The day before yesterday and yesterday, I went skiing.The day before yesterday,…
Two days ago, I visited a wonderful pizzeria housed in an old Japanese-style ho…
Yesterday, I felt like I made much progress in skiing.I was able to ski down an…
The breathtaking view of the Northern Alps from Sora Terrace today was absolute…
Yesterday, I walked about 9 kilometers from Ryuoo Ski Park to Yudanaka Station.…
Here are more ski photos again!The other day, I went skiing for two consecutive…
【Viewer Discretion Advised(閲覧注意)】(The photos in the latter half were taken by m…
Tried Night Skiing (March 6th)Even under normal conditions, I ski while wobblin…
Meals I Had During My Recent Two-Day Break!On the first day, breakfast was beer…
I tried making steps and a path in a snow-covered road.It’ll probably get burie…
@meshitarou1000_japan も見てね(料理素人おっさんが1000食作った旅です)Here are some casual landscape …
@meshitarou1000_japan も見てね(料理素人のおっさんが1000食作った修行)I went to Nozawa Onsen.The scen…
I went skiing again today.I feel like I’ve gotten a bit better.I’m aiming for p…
Here are some videos and photos from the skiing I’ve done recently.In the first…
I’ve got a bunch of photos and videos from my ski trip five days ago.First, che…
I have to upload the videos and photos from my recent skiing trip soon.The view…
Two days ago, I went skiing with my Sri Lankan friends for the first time since…
Today, I met a new friend.His name is Rocky, a Labrador Retriever and German Sh…
The view is on a whole different level for a free shuttle bus (Yudanaka Station…
Today’s Izakaya & Bar-Hopping (Yudanaka and Shibu Onsen Area)I had a great time…
A collection of cars in parking lots covered in heavy snow and photos of the ar…
Heavy snow day Commuting and taking a walk…すげー雪が降った日でした真っ暗の通勤では膝まで雪がそれでもおもしろくて、…
Two days ago, I went to Suzaka City②I walked around the town, stumbled upon a r…
Two days ago, I went to Suzaka City ①First, these are photos and movies of Suza…
I’ve been drinking around Yudanaka and Shibu Onsen since the morning.I had a gr…
I recently went to Tokyo and Chiba for some errands and enjoyed visiting izakay…
The sunset from the rooftop of the hotel I work, and my commute home (walking b…
The breathtaking view from the free shuttle bus running from Ryuoo Ski Park to …
Here’s what Ryuoo in northern Nagano, where I currently live, looks like.Every …
Life has been a bit hectic lately with some recent changes, so I haven’t been a…
I’ve successfully completed my final shift at “Kazari,” bringing my 1 year and …
Yesterday at Kiso Uma no Sato,the horses seemed to be in a good mood, perhaps b…
Today, I looked at this Kiso horse’s legs and thought, “Pulp Fiction!” I wonder…
New Year's Morning (3)In Kaida Kogen, each town holds a marathon race from New …
New Year's morning (2)When I was walking on the snowy road early in the morning…
New Year's morning (1) I had to work from noon, so I was out in the morning in …
Kiso’s cooking (木曽の食材を使った料理、、、なのですが)Recently, there have been days when the tem…
A junior from my university days came to visit Kiso with their family!We had a …
Today's buses and iciclesIt was cold and snowy in Kaida Kogen!I am so thankful …
Two days ago at “Kiso Uma no Sato”Despite the cold, the horses were both resili…
Today’s sunset over Mt.OntakeAs always, it’s beautiful!今日の御嶽山の夕暮れ相変わらず素晴らしかったです…
Recent LifeI am showing travelers from France that I met in town, visiting peop…
The “Sunki Fried Rice” I had the other day was tasty .In the Kiso-Fukushima are…
Here’s an update on the souvenir shop in front of Kiso-Fukushima Station that’s…
Mt. Ontake today It was so beautiful just before the sun set.今日の御嶽山陽が沈む直前がめちゃキレ…
This doesn't convey the sheer number of stars I'm seeing.I see dozens of times …
Mt. Ontake today! The snow covered the mountain and it was a powerful view.今日の御…
#最後の方のスローモーション動画でなぜか早く落ちていく雪があるのはなぜなんだろう?Snow view from my room.僕の部屋からの雪景色#naka…
We had a drink at two good old popular restaurants in Yabuhara, strolled around…
The other day, I took a walk in Yabuhara.Yabuhara is the starting point from To…
Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll be on the prowl at night when it's minus 3 degr…
Today ‘s Mt.OntakeSo beautiful!!今日の御嶽山とてもキレイでした#nakasendo #samurairoad #KisoFoo…
Kiso’s cooking!(木曽の素材をどっかしら使ったおっさんの飯作り)Anyway, I always keep making a mess of f…
The day before yesterday, I went to "Kiso Horse Village(kiso-uma-no-sato)."It w…
Mt. Ontake this morning.今朝の御嶽山#nakasendo #samurairoad #KisoFood #JapaneseCuisin…
Yesterday evening the scene of Mt. Ontake and its surroundings. It was divine.昨…
Thank you Ms.Thalia for a great time!Continue your wonderful trip to Japan!“Oka…
Kiso’s cooking (木曽の素材を使ったおっさんのメシ作り)First let me show you the kitchen in my room…
Autumn leaves at Kozenji Temple yesterday!The colors were deepening and it was …
Kiso’s cooking!(木曽の素材を使ったメシ作り)Temperatures have been dropping to minus on some …
Moonlight x iPhoneI was able to capture the fantastic Mt. Ontake in the middle …
Today's favorite restaurants in Kisofukushima (coffee shop, local Chinese resta…
Jizo Pass today! Autumn colors were spreading under Mt.Ontake.本日の地蔵峠御嶽山の前には秋の色が…
Mt.Ontake this morning was mysteriously beautiful!!今日の御嶽山は神秘的なキレイさでした#nakasendo…
Yesterday’s “kiso-uma-no-sato(Kiso horse park)!Many of the horses were full and…
Mt.Ontake today, snow appeared and it was very beautiful!今日の御嶽山は雪が現れてとてもキレイでした#…
For a short period of time, a person who came to work at the ryokan where I wor…
The "New Soba Festival" is being held at a nearby restaurant.The “zaru-soba” wa…
My friends came to Kiso Fukushima!Probably about 60 people have come to visit K…
Recent Mt.Ontake!The view of the mountains is different every day, and I never …
Kiso’s cooking (木曽の食材を使ったメシ作り)Little by little, we're getting more ingredients …
Yesterday & Today's Kiso-ima- no-sato(Kiso Horse Village)It was time for the ho…
This view is spectacular!やべーもんを見せてもらった(笑)#nakasendo #samurairoad @meshitarou100…
【Kiso’s cooking ※Special Edition(木曽の食材を使ったおっさんメシ※特別編)】The other day, someone I …
Today’s Kiso-uma-no-sato(今日の木曽馬の里)By the way, the foal's name was decided as "W…
Kiso’s cooking (木曽の食材を使った飯作り)Making Meals with Kiso IngredientsMeals from mid-S…
On Wednesday, someone at work drove us to go shopping.The nearest city from Kis…
【Breaking News(速報)】Draft Beer in the MorningI love that it's a weekday!Deliciou…
【Introduction to Kiso, where I currently live(現在住んでい木曽の紹介)】The Kiso region is l…
Self Introduction(自己紹介English version)In this instagram of mine, I am practicin…
Today’s Mt.Ontake.Today is exactly 10 years since the eruption of Mt.Ontake.To …
Today’s Kiso-uma-no-sato(Kiso horse park)The Kisoma in the first video is not d…
When I looked up at the sky, I saw a rainbow even though it was not raining!Als…
Today’s kiso-uma-no-sato(kiso horse park)On the last day of the three-day weeke…
Today’s My.Ontake!Too beautiful scenery!今日の御嶽山美し過ぎた!#nakasendo #samurairoad @me…
Kiso’s cooking! (木曽の素材を使った飯作り)⭐︎ @meshitarou1000 見てね!(料理素人のおっさんが突然1000食作ってる軌跡。笑…
The other day I had the day off from work, so I spent the whole day drinking in…
Today’s Mt.Ontake.Japan's second highest single mountain! And beautiful clouds.…
Yesterday lunchtime cycling.We saw rice being dried, pottery being fired in a k…
みなさん、ぜひ2006年から続く伝統の歩きにご参加下さい!! 「子供達と歩く(旧 旅ガキ歩き)」の日程aruke.blog.jp 次回はコレ 第118回「子ど…
2023年4月より突然長野県の旅館働き始めました「街道浪漫 おん宿 蔦屋(つたや)」現在、外国人に大人気の中山道歩きの宿泊の拠点にもなっています。長野県の木曽…
「子どもみたいな大人と歩く」(12/1日暮里〜山谷〜東向島編) ⑩キャプテン翼見ながらラストです