



  • Steve Jobs 伝説のスピーチ 目次&動画

    ・Introduction(3つのストーリー) :  Part 1・First story (点と点をつなぐ) : Part 2〜7 :  No.1 / No.2 / No.3 / No.4 / No.5 / No.6・Second story (愛と喪失): Part 8〜11 : No.1 / No.2 / No.3 / No.4・Third story (死について) : Part 12〜1

  • Part 1 : Introduction(3つのストーリー)

    I am honored to bewith you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in theworld. 本日は世界でもっとも優秀な大学に数えられている大学の卒業式に参加できて光栄に思います。(commencement : 卒業式)Truth be told, I never graduate

  • Part 2 : First story (点を点をつなぐ) No.1

    The first story isabout connecting the dots.最初のお話は「点を点をつなぐ」という話しです。(connecting the dots : 点と点を結ぶ)  I dropped out of ReedCollege after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in foranother 18 mon

  • Part 3 : First story (点を点をつなぐ) No.2

    And 17 years later Idid go to college.それから17年が過ぎ、私は大学生になりました。(do/did + 動詞 : 動詞を強調する)But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensiveas Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being

  • Part 4 : First story (点を点をつなぐ) No.3

    It wasn't allromantic.素敵な話ばかりではありません。I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms,I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buyfood with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night

  • Part 5 : First story (点を点をつなぐ) No.4

    Reed College at thattime offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country.当時のリード大学には恐らくこの国で一番のカリグラフィのクラスがありました。(calligraphy : カリグラフィー、書道)Throughout the campus every poster, every la

  • Part 6 : First story (点と点をつなぐ) No.5

    None of this had evena hope of any practical application in my life.  そうした経験が、人生で実際にどう役に立つかはわかっていませんでした。(practical application : 実際の、実用の、application : 適用、活用)But ten years later, when we were desig

  • Part 7 : First story (点と点をつなぐ) No.6

    Again, you can'tconnect the dots looking forward.もう一度申し上げますが、先を読んで点と点をつなぐことはできません。You can only connect them looking backwards.後から振り返って、はじめて点の繋がりに気付くのです。So you have to trust that the dot

  • Part 8 : Second story (愛と喪失) No.1

    My second story isabout love and loss.2つめの話は「愛と喪失」についてです。(loss : 損失、喪失(感)) I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. 人生の早い段階で自分が愛する仕事を見つけられたことは幸運でした。Woz and I started A

  • Part 9 : Second story (愛と喪失) No.2

    I really didn't knowwhat to do for a few months. はじめの数ヶ月は何をすべきかわからず途方に暮れました。I felt that I had let the previous generation ofentrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me.この分野の先人たちの期

  • Part10 : Second story (愛と喪失) No.3

    During the next fiveyears, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, その後の5年間でNeXTとPixarという会社を立ち上げ、and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife.そして、後に私の妻となる素晴らしい女性と恋に

  • Part 11 : Second story (愛と喪失) No.4

    I'm pretty sure noneof this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. はっきりと言えることがあります。それは、私がAppleをクビにならなければ、このようなことは何一つ起こらなかったであろうということです。It was awfultasting medicine,

  • Part 12 : Third story (死について) No.1

    My third story isabout death.3つ目の話しは『死』についてです。 When I was 17, I reada quote that went something like: 私が17歳の時、こんな言葉に出会いました。"If you live each day as if it was yourlast, someday you'll most certainly be r

  • Part 13 : Third story (死について) No.2

    About a year ago Iwas diagnosed with cancer.約1年前に、私はガンと診断されました。(diagnose A with B : AをBと診断する)I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearlyshowed a tumor on my pancreas.私は朝の7時半に画像検査を行い、そこで私の膵

  • Part 14 : Third story (死について) No.3

    This was the closestI've been to facing death, and I hope it's the closest I get for a few moredecades.これが私の最も死に近づいた経験です。今後、数十年は勘弁願いたいですね。Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit morecer

  • Part 15 : Stay hungry, stay foolish

    When I was young,there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was oneof the bibles of my generation. 私が若い頃、「全地球カタログ」という素晴らしい本がありました。私の世代のバイブルです。It was created by a fellow nam



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英語で学ぶ スティーブジョブズ 伝説のスピーチ

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