

Life is short. Talk fast.




  • Damn it! = 怒ったりイラついたりしたときのフレーズ

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりAlright, fine! You weren’t invited, Luke! And why is that? Controversy! You weren’t invited because we are dealing with the Jess situation. The Jess situation? If this was the wild west, we’d be diving into the water through about now. Damn it Taylor! 🔰the wild west = 開拓時代の米国西部地方🔰Damn it! = 怒ったりイラついたりしたときのフレーズ...

  • You might as well be honest with him.「正直に言ったらどうかしら?」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI think we’re late. What’s going on? Uh, nothing. The meeting was supposed to start at 8:00. Well… You might as well be honest with him, Taylor. About what? If you must know, there was a special issue that the business community had to deal with first, so we decided to start early tonight. I’m in the business community, and I wasn’t told about. 🔰might as well 動詞の...

  • 「人を育てる」以外の to bring up の使い方

    to bring up という句動詞を見聞きすると、someone を目的語にして「~を育てる」という例文を作るのが定番。to bring up は something を目的語に取ることもできて「話題などを持ち出す、提示する」を表します。 🔰 to bring someone up「~を育てる」 - I was brought up in Tokyo. 「私は東京で育った」 🔰 to bring something up「話題などを持ち出す、提示する」 - He was waiting for the right moment to bring up the s...

  • You’re harassing me now.「しつこいぞ、いい加減にしろ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりAHA! Jees! Don’t sneak up on me like that. Yeah, boy, I was lucky you had your phasers on “stun.” At least we’re not late. Luke’s never late. Actually, we’re two minutes early. We should get a prize for being on time. Hey, Luke, let’s go back to the diner and get some pie as our reward for being on time. Then you’d be late. A funny conundrum, but I want pie. You’re ...

  • grounds、複数形で使うと土地以外の意味が。。。

    🔰 grounds = a reason for doing or thinking something - Why am I being fired? On what grounds? 「なぜ私が解雇されるんですか?根拠は何ですか?」 - You have no grounds to complain about how I spend my own money. 「私のお金の使い方について、あなたが文句を言う筋合いはないですよね」

  • 締切を表す no/not later than

    🔰 no/not later than ~ = ~より遅くならずに、~以内に - Please let me know no later than next Monday if you have any changes. 「変更がある場合、遅くとも来週の月曜日までにお知らせください」

  • There will be consequences.「あとでどうなっても知らないぞ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWe’re late. Not late. The last time we were late Taylor said there would be consequences. He did not. He said there would be severe consequences. Mia, what time is it? Are we late? I hope so… Mia! I’m sorry, but it’s been two years since I’ve gotten to go to a town meeting, and I want some controversy. 🔰consequence = 〔行動や状況から必然的に導かれる〕結果、結論、帰結🔰...

  • 「正気を取り戻す」「目を覚ます」の英訳を考える

    「目を覚ます」「足を洗う」「正気に戻る」など、「荒れた生活を悔い改めて再スタートする」という状況を表すのに適当な英訳を考える日でした。こういうフワッとした日本語をこなれた英文にするのは本当に骨の折れる作業です。 ******************** 「我に返る 英語」でググるとヒットする下記の表現を使ってみるのが良さそうに思いました。いかがでしょうか?🔰 to come to your senses = to begin to thi...

  • 図々しい、厚かましいの英訳を考える日

    「図々しい」または「厚かましい」は、「遠慮がない」「言動に慎みがない」の意。和英辞典をひくと、be impudent, be shameless などがヒットするけど、もっと簡単に言えないかなぁ?と考えてみました。こんな言い方はどうでしょう? 🔰 nerve = 他人を怒らせたりイラつかせたりする事を言ったりやったりする人の失礼な態度のこと. 🔰 to have a lot of nerve =図々しい、いい度胸をしている、神経が図太い - You have a lot of n...

  • うちの積読を紹介する読みたい本がたくさんあって困る!まずは 佳境に入ってきた Lessons in Chemistry を読み終えないと!1,アメリカと共に沈む日本 山中泉 2024年2月1日発売予定 2,日本人が知らない! 世界史の原理 茂木誠&宇山卓栄 2024年3月1日発売予定 3,アフリカとアメリカ、ふたつの視点 思いもよらない 日本の見かた ジェイソン・モーガン&星野ルネ 2024年2月24日発...

  • こなれ英語で「妊娠する」と言うには

    🔰to knock someone up = to make someone pregnant🔰to get knocked up = to get pregnant   (AmE) (informal) - Her boyfriend knocked her up when she was 16. 「彼女のボーイフレンドが彼女を妊娠させた時、彼女は16歳だった」 - She got knocked up when she was 16. 「彼女は16歳で妊娠した」※ shotgun wedding についての記事はコチラ⤵

  • 自業自得の英訳4選

    自業自得とは、「自分のした悪行の報いは自分で受ける」の意で日常生活でも頻繁に出てきます。英語にも同様の考え方があって ① You reap what you sow. 「直訳:自分の蒔いた種は自分で刈り取る」 ② What goes around comes around. 「直訳:回って行ったものは回って戻ってくる」 ①&②は、諺のような表現で、「因果応報(善行悪行ともに自分に返ってくる」にも適用可能。以下の2つは会話的です。 ③ You asked for it. 「直...

  • I think it might be a tad short.「それはやや短めですね」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりHow do I do this? How do I tell Mia that I’m leaving? Get her drunk first? Oh, I can’t believe it. I’m gonna let down the one person in my life who was there for me when I needed it the most. I wanted to put it on the front desk, but I think it might be a tad short. Could I get a carpenter to build up a base, and raise it up 2 inches, then it would be perfect. Great idea....

  • In all the excitement, I hadn’t thought about telling Mia.「興奮しちゃって、ミアに話す余裕なんてなかった」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりIn all the excitement, I hadn’t thought about telling Mia. What is wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with you. I feel terrible. I should have told her before. I should have told her the day the idea occurred to us. She deserved that. After all she’s done for me. Hello. Lorelai, your daughter is being impossible. She won’t pose in an appropriate manner. I’m trying to, gran...

  • I'd be lost without you.「あなたがいないと困ります(私ひとりじゃ何もできません)」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりNot one thing to recommend hiring her… just that how do I put it and remain a lady that “who cares” look in her eye. So I gave her any job. The other maids hated you. Well, they were so slow. You were special. Mia, why don’t you move back here? We miss you. Or at least visit more. You never come at all. I don’t have to. You’ve made me redundant. I have not. Don’t be hu...

  • applying mascara in a moving car「走行中の車の中でマスカラを塗る」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりOh, hi, Mia. Nice to see you, Taylor. Oh, I’ve got to get out of Santa Barbara! I miss the small-town theater. And I miss you. Hey, do you realize it was 15 years ago, almost to the day? Yes, it was. What was? To the day when this skinny, little teenage girl showed up at the inn. She had this tiny, little thing in her arms. A little thing named Rory. Okay, enough phys...

  • Have it your own way!「好きにしろ!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりSo are you going to act? Yes, I’m gonna act like you never came in here. Fine. Have it your own way, but I warn you, there will be a lot of unhappy people at the S.H.B.A., the S.H.T.B, the S.H.M.W.O., and the S.H.C.C.S.H.C. F-I-N-E! Oh! You are impossible! You are impossible!🔰Have it your (own) way. = 好きにしろ!勝手にしやがれ!🔰You're impossible.「あなたって、どうしょう...

  • He witnessed Jess with what appeared to be chalk.「チョークのようなものを持ったJessを彼は目撃した」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりLuke, are you gonna listen? What’s this gotta do with me? Three people have reported seeing Jess in that area late last night… skulking, lurking. There were a lot of people eating here late last night. You can add them to your suspect list. Another person witnessed Jess walking out of an arts-and-crafts store two days ago with what appeared to be chalk. You appear to be...

  • be witness to ~ 「~の目撃者である」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりLuke, I need to talk to you right now! What is it, Taylor? I have conducted a thorough investigation of all the people who may have inadvertently been witness to the phony murder at my store last night. There was a phony murder? The town’s too dull to work up a real murder. You’re one “Beam me up, Scotty” reference away from being the victim of one. 🔰inadvertently = acc...



Life is short. Talk fast.
Life is short. Talk fast.

にほんブログ村 カテゴリー一覧
