすい文に直す 私は気に入ったゲームがあります、そのタイトルは「ヘラクレスの栄光III」です。私はその話のラストに衝撃を受けました。そのゲームの主人公は記憶をなくしています。彼の正体は最後に判明します。わたしはその時本当に驚きました。… Gants Hill Not to be confused with Grange Hill down the line, nor Dickens's former home of Gad's Hill in Kent. The name probably derives from the le Gant family, stewards of Barking Abbey from the 13th century. ◆単語の意味 Gants HillNot to be confused with Grange Hill down the line, nor Dic… Redbridge Quite simply, named for a red bridge which bestrode the River Roding from the 17th century, until it was knocked down for road improvement in 1922. Here's the modern replacement. The tube station name (1947) predates the London Borough of Redbridge (1965). ◆単語の意味 bestrode またが… Wanstead The name was first recorded as Wenstede on the eve of the Norman invasion. The 'stead' part indicates a settlement, but there is some uncertainty as to whether Wan or Wen means a hill or a wagon. ◆単語の意味 eve 前日、前夜 invasion 進入、進出、侵略 settlement 合意、決着、解決 ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる ワンステッドこの名前はノルマン… Leyton and Leytonstone London's second river had still further influences on place names. Both Leyton and Leytonstone grew from the idea of a settlement (ton) on the Lea/Ley. The 'stone' part refers to an ancient distance-marker post (pictured) on the junction of Hollybush Hill and New… Stratford The same ancient road to Mile End carried on across the River Lea. The crossing point was originally a ford, and hence Stratford — the ford of the street — arose. A later bow-shaped bridge over the river gave us the additional name of Bow. ◆単語の意味 ford 浅瀬 arose ariseの過去形。生じる、発… Mile End Known thus since the 13th century, Mile End is a mile from Aldgate pump, one of the traditional locations for measuring distance. ◆単語の意味 thus かくして thus since 従って、以来 ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる マイル エンド13世紀以来知られている、マイルエンドはAldgateポンプから1マイルで、距離を意味する伝統的な場所の一つだ。 ↓↓↓ ◆ googleの訳 マイルエンドこのように13世紀以来知られてい… Bethnal Green Bethnal Green has one of the most charming derivations on the map. It's thought to come from the Anglo-Saxon for 'happy corner'. If you've ever visited one of the area's many fine pubs or bars or, indeed, the Museum of Childhood, you will see why the name still holds true… Bank We'll give you one guess. That's right. Liverpool Street The mainline station dates back to 1864 and takes its name from the local road. This itself was only named in 1827, in honour of Prime Minister Lord Liverpool. If we trace further back, the PM's title obviously comes from th… St Paul's The nearest stop to St Paul's cathedral. Simple as. The apostle has been commemorated on this spot since the seventh century. ◆単語の意味 apostle 使徒、キリストの伝道者 commemorate 祝う、偲ぶ、追悼する ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる セントポールス聖ポール大聖堂に一番近い駅。とてもシンプル。その使徒は7世紀からこのスポットで追悼されている。 ↓↓↓ ◆ googleの訳 セントポールズセントポール大聖堂の最寄… Chancery Lane In medieval times, this lane was home to the Court of Chancery, which dealt with matters of equity. 850 years later, the street is still intimately associated with the legal professions. ◆単語の意味 medieval 中世の home to ~が存在する;~が生まれた場所 dealt with 扱う、取り扱う、対処する、論ずる equity 不偏、衡平 … Holborn Traditionally pronounced with as few letters as possible (O'b'n), Holborn's name has watery origins. It stems from either 'old bourne' or 'holl bourne' (old brook or hollow brook), and probably describes a long-lost tributary of the nearby River Fleet. ◆単語の意味 as as possible 出来る… Tottenham Court Road Curiously, the names of Tottenham in north London and Tottenham Court Road are not directly related. TCR was formerly the road that led to the manor of Tothele, later Tottenhall, situated roughly where this road intersects the Euston Road. Like Tottenham, the manor… Oxford Circus You may well have noticed, but there is no circus at Oxford Circus. The word, also used in St Giles Circus and Piccadilly Circus, means a place where traffic circulates — even though you can't exactly U-turn at any of them these days. The 'Oxford' part is confusing. Oxfor… Bond Street Named after Thomas Bond (ancestor of the fictional James) who owned the land on which the street was laid out in the 17th century. Curiously, Bond Street itself is fictional — only New Bond Street and Old Bond Street now exist. ◆単語の意味 fictional 架空の laid out 広げる、展開する、設計する、レイ… Marble Arch Rather obviously, this station is named after the ornamental arch that stands nearby. The classical confection arrived here in 1851, having previously graced Buckingham Palace. The station and arch lie right beside the site of the old Tyburn Gallows, where many a malefactor…
◆書きたい内容 なんか忙しそうだね。もしかして手伝ってほしい? ↓↓↓ ◆英訳しやすい文に直す わたしにはあなたがとても忙しそうに見えます。もしかしたら、あなたはわたしにあなたを手伝って欲しいと思っていますか? ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに訳して書いてみる I can see you are so busy. I wonder if you want me to help? ↓↓↓ ◆上の作文をgoogleさんで訳してみる 私はあなたがとても忙しいのを見ることができます。 助けてくれないかしら? えっ?逆!逆!手伝いがいるか聞きたいの!あと、周りくどすぎるのかな?I can seeとかって……
◆書きたい内容 いつもと違うメールアドレスで送ってきたから、気づかなかった ↓↓↓ ◆英訳しやすい文に直す あなたがいつもと違うメールアドレスでメールを私に送ってきたので、私はあなたからのメールに気づかなかった ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに訳して書いてみる I didn't notice your e-mail because you used the different mail address as usual. ↓↓↓ ◆上の作文をgoogleさんで訳してみる あなたがいつものように別のメールアドレスを使っていたので、私はあなたのメールに気付きませんでした。 as usualは違ったわ… Lancaster Gate Another station to take its cue from Queen Vic, albeit indirectly. The station is close to the Lancaster Gate into Kensington Gardens. The Queen also held the title of the Duke of Lancaster (as does the present Queen), hence the association. If we want to take yet anothe… Queensway Named in honour of Queen Victoria soon after her accession. It's said that, as a child, Victoria would ride horses along the lane from her nearby home of Kensington Palace. She'd have a job today. Because she's dead. ◆単語の意味 accession 即位 in honour of 敬意を表して ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる クィーンズウェイ… Notting Hill Gate A bit of a mystery on Hugh Grant's doorstep. Notting Hill is recorded from the 14th century under various knutting, nutting and knotting guises. The most likely origin is from a personal name such as Cnotta, with the 'ing' bit meaning 'people of', as with Ealing. Or, … Holland Park Nothing Dutch about this place. Its name comes from Lord Holland (1773-1840) upon whose land the park and estate were built. The great man is commemorated with a statue in the park, upon whose head the pigeons are forever shitting. ◆単語の意味 be commemorated with 記念される shittin… Shepherd's Bush The origins of this name are seemingly obvious, yet murky. Shepherd's Bush is likely to have been a rest stop for sheep farmers making their way to Smithfield Market. On the other hand, the name could recall a person by the name of Sheppard. Nobody really knows. The she… White City White City is neither particularly white in colour, nor a city. Step back to the early 2oth century, and the name felt more appropriate. This was home to a series of remarkable exhibition pavilions, all clad in white marble. ◆単語の意味 nor AでもBでもない appropriate きちんとあった、適切な clad 覆… West, North and East Acton The Actons are legion. The name comes from Old English meaning an enclosure surrounded by oaks. ◆単語の意味 legion 軍隊、部隊、群衆 enclosure 囲い込むこと ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる ウエスト、ノース、アンド イースト アクトンWest, North and East Actonアクトンは軍隊のこと。その名前はオークの木に囲まれたところという意味の古い英語から来ている。 ↓↓↓ ◆ googleの訳 西、… Ealing Broadway One of the oldest names in the London region, Ealing is attested from around 700 CE. There once, it seems, was a local chieftain known as Gilla, whose people were the Gillingas. This slowly transmuted into Ylling then Ealing. ◆単語の意味 attest 証明する there once かつてそこに chiefta… Hanger Lane The lane and nearby Hanger Hill derive from the Old English word hangra, meaning wooded slope. ◆単語の意味 lane 小道、路地 ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる ハンガーレーンこの小道と近くのハンガーヒルは古い英語の木の多い坂という意味のhangraから名付けられている ↓↓↓ ◆ googleの訳 ハンガーレーンレーンとハンガーヒル近くには樹木が茂った斜面を意味し、古英語の単語hangraから派生します。 derive fromは由来する、か Perivale This delightful name is first recorded in the early 16th century as Pyryvale. It's thought to derive from a vale of pear trees, although a corruption of the area's original name, Greenford Parva, is also possible. ◆単語の意味 vale 谷、谷間 ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる ペリベールこの輝かしい名前は最初、16世紀の諸島Pyryvaleとして… Greenford Greenford was simply a place where the River Brent, which still meanders through the area, could be forded in particularly verdant surroundings. ◆単語の意味 meander 川などが曲がりくねる ford 浅瀬 particularly 特に、とりわけ verdant 緑の茂った、新緑に覆われた、青々とした ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる グリーンフォードグリーンフォードは単純にそのエリアを曲がりくねりながら流れ…
◆書きたい内容 昔5人の英雄がいて、魔王を倒し、その魂を5つに分けて聖石に封じた。その勇者たちはマギヴァル大陸にそれぞれ国を造った。これはその英雄の子孫たちの話である。主人公は双子のエフラムとエイリークである。2人の幼なじみのリオンがリオンの国に安置してあった聖石から魔王を解き放ってしまったところからストーリーは始まった。 ↓↓↓ ◆単語を調べる 英雄 a hero 魔王 satan, a devil 子孫 offspring; descent; sibling; progeny; descendant 安置 enshrinement 解き放つ unlash、unhitch、let go、re… Northolt The town was originally known as Northala, a name rejuvenated by the modern Northala Fields (pictured above). Both the hala and holt refer to woodland, with the 'North' simply a compass direction. Southall plays on the same theme — the north woods and the south woods. ◆単語の意味 r… Our series on London etymology continues with a look at the stations of the Central line. Find out how your local station got its name. See also Northern, Victoria. West Ruislip, Ruislip Gardens and South Ruislip Ruislip, pronounced rye-slip, makes reference to the nearby River Pinn. T… City of Westminster The name relates to the famous Abbey — 'mynster' being Old English for a church. The 'West' part simply denotes it as west of the ancient City, and its great church of St Paul. In Anglo Saxon and early Norman times, the area was known as Torneia or Thorney Island, f… Wandsworth Wandsworth takes its name from the River Wandle, which remains one of the delights of the borough. The Wandle got its name from an Anglo Saxon called Waendel, who owned land round here. ◆単語の意味 - ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる ワンズワースワンズワースはその名前を、その自治町村の喜びに満ちたものの一つが残るワンドル川からとった。ワンドル自体はその名前を、この周辺を…
2019_184 訳 Japans naked art of body positivity 2/11 Onsen, which source mineral-rich spring water heated by natural volcanic activity, are the luxurious option for bathers in Japan. Often claiming a myriad of restorative properties, from purifying skin to easing arthritis, they are regularly cited in legends as healing animals and ancient…
2019_183 訳 Japans naked art of body positivity 1/11 Japan's naked art of body positivity In Japan’s strongly hierarchical culture, naked communal bathing allows people to broach controversial topics and speak openly and honestly about their feelings. Sinking into the almost too-hot bath, aches melting from my desk-weary muscles, I nodded … Waltham Forest Waltham Forest is an ancient name for what we now call Epping Forest. Waltham meant 'forest estate'. The borough contains Walthamstow, which was originally called Wilcumestowe (meaning welcome place), but gradually morphed into Walthamstowe. ◆単語の意味 morphe 変形させる ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみ… Cromarty's new 35-seat cinema opens its doors One of the smallest cinemas in the UK has opened in a Highlands village after two years of planning and fundraising. The 35-seat facility in Cromarty has been made possible by EU and Creative Scotland funding as well as grants from trusts and… Shinjuku (新宿) is one of the 23 city wards of Tokyo, but the name commonly refers to just the large entertainment, business and shopping area around Shinjuku Station. Shinjuku Station is the world's busiest railway station, handling more than two million passengers every day. It i… Sutton Recorded as Sudtone in Domesday Book, the name translates roughly as 'south farm'. Tower Hamlets Predictably, the name refers to the hamlets and villages closest to the Tower of London. Despite having the whiff of a modern coinage, the name has been used for centuries. ◆単語の意味 ro… Tokyo (東京, Tōkyō) is Japan's capital and the world's most populous metropolis. It is also one of Japan's 47 prefectures, consisting of 23 central city wards and multiple cities, towns and villages west of the city center. The Izu and Ogasawara Islands are also part of Tokyo. Prio… Southwark This ancient part of London was settled by the Romans. Early records call it Suthriganaweorc or Suthringa geweorche, meaning 'the defensive works of the men of the south' (i.e. Surrey). ◆単語の意味 settle 定住する ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる サザークロンドンの古い部分でローマ人が定住した。初期の記録ではそれを Suthriganaweorc や Suthrin… Underdog sumo wrestler celebrates win - with tears No-one could have predicted the victory of sumo wrestler Tokushoryu - the lowest ranked competitor at the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo. But win he did and burst into tears after beating his opponent in a rare public display of… Richmond upon Thames Another relatively recent coinage (well, around 1500), Richmond took its name from the now-vanished Richmond Palace, built on the river by Henry VII. His former title was Earl of Richmond, relating to the town in Yorkshire. That place's name comes from Old French f…
Netlfixのクィア・アイ in Japan 第2話から Intelligent, body spotlight.-What's that mean? He wants to get his body together. He's trying to get his mind right and get them [mocking] coins up, honey. He wants to be coinsey. Love! He wants to be coinsey. A vision board. ◆訳してみる 黒文字…自分の訳 青文字…日本語訳 赤文字…CC日本語訳 Intellig… Redbridge Quite simply, named for a red bridge which bestrode the River Roding from the 17th century, until it was knocked down for road improvement in 1922. Here's the modern replacement. ◆単語の意味 bestrode またぐ、またがって座る knock down ↓↓↓ ◆訳してみる レッドブリッジかなり簡単で、17世紀からロディング川に跨っている赤い橋からつけられた、それは1…
わたしはDC派なのですが、暗くて怖いやつは観ていません…※ジョーカーとかね 基本的に根が単純で中身子供なので明るくてバカバカしいのが好き! ってことでSHAZAM!がNetflixに来て本当に嬉しい…!! なぜかこんな感じの映画でほろっ(´;︵;`)としてしまうという… そんなSHAZAM!でディクテーションにチャレンジです! あっ、ネタバレになる!けど!だれも読んでいないからいいか← シーンはお母さんとの会話です(46:42) 黒文字 1回目 青文字 2回目 赤文字 正解 woman: Just a second. Hey, look. I'm late for work already, … A woman has died in Australia while taking part in a contest to eat as many lamingtons as possible. The woman, aged 60, is reported to have had a seizure during the event at a hotel in Hervey Bay, Queensland, to mark Australia Day on Sunday. Contestants had earlier been filmed speed-eati… Newham One of the few borough names not to derive directly from ancient roots. Newham was formed in 1965 from East Ham and West Ham, the 'new' bit conjured up to declare that, yes, this political entity is new. The 'ham' part of the name indicates, in this case, low-laying land surroun…