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  • When hearing the phrase: "Racial Segregation", what do you comes up with ?

    When hearing the phrase: "Racial Segregation", what do you comes up with ?

    Many medias today cover the graphic video recorded in late Fabruary, which recorded that exact moment of 25-year-old black man, Ahmaud Arbery, was shot, and died after subsequent brutal shot. His families and civil right activists now stress their anger against the irresposnible of the local authori…

  • <タイトル無し>


    こんにちは。 とはいっても読者はいらっしゃらないので、自己満足9割で運営しているブログです。 ただ、アクセス数を見ると意外にも一桁ではありますが、アクセスしにきて下さるかたがいるようで、嬉しいやら恥ずかしいやら。 これまで1000語から長くて4000語くらいの「オピニオン」という形式で書かせていただきましたが、動物実験のお話を書いているときに、どうも文章が破綻していて、冗長で結局オピニオンとして成立しているかと言われると、全くなんですね。ただ、文章量多いだけで。 なので、これからは、300から500語いないで、もっとしっかりとした英文を投稿できるようにしたいと思います。コンテンツにつきましては…

  • Is Animal Testing Legitimate?

    Is Animal Testing Legitimate? Since almost all coutnries saw the COVID-19 patient spike in a matter of weeks, they joined the race of developing a vaccine for the virus, which potentially contribute to their sluggish economic recovery. Once the U.S. president Donald Trump touted the use of hydroxychloroquine…

  • Fear a large backlash of coronavirus on climate

    Fear a large backlash of coronavirus on climate

    CNN reported that "India has seen its first year on year reduction in carbon emissions for the first time in four decades, new analysis released Tuesday shows, " on 12 May, and you can get much information about this from: During such days, full of grim news by the virus, I am please…

  • Education Disparity should be prioritized, especially under such circumstance.

    Education Disparity should be prioritized, especially under such circumstance. he transition into online education, virtual learning, might be ideal way of providing children with education, and are now becoming a new norm amid this grim pandemic. the fact of the matter is, however, that just because a class is held online in the same way as in the classroom, t…

  • Wearing a mask is new normal in the U.S?

    Wearing a mask is new normal in the U.S?

    Some states are marching for re-opening their counties, districts and stores, and at some areas from coast to coast there are sings of reopening backlash, demanding their freedom by quarentine fatigue even under the order. Reflecting upon such movements, I recently have been feeling that this pandem…

  • What is the meaning of learning multiple languages to me, and to us?

    What is the meaning of learning multiple languages to me, and to us?

    Learning laguages has been likely notable in many nations as distaces between each nation are shrinking, or getting close by technological development . Japanese education ministry announced that English would be taught in elementary school, focusing on only speaking and listning. This change is sup…

  • Opinion: The feasibility of smaller devices today; different perspective between Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

    Opinion: The feasibility of smaller devices today; different perspective between Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

    Corona virus cases in Japan are being on the rise these days and as of last weekends, more than 100 cases are reported respectively only in Tokyo. People are now advised to avoid going outside unless necessary for stopping the spread of the virus. In a matter of days, mainly Tokyo area, where it wou…

  • Opinion: What is the meaning of opening Restaurants to people today?

    Opinion: What is the meaning of opening Restaurants to people today?

    "The spred of the novel Corona Virus" threatning our lives has become such a cliche of any coverages or articles you see everyday. After the report of sudden soaring number of infectious people in Japan as well as United States, prime minister Abe and Tokyo Governer Koike ask people only to leave th…

  • Should I get a complimentary when I am alone?

    Should I get a complimentary when I am alone?

    It's turned April without any updates in late March as usual. I found many things to write about. I sometimes feel like It's time to post! The fact of the matter is however that I often stop writing in a matter of time before accomplishing; I assume several unfinished works are still in my repositor…

  • Effect of Corona Virus on Airline Company

    Effect of Corona Virus on Airline Company

    Following deadly noble corona virus outbrake, many travel agencies and airline companies are now mid-criticism by travelers over wrecked travel plans and concerns about whether or not travelers can get their travel fee rebate. Due to a number of people make a call to companies which people utilized …

  • <実録>機内アナウンス スクリプト -デルタ航空/ユナイテッド航空編①

    <実録>機内アナウンス スクリプト -デルタ航空/ユナイテッド航空編①

    こんにちは。Googleで「機内アナウンス 英語」 と検索しても何だか微妙にリアルじゃないスクリプトばかり出てきたので、この際じぶんでディクテーションしてしまえということで、まずはデルタ航空とユナイテッド航空のアナウンスを書き取って、それをこちらに掲載します。全てではなく、とりあえず、出発前のご挨拶のアナウンス。基本的にどこのエアラインもこれはしていて、①便名②荷物と電子機器のこと③挨拶という構成でアナウンスされます。実際に見て行きましょう。 ユナイテッド航空<United Airlines> フライトはUAL79便 成田空港行きです。 ※クルーや時期でアナウンスのスクリプトも大きく変わると思…

  • Opinion: Who should play Casino and Who shouldn't?

    Opinion: Who should play Casino and Who shouldn't?

    Following Japan's construction plan for Integrated Resort, called "IR" to be short, some are now concerning about Casino. Those who care about this IR planning complain about recieving bribery of corrupt politician in return from Chinese companies, and there might be a lot of things we still cannot …

  • Why I work for restaurants?

    Why I work for restaurants?

    Unless you are in rich, we usually have to work. "For what" by the way. Soma say "For money" with much confident. Yes, It is. If you say this on job-interview or write down on resume, however, that is going to be rude. But, to be honest, I don't think this kind of thought is wrong, because without w…

  • The utmost fundamental problem on attitudes toward global issues

    The utmost fundamental problem on attitudes toward global issues

    Along with following new-coronavirus that causes more than 2 score deaths and 1000cases of sickend people, but it seems likely to be more people infected in China. This coronavirus is now spreading concerns all over the globe today. Poverty, racial or gender discrimination, lack of educational oppor…

  • Gun-Rights Rally

    Gun-Rights Rally

    From global warming to unembloyeemnt, atomic bomb or civil war, we concernes many issues happening around the globe for more than a decade. It would be safer place could we stopped global warming causes an seasonably warme day in January right away. Every human-being always seek for a better place t…

  • Information Structure

    Information Structure

    概要 (1) These CDs, John sold. (2) It is likely that John will win the race. / John is likely to win the race. (3) English is spoken by people in America. (4) I graduated from high school as an average student. My initiative didn't carry me any futher than average. History, I found to be dry. Math, i …

  • Types of Pronouns and thier Syntactic Interpretations.

    Types of Pronouns and thier Syntactic Interpretations.

    概要 代名詞は英語の場合、日本語よりも明確に挿入することがおおい。「わたしはサングラスを無くた」という日本語を英訳にかけると、なぜか"my sunglasses"と、myがついたりする。この単純そうな代名詞も、人間が複数登場する英文になってくると、なにがなにを指しているか不明瞭になり、それこそAmbiguousになる可能性が出てくる。 (1) John felt dizzy, and he felt down. 「ジョンはめまいがして倒れた」という日本語になり、倒れた主語のheもジョンを指す。 (2) Mary found an apple and she ate it. 「メアリーはリンゴを…

  • Semantic Types of Verbs and the Time Schema. vol.2

    Semantic Types of Verbs and the Time Schema. vol.2

    (15) For how long did he draw a circle?とFor how long did he draw circles? 前者は非文法的といわれる例です。2つの英文の異なる点は、a circle なのか、それともcirclesなのかのみです。この単数か複数かで、文法の正誤が問われるとは、なかなかおもしろいですね。目的語が複数になると、For how longと共起可能になります。なぜかといいますと、これは機械的に「複数形になれば」というわけでもなく、単純なことで、1つのcircleに要する時間はhow longと聞くほどでも無いと思いますが、これが複数形になると、無制…

  • Semantic Types of Verbs and the Time Schema. vol.1

    Semantic Types of Verbs and the Time Schema. vol.1

    概要 動詞の分類 動作動詞 完成動詞 達成動詞 状態動詞 (1) Know the answer (2) Tom is knowing the answer (3)What Tom did was know the answer. (4) Tom persuaded John to know the answer. (5) Tom loved her for his sake. (6) I heard the news insted of looking at new paper. (7) Tom heard the music, although I persuaded him to not…



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