

Life is short. Talk fast.




  • be controvertial = causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument

    Gilmore Girls 2-7Rory: Chilton has sororities? Paris: Only 10 worth mentioning. The PUFFS have been number one for at least 50 years. My mother was a PUFF, my aunt was a PUFF. Rory: I thought only colleges had sororities. Paris: The connections you make with the PUFFS last the rest of your life. My cousin got her internship at the supreme court because of Sandra Day O’Connor. Rory: Sandra Day ...

  • to get into something「学校などに合格する」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりParis: I have helped her with her homework, secured her a prime spot in the parking lot, organized her locker, scrunched up the plastic strands on her pompoms to make them fluffy. I’ve done everything except give her a manicure, and if I had any talent with an orange stick, I would have. Rory: I’m not the first say this, but you’re insane. Paris: Ok, look… I know you and m...

  • I spent all last year sucking up to her.「彼女に取り入るのに去年丸一年費やしたのよ!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりParis: What did you say about me? Rory: What? Paris: Did you tell them you hated me? Rory: I didn’t mention you. Paris: Because I’ve been killing myself trying to get invited in. I spent all last year sucking up to Francine Jorvis. Rory: You mean Francie? Paris: You call her Francie? Rory: Oh. No, someone else did. 🔰to kill oneself = to work very hard to achieve som...

  • 影響力がある人とは、その発言が常に注目され、聞く人に変化を起こさせることができる人

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりRory: God! You’re like a pop-up book from hell. Paris: You were sitting with the PUFFS. How did you do it? Rory: The who? Paris: The PUFFS. The Chilton PUFFS. You were at their table. I wanna know how. Rory: I don’t know. I just sat down. Paris: Nobody just sits down with them. You have to be invited. Rory: Paris, it’s not the Cosa Nostra. Paris: No, they’re the PUFFS,...

  • not unless = only if

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりFrancie: Rory, huh? Do they call you “ROR”? Rory: Not unless provoked. Ivy: No nickname? Rory: Actually, Rory is a nickname. My full name is Lorelai. Lem: Lorelai? That’s a weird name. Rory: Well, Lem, what can I say? Francie: Sounds southern. Are you a belle? Rory: Uh, no, but apparently, I command them. Francie: Well, see you later, your highness. 🔰not unless = onl...

  • 1978年公開の帰郷っていう映画の結末が気になる。。。

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりRory: Nice table. It’s much more level than the one over there. Francie: Your name is Lori? Rory: Rory. Francie: Right… Rory. Rory: What’s yours? Ivy: Francie. Rory: You’re Francie? Ivy: She’s Francie. I’m Ivy. Rory: Francie’s spokesman. Francie: Well, I am a very important person, and very important people never speak for themselves. Rory: I did not know that, but...

  • オズの魔法使いからは多くの名言が生まれた。その中の1つが。。。

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりRory: Hey, there’s a bad draft where I usually sit, it’s kind of like a big downward gust. It’s not exactly, “TOTO, We’re not in Kansas anymore,” but it’s still pretty darn uncomfortable. So can I sit here?Francie: Uh… Yeah.Rory: Thanks. 🔰We’re not in Kansas anymore. = オズの魔法使いからの引用句。主人公のドロシーと飼い犬のトトが竜巻に飛ばされて着いたところは地元のカンザスと...

  • worn off

    fade away if you wear a makeup in the morning, in the end of the day it's faded it's much liter. you makeup has worn off. someone drink a lot of alcohol and they get tipsy. they sleep and rest and feel better they effect of the alcohol has worn off the medicine works for a little while , but not as long as they should, your headache comes back

  • I’ll hang out with their moms「ママ友達と付き合うよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりLolelai: Now I have to pick a group or a cause or sponsor a club. Rory: Sucks. Lolelai: But, hey, I’ve been thinking. I mean that the whole reason we did this Chilton thing is for you to get into Harvard, right? Rory: Right. Lolelai: And these fanatics that run your school, they’re the ones that write the letters to the fancy colleges, saying thigs like, “Hey, she’s keen,...

  • be out of line = not right or appropriate

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりRory: Hey. Lorelai: Year, look, Fat Albert, get me a soda, will you? Rory: Mom, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to meet me in my Latin class after meeting with headmaster Charlston. Lorelai: Oh my god! I was! I totally forgot! Oh, I’m so sorry. Rory: Mom, Come on. What happened? Did you talk to him? Lorelai: I did. I told him that he was completely out of line ...

  • May I/we ~ ?は許可を求めるフォーマルな言い方

    Gilmore Girls 2-7よりMr. Charlston: Ms. Gilmore, active participation in Chilton activities for a parent is vitally important. Lorelai: But… Mr. Charlston: This is a list of organizations sponsored by Chilton parent groups dedicated to certain specific tasks. Any one of them would be honored by your participation. Lorelai:Okay, my schedule is … Mr. Charlston: We’re all tremendously busy, Ms....

  • of + 抽象名詞 は 形容詞を表す

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりMr. Charleston: That doesn’t surprise me, based on my research. Lorelai: What research? Mr. Charleston: When I saw your name on the appointment list, I decided to have a look at the file. Lorelai: Oh, yes, Rory’s file’s been of a lot of interest lately, hasn’t it? Mr. Charleston: I wasn’t talking about Rory’s file. I was talking about yours. Lorelai: I have a file? Mr....

  • I respectfully disagree. 「失礼ながら同意しかねます」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりWoman: Ms. Gilmore is here. Lorelai: Hello, Mr. Charleston. Mr. Charleston: Ms. Gilmore, it’s so good to see you. Lorelai: It’s good to be here. Mr. Charleston: You know, I checked my records to remind myself why I asked you in, only to discover that you had called for this meeting. Lorelai: Yes, I did. Mr. Charleston: I’m surprised. We don’t see you often. We’d forgott...

  • still には「~にも関わらず」「それでもやはり」という in spite of の意味がある

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりKirk: It's all fixed. I found a loose terminal. I recognized the battery and jumped it, so it's set to go. Lorelai: Oh, thanks, Kirk. Kirk: And I'm not gonna charge you for the time I spent stuck underneath the car. Lorelai: That's great, Kirk. Kirk: And I just want you to know, I overheard and you're absolutely right. I carried a duffel bag and ate lunch by myself my ent...

  • Don't say that. = そんなことは言わないで!

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりKirk: Lorelai? Do you know what this is? Lorelai: Um, No. Damn. Rory: I don't know. Maybe there is something wrong with me. Lorelai: Don't say that. Rory: Maybe I am a loner. I mean, you were mocking my backpack today. I might just be one step away from carrying a mysterious duffel bag. Lorelai: Oh no, you don't! Don't go doubting who you are, how you should be. How dare...

  • Do/would you mind if I do/did ~? は相手に許可を求めるときの言い方

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりLorelai: What does she expect you to do?Rory: She said,

  • Universities do not look kindly on loners「大学は非社交的な人に良い印象を抱かないのよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりMrs. Burgoness: Denying a problem doesn't solve a problem, Rory. Unless something changes, this could affect your future. Rory: I don't understand. I get good grades. isn't that enough? Mrs. Burgoness: You know it's not. Rory, when we make recommendations to universities on behalf of a student, that student's social skills are a big part of it. Now, I assume you want to go ...

  • I almost jumped out of your skin「とても驚いた」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりAnd you almost jumped out of your skin. What does that tell you? Rory: That I'm jumpy. On the Fourth of July, forget it, I'm a wreck. When the Stars Hollow orchestra begins to play in the gazebo with the guy banging the cymbals, it drives me nuts.🔰I almost jumped out of your skin = I was very surprised🔰What does that tell you? = それはどういうこと?🔰 be jumpy = very nervous,...

  • What about it? 「なにか問題でも?」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりMrs. Burgoness: We've been concerned about your social behaivior here at school. Rory: What about it?Mrs. Burgoness: You don't seem to interact much with the other students.Rory: I do, sometimes... in class, all the time.Mrs. Burgoness: But rarely outside of the class. At lunch, you're always by yourself. Rory: I catch up on reading.Mrs. Burgoness: And that walkman makes y...



Life is short. Talk fast.
Life is short. Talk fast.

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