We are a schoolclass from germany and we all wish you good luck and we hope we send you a little smile.... We think of you!!! 私たちはドイツの...
We are sending to all Japanese people our thoughts and our energy to fight this disaster. Japanese people are very resilient and their st...
I feel really sorry for Japan going through such a disaster. I'm cheering from the far Hungary.All I can do is praying. It's not much, but ...
Dear Japan, As I saw the events that took place my heart sank Such a beautiful country stricken by tragedy In times such as this the world ...
To the japanese people I’m from Cologne/Germany and as a long time lover of japanese film and culture I’m deeply shocked about the series o...
I give all my support and pray to kind people of Japan. Hope they will recover as quick as possible. Olivier GELUWE BELGIUM 私の全ての支援と祈りを日本の...
Sending rainbows of love and light to you and your beautiful country. Meditations and prayers for healing of your people and your country a...
proposed new flag for Japan 日本の新しい国旗として提案します! Lauraさんのお母さんお勧めの ヴァーチャル森林浴 Virtual Forest walking ≪Laura's mother recomended≫
マサチューセッツより ~Deniseさん, Betty さん, Fred さん~
私達はあなたと悲しみを分かち合います。 私達はあなたを愛しています。 あなた達は耐える勇気を見つけるでしょう。 ベティ、デニス、フレッド ノースハンプトン マサチューセッツ アメリカ ※手前がデニスさん、後ろにいるのがデニスさんのお母さんのベティさん 右の男性がフレッド...
震災から68時間後に被害の大きかった宮城県石巻市で瓦礫の中から、 生後4ヶ月の女の子が救出されました。 そのニュースが、どれだけ多くの人に勇気と希望を与えたことか。 日々伝えられる被災地の現状や避難所での不便な生活。 暗く、先の見えない状況が続いているのは事実かもしれません...
Hi, my name is David-from Prague/Czech I love Japan and all those people with their friendly and smiley lifestyle. I have a Japanese gir...
Hello all! I want to send a big warm hug for all of you. I admire a lot Japanesse culture. I took this picture on vacations, this is a hu...
In my Japanese 1 class we are forming a fundraiser for Japan. We are collecting donations from all of the homerooms in our school, which g...
our thoughts are with you 私達の想いはあなたと共に。 The SieboldHuis in Leiden ( http://www.sieboldhuis.org/jp/) organised the "1000 Cranes for Japa...
To all my friends, family, and Japan: We have not forgotten about you!! There are many of us who are sending thoughts and prayers your way...
After the horrible tragedy that hit Japan, I have the urge to somehow send a message of sympathy, compassion, and concern to those who ha...
現在、ニューヨークに滞在中の女優・タレントのソニンさんが 始められたプロジェクトです。 ★動画に添えられていたメッセージ★ 地震後2日何も出来ないまま悲しみにくれ眠れない日々。 何か出来ないかと必死で模索して今いち早く出来る事を 思いつきこ のプロジェクトを始めました。 少...
フィンランドより ~Paivi Karkkainenさんより~
I'm from Finland and love your country and ppl very very much. As do my teenage-children and husband too. My love to you and the country and...
keep the hope dear japanese friends and remember: can't rain all the time. Stand strong and never give up. Greetings and total support...
My heart lies already for some years firmly embodied in Japan. I even never was there, but I discovered the love from the distance. It hurts...
Here in Miami, we live near the ocean an know what it's like to worry about what the future may bring. Our thoughts are with you, and we...
Hello! My name is Dana and I'm from Bucharest, Romania. I cry every time I see what happened to japanese people! I'm also very sure that ...
My thoughts are with you . Stunned and helpless I see every day your suffering . But your strength , your solidarity and your...
Dear Japanese people, this catastrophe is beyond all I could imagine and I still cannot believe it, although I read the news several ti...