



  • Training completed, finally up and running

    Starting Monday, we will go to each branch office, not the main government office, and deal with the counter for the first time. It is almost impossible to learn job contents and procedures only in 9 days while it takes the staff more than 3 months to learn. And since the information will be opened …

  • Doing exercises

    We were doing exercises for the upcoming work starting next month. I'm a bit anxious that we will have to do our work without the manual. So, I'll do my best to review what I've learned so far.

  • Role play

    We have been in training for the new job since last week. Yesterday we had a quiz. Today we role-played as a customer and an employee, just like in a real job.

  • Morning activities

    My major is English, but I felt recently that my English skills had critically been down. Then I decided to take the TOEIC in December for the first time in several years. Therefore, I woke up early every morning and started studying English two weeks ago.

  • Celtic music I found this YouTube today. I love this kind of music. Celtic music can be fun music that makes you want to dance, but it is also very exotic and fantastical.^^

  • My WiFi

    When I posted on Instagram from my PC yesterday, it seemed to reflect on my PC but not on my phone. Something seemed wrong with my WiFi. Hours later, I couldn't see my friend's new post on my phone, even though the icon showed "1". Restarting my iPhone, I could see my morning's post that had disappe…

  • Busy

    The training for the new job will last until the end of September, so there is a lot to learn. ^^; Then again, I still want to work using English, so I have decided on a routine of things to do and am re-studying English intensively on my own.

  • Cool temperature

    After the typhoon is gone, the temperature must have been almost 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. I came to work wearing a cardigan for the first time. I dither over what to wear this time of year.

  • Lunch box

    Since January, my lunch box has always been a sandwich, but today was the first time I brought an onigiri (rice ball). An onigiri and a banana were my lunch today. From now on, I will switch between onigiri and sandwiches daily.

  • Queen's Funeral

    Today I watched the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on YouTube Live. Various TV stations were broadcasting it live, but I watched it on BBC with automatic subtitles in English. Because I am not good at listening to British accents.^^;

  • Bad weather

    It's still been hot these days, but fall has come. The Kyushu area seems to have hazardous weather just as a typhoon is approaching. My friend, a pastor in Miyazaki, temporarily closed his church because life is more important than coming to church. I think it is the right decision.

  • Day one

    I forgot to post yesterday's diary.^^; 9/16/2022 The first half of last month I was home sick with corona, worked 3 weeks and was paid until the end of the month. Today I started a new job. 9/17/2022 I thought I would be tired at work because of being after one month's break, but I was so happy to b…

  • I am good

    I am always good in the morning, but this morning I felt somewhat out of sorts. I was a bit worried, so I took my temperature just to be sure, and it was normal. Reorganizing the kitchen drawers for a change, I started to feel better and better.

  • My English diary

    I'll try to write at least 3 lines in my daily English diary starting today. I had my new glasses made for the first time in decades. It is a reading glasses. Recently I've found it a bit difficult to read books for long hours because of my astigmatism and creeping presbyopia.

  • Happy Easter!(Καλό Πάσχα!)

    イエスは彼女に言われた、 「わたしはよみがえりであり、命である。わたしを信じる者は、たとい死んでも生きる。(ヨハネ11:25) Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.(John 11:25 NKJV) ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ ΚΑΤΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΝ 11:25 Gospel according to John Εἶπεν αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ ἀνάστασις said to h…

  • Making a Christmas wreath for the first time in ages

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by ハイジ (@heidichan0330) A friend of mine, whom I hadn't seen in almost two years due to the Coronavirus, invited me a few days ago to make a Christmas wreath last Saturday. She sent me a caring and encouraging e-mail when I was hospitalized last month. She i…

  • Happy Easter!

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Heidi (@heidichan0330) Today is Easter. We church choir sang with face shields on. Even so, I felt very happy because we sang in front of the audience for the first time in more than a year. Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ にほんブログ村

  • Cast your burdens (Psalms 55:22)

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Heidi (@heidichan0330) Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.(‭NIV) Cast your burden on the LORD, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.(‭NKJV) Cast your burden o…

  • God's plan for us(Jeremiah29:11-12)

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Heidi (@heidichan0330) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.‭(Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11-12‬ ‭N…

  • Happy New Year!(Psalms 143:8)

    View this post on Instagram A post shared by Heidi (@heidichan0330) These are the photo and verse from 12/31 on the Bible app. I linked it to this blog, for this verse has something in common with my current feelings. The Lord is with us whenever we are in good times or not. He is not far away and n…

  • Created(Revelation 4:11)

    The verse on the above image is NIV. The following are three other versions: “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.” (AMP) “You are worthy, O Lord, …

  • Don't worry but pray(Philippians 4:6-7)

    The verse above is not NIV(New International Version) but NLT(New Living Translation). It seems that the Word of God is mainly quoted from the two versions. So, I've added NLT to the app HOLY BIBLE. There is only Philippians 4:6 on the above image. However, as I think Philippians 4:6 and 7 is like "…

  • Anything is possible(Mark 9:23)

    「イエスは彼に言われた、「もしできれば、と言うのか。信ずる者には、どんな事でもできる」。」‭‭マルコによる福音書‬ ‭9:23‬ ‭口語訳‬‬口語訳 Jesus said to him, “[You say to Me,] ‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes and trusts [in Me]!” (Mark 9:23 Amplified Bible) Thank you for reading and God bless you.…

  • Taste & see(Psalms 34:8)

    「主の恵みふかきことを味わい知れ、 主に寄り頼む人はさいわいである。」‭‭詩篇‬ ‭34:8‬ ‭口語訳‬‬口語訳 Taste and see that the Lord is good;blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. (Psalms 34:8 NIV) The following is another version, Amplified Bible. O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good;How bless…

  • Let's walk right up to Him(Hebrews‬ ‭4:15-16)

    「この大祭司は、わたしたちの弱さを思いやることのできないようなかたではない。罪は犯されなかったが、すべてのことについて、わたしたちと同じように試錬に会われたのである。 だから、わたしたちは、あわれみを受け、また、恵みにあずかって時機を得た助けを受けるために、はばかることなく恵みの御座に近づこうではないか。」‭‭ヘブル人への手紙‬ ‭4:15-16‬ ‭口語訳‬‬口語訳 「For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understan…

  • Live in freedom(Galatians 5:13)

    「兄弟たちよ。あなたがたが召されたのは、実に、自由を得るためである。ただ、その自由を、肉の働く機会としないで、愛をもって互に仕えなさい。 律法の全体は、「自分を愛するように、あなたの隣り人を愛せよ」というこの一句に尽きるからである。」‭‭ガラテヤ人への手紙‬ ‭5:13-14‬ ‭口語訳‬‬口語訳 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ にほんブログ村

  • The one thing (Psalm 27:4)

    「わたしは一つの事を主に願った、 わたしはそれを求める。 わたしの生きるかぎり、主の家に住んで、 主のうるわしきを見、その宮で尋ねきわめることを。」‭‭詩篇‬ ‭27:4‬ ‭口語訳‬‬口語訳 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ にほんブログ村

  • Happy Easter!: He is risen!

    Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; (John 11:25 NIV) Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ ↓ランキングに参加しています。皆様のクリックが書く励みになります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 にほんブログ村

  • Mary’s Song

    「するとマリヤは言った、 「わたしの魂は主をあがめ、 わたしの霊は救主なる神をたたえます。」‭‭ルカによる福音書‬ ‭1:46-47‬ ‭口語訳‬‬口語訳 It's been about five months since my last posting. Christmas is coming around the corner. ^^ And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he…

  • Always Christmas?

    うちは一年中クリスマス🎄です。😄失くさないように、また、初心を忘れないように、洗礼式の写真を飾りました。😄 I celebrate Christmas throughout the year. I lost photos of my baptismal ceremony for nearly 20 years. I was happily surprised to find them while I was cleaning my closet-like room. This time, I put them on the book cabinet not to lose them again…

  • Matthew 6:28-29

    This is BBN German's Instagram. I've recently followed it, though it is difficult for me. To tell the truth, I like the German language and one of my favorite city is Vienna, a very charming city. The above text's English version (NIV) is as follows: And why do you worry about clothes? See how the f…

  • This reminds me of my younger days

    the waiting When I watch this YouTube, I remember I was so selfish that I had my own way without God. I was so depressed and felt as if there had not been God. But finally, the Lord Jesus came and said to me, "That took a while. Let's get started again." Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ ↓ラ…

  • Long, long, long time ago.....

    今手付かずになっていた部屋を片付けていますが、信じられない昔の書類とか出てきて我ながら呆れています。😅これは何十年も前に、当時の会社に見切りをつけてこっそり通っていた秘書学校のブロシュアと英文速記のノートです。厳密にはスピードライティングですが、もう殆ど解読出来ません。😅#wins #secretary school #steno Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ ↓ランキングに参加しています。皆様のクリックが書く励みになります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 にほんブログ村

  • Guidance

    guidance I like this animation very much. 😄I've been working with the Lord.😄 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ ↓ランキングに参加しています。皆様のクリックが書く励みになります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 にほんブログ村

  • Proverbs 3:5-6

    The above quote is from Proverbs 3:5-6, The Old Testament. There are lots of Bible translations in many different versions. I like New International Version as follows: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your…

  • Word power This website was introduced on Twitter. I tried the quiz of STEP 1st level and got 5 out of 7 answers. I'm disappointed that my English ability is still at this level. I must study it harder.😅 Thank you for reading and God bless you.^^ ↓ランキングに参加しています。皆様のクリックが書く励みになります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 にほ…

  • Programs of Supernova(Korean boys group)

    フジテレビTWO、忘れないうちに予約した。😄#Supernova #スパノバ Well, if you're interested in nice-looking but interesting guys, please check these programs. I've been a fan of Supernova for seven years.😄😄

  • I must learn Mac from scratch

    今すぐ使えるかんたん はじめる&使える MacBook入門 (今すぐ使えるかんたんシリーズ) 作者: 技術評論社編集部,マイカ 出版社/メーカー: 技術評論社 発売日: 2018/07/24 メディア: 大型本 この商品を含むブログを見る I bought this book yesterday, for I must prepare for the next temporary job at an American company. I learned Macintosh at a secretary school decades ago. At that time, I used it a…

  • Opera "Cendrillon"

    シンデレラ役の里中先生と儀典長役の松井先生。里中先生可愛かった。😄松井先生、すぐに気がつきませんでした。😅 Yesterday I went to see the opera "Cinderella", which my college vocal teacher starred. It was performed by a group called the Tokyo Chamber Opera Theatre. Since they want to make general people more familiar with operas, they always play them in…

  • Bible comparison: Matthew 7:7-8

    The following is the free app 'HOLY BIBLE' for iPhone. It's very useful: there are 1,884 Bible translations in 1,302 languages. We use 'the Japanese colloquial Bible(口語訳)' at our church, which is available from this app. Recently, most churches use '新改訳' which is regrettably not available free. I li…

  • Easter is over, calm Monday...

    This is my favorite place 'Nyhavn' in Copenhagen, Denmark. I used to make a 2-week trip to Europe every year, which was a great joy to me fleeing from my heavy workload at the office. It may have been a luxury trip but I was able to be refreshed and come back to work for the remaining 11 and half mo…

  • Happy Easter!: He is risen!

    今日は復活祭です。^^今日も日本語で失礼します。^^;明日からは英語に戻します。 すると、御使いは女たちに言った。 「恐れてはいけません。あなたがたが十字架につけられたイエスを捜しているのを、私は知っています。ここにはおられません。前から言っておられたように、よみがえられたからです。来て、納めてあった場所を見てごらんなさい。ですから急いで行って、お弟子たちにこのことを知らせなさい。イエスが死人の中からよみがえられたこと、そして、あなたがたより先にガリラヤに行かれ、あなたがたは、そこで、お会いできるということです。では、これだけはお伝えしました。」 そこで、彼女たちは、恐ろしくはあったが大喜びで…

  • 今年は4月21日がイースター:イスラエルの写真(’10)

    このブログは英語オンリーのつもりだったのですが、明後日はイースターなので、私の日本語ブログを特別にコピーペイストさせて頂きます。↓ =================================================================== 2019-04-09 毎年使い回しの写真で恐縮ですが、、イースターを間近に控えるとどうしてもお見せしないではいられない写真なのです。一昨日の日曜日からずっと、祈る度にイエス様の受難を思い、涙がこぼれて仕方がありません。。 救われて数十年、沢山の信仰の証体験をしていても、聖書の中の出来事が時を経た今もリアルに胸に迫って来るものがあり…

  • Conversation with Siri

    Last summer, I heard that Siri was useful for foreign language study. However, I hadn't even known what Siri was. I was so curious that I checked Siri to change the setting of language. If you're interested, please click this URL: I set the …

  • BBN=Bible Broadcasting Network

    I'd like to introduce BBN: Bible Broadcasting Network. To us old generation, FEN may sound much more familiar, though... BBN is a global Christian radio network headquartered in North Carolina. Programming content consists of Christian music, Bible teaching, news and so on. My favorite one is music.…

  • Brian's Instagram

    I've recently found Dr. Brian May's Instagram. As you may know, he is a guitarist of Queen, a famous British rock band. I liked him very much in my younger days. :-) brianmayforreal A proud day for Astronomy ! Congratulations to th…

  • This coming Easter

    Easter is an event as very important as Christmas. We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death. He was crucified and died for our sins. Easter doesn't fall on the same day. How is decided? It's the Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox every year. If interested, please…

  • Exactly so

    マリアカラスもこう言っています。本当にそうだと思います。😄 Maria Callas says "Speaking of songs, we are all students until we die." She is one of the famous and talented opera singers of the twentieth century. I believe her words above are absolutely true. Even Callas made an effort, an ordinary person like me has to keep study…

  • New Year's NHK Foreign Language Programs

    Here are the lists of this April textbooks for NHK English language programs. (See the link below.) You can make a trial reading without going to bookstores. As I listen to via Net at my convenient time, I'm still in March though.... Just for your info, I…

  • Recommended Bible for English study

    The Living Bible (English Edition) 作者: Inc. Tyndale House Publishers 出版社/メーカー: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 発売日: 2012/05/25 メディア: Kindle版 この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る I have many varieties of The Holy Bible in Japanese and English. I sometimes use German and Greek. Why Greek? That's because The New Testame…

  • Graduated from college

    Our graduation ceremony was held last week, followed by a thank-you party at a prestigious hotel in Tokyo. I had a great time talking with my young & old classmates and teachers. It was the second time as a college student in my life. It was not easy to take exams, produce reports and make presentat…

  • Addicted to Excel?

    関数は「使える順」に極めよう! Excel 最高の学び方 (できるビジネス) 作者: 羽毛田睦土 出版社/メーカー: インプレス 発売日: 2018/03/09 メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー) この商品を含むブログを見る As I mentioned in my previous posting, I felt as if I were Urashimataro at work after 4 year's break. I was a bit anxious about PC related matter. However, I was able to catch up with the…

  • My favorite worship song: In His Time

    In His TIme Lyric Video This is one of my favorite worship songs, "In His Time" from Maranatha Music. You can see its lyric below. In His Time(御手の中で) In His time, In His TimeHe makes all things beautiful in His time.Lord please show me every dayAs You're teaching me Your wayThat You do just what Y…

  • Holy communion

    今日は聖餐式です。😄 I've been trying various functions of the Hatena blog. How about this photo? I've pasted it from my Instagram. You can see a hanging scroll on the wall. It says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Co…

  • Back to work

    After about 4 years' break, I finally got a temporary job at an European company in Tokyo. Well, I feel like as if I were Urashimataro.^^; There will be a graduation ceremony at my music college next month. So, I'm still a student and an office worker. I'm looking forward to seeing my classmates aga…

  • Moved from Blogger

    Regarding the notice from 'google+ team', I found that their google+ services will end in April. So, my Blogger's blog has been moved to Hatena Blog here. The 10-year-old English blog has almost been inactive, though...^^; Well, from now on, I'll try to update it more often for brushing up my writin…

  • Sang solo at church

    Yesterday, I sang solo "聖歌100番 しずかに神と" at church service. The original is "Still, still with Thee" composed by Mendelssohn. As the key is a bit low, I sang in F Dur, not in Es Dur.It's been seven weeks since I had a vocal lesson with my private teacher Ms.I. I usually vocal exercises by myself at ho…

  • The Garden of Gethsemane~Prayer

    These pictures are the Garden of Gethsemane, Israel. Gethsemane means oil squeezing in Hebrew.Olive trees become bigger and thicker as they grow in age. Unfortunately, there seem no trees from Jesus' time, and even the oldest one might be about two hundred years old or so. Although it's been seven y…

  • I'm back

    It's been six years since I put the last posting.. I quit the previous company and joined a music college last April. My major is vocal music. I believe that it's never too late to start something. :-) I'm studying "Qui la voce sua soave" and "Vien diletto". They are very difficult and challenging b…

  • The sermon on the mount and the Lord's prayer

    It's been a very long time since I put the last posting. There are many films about Jesus Christ. The latest one is "The Passion of the Christ", which might be the most famous. My favorite one is "Jesus of Nazareth" I saw nearly thirty years ago. Robert Powell played Jesus' role. I'm sure he is the …

  • Happy New Year!

    This is the dawn at the Sea of Galilee, Israel. The place is one of those associated with Jesus and his activity in the Bible. I've actually been to Israel, but I still feel like dreaming.Being renewed in my mind day by day, I want to live and go with the Lord. I wish you a Happy New Year, and I als…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Today is Christmas Eve. As I am a church choir member, I'll be going out and sing Christmas carols tonight in our town. The YouTube below is one of my favorite Christmas songs. I sang it as a soloist at the previous Sunday service.I went to Israel last month. Bethlehem is the place where Jesus was b…

  • Reunion after 10 years@English cafe

    As I began learning Greek two months ago, I feel how difficult Greek is and realized the actual meaning of the phrase "It's all Greek to me." I make it a rule to listen to/watch English news, German news for children and NIV audio Bible on my i-Pod while commuting. Greek conversation CDs have recent…

  • Divine Guidance (Testimony 3)

    聖霊を受けて(Testimony 2)から洗礼を受ける前までの証になります。I have much curiosity in everything, particularly I'm interested in something beautiful and mysterious. When I was a freshman at a college, one of my classmates showed me tarot cards, which led me to tell fortunes by using tarot cards, playing cards and astrolog…

  • The Holy Spirit (Testimony 2)

    プロテスタントは色々な教派(福音派、ペンテコステ派、その他多数)があります。私の教会はペンテコステ派で、水のバプテスマと聖霊のバプテスマを受けることを重要視しています。教派によって色々な考え方や特色があり、違っていても同じ神様を信仰しているということで一致していますし尊重しています。ただ、私の証(信仰体験の話)はありのままの事実ですが、ペンテコステ派特有の証だということを前置きいたします。I'll write a story about my baptism with the Holy Spirit.On the first day I visited the church, K.I. too…

  • I was found (Testimony 1)

    I'd like to write how I reached Jesus, my Lord.It was a day in April when I was a senior at a college. I received a phone call from KI, one of my classmates in a senior high school. I was happily surprised to have the call because she had never contacted me since we graduated from the school. She sa…

  • Do It Anyway

    Recently two Japanese scientists have won the 2010 Nobel Prize in chemistry. That reminds me of Mother Teresa receiving the Nobel Peace Prize dacades ago. The Catholic nun dedicated herself to helping the poor. She left a lot of messages of wisdom. Regardless of religion, there are many people being…

  • Nostalgic Queen

    I was glued to a CS TV program last Saturday, for it was a kind of documentary covering Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert. I used to listen to hard rock music in my younger days. To tell the truth, I was a member of Queen's fan club. I had many Queen's LP records and disposed of them, since CDs became…

  • Solomon's wisdom

    I wrote in the previous posting that King Solomon was rich in wisdom given by God. Let me introduce the relevant background from the verses of 1 Kings of the Old Testament.God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said to him, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you."(1 Kings 3:5) Solomon answered,"N…

  • Proverbs of Solomon

    It is said that the proverbs in the Old Testament are mostly written by Solomon, King of Israel and King David's son. He was rich in wisdom given by God. I was really amazed to know that he had 300 wives and 700 concubines.Proverb is like a guidance to life, which gives us what is right and fair,how…

  • The origin of "Me kara uroko"

    I'd like to write the origin of "Me kara uroko ga ochiru". In English we can say "the scales fall from one's eyes" or "suddenly realize the truth". I believe most Christians know the origin of the proverb, since it derives from Acts Chapter 9:18 "something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he c…

  • You raise me up

    Again, please listen to Precious Youth Choir singing "You Raise Me Up". It is still fresh in my memory Shizuka Arakawa was skating as background music at Turin Olympics exhibition. In the lyrics, "You" can be interpreted as the Lord Jesus. How encouraging we can walk with Him!When I am down and oh m…

  • Jesus is knocking

    There are a lot of pictures Jesus is knocking at the door. They are all in common. There is no door knob on the outside the door. The door knob is only on the other side. The door means our hearts. Unless we open the door, Jesus cannot enter the house. He knows us more than we know ourselves and is …

  • NIV Audio Bible

    This is "NIV Audio Bible" I can recommend as good listening material for English learners. It includes both The Old Testament and The New Testament on 64 CDs. You can get it around 8,000 Yen at Amazon. There are many English versions such as KJV, NKJV and etc. but difficult to read due to old Englis…

  • The recital is over

    I spent a very busy weekend having a home assembly (=Katei shukai) and attending an annual recital. I sang two Italian arias, “Oh! Quante volte oh! quante” and “Son vergin vezzosa”. The type of my voice is Lirico Soprano, which, I think, matches relatively sad and slow arias. I am not so good at sin…

  • Amplified Bible

    This is a verse from the New Testament. I suppose it is well-known to everybody. This translation is New International Version.Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)We had an old Japanese Version called "Shoyaku Seisho". It is…

  • Greek

    I've long wanted to read the Bible in the original. In addition to English, German and Italian, I didn't have enough energy left to study Greek due to hard work at office. I've been to Greece only once in college days. The Aegean Sea was beautiful deep blue I'd never seen. But looking at Greek lette…

  • In His Time

    I'd like to introduce one of my favorite worship songs. "In His Time" is based on the following verse from the Old Testament:He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.(Ecclesiastes 3:11)…

  • Annual Recital

    Vocal music is not my major at college. I've been learning it as a hobby for more than ten years. My private teacher holds a recital of her students every September. I'll sing two arias from Italian opera: 'Son vergin vezzosa' from "I Puritani" and 'Oh! quante volte, oh! quante' from "I Capuleti ed …

  • Origin of nickname

    As you might see, my nickname heidi is a German name. I used to operate a HAM radio using Hidy as handle. The interest of PC led me to quit radio and go on the Internet. At that time, I became more interested in German than English, and changed from Hidy(hai-di) to German heidi(hai-di). I don't mean…

  • God will make a way

    I'd like to introduce this YouTube video sung by Don Moen. He is my favorite singer. "God will make a way" is a special song to me, for this was a kind of encourageous song when I had a hard time two or three years ago. All worries are gone now but this song still cheers me up. I love it very much.I…

  • Precious Youth Choir

    There are 5 worship groups in our church; Choir, Children's Choir, Precious Youth Choir, Orchestra and Glorious (worship band). Precious Youth Choir has recently been formed by youngsters, mostly ex-Children's Choir members.I've been a choir member for more than twenty years. We usually sing hymns o…

  • My favorite verse

    (This is a beautiful mosaic picture taken at Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Korea.)Psalm 23:1-4The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name…



heidi's study room
heidi's study room

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