フィナンシャルタイムズの記事の中で金融、自動車に関する記事を中心に掲載していきます。 難しい単語は()の中に記載していますので気軽に読んでください。
US carmakers don(名士) green mantle for $25bn loans pleas(嘆願) to Gongress
FT Dec 3 2008 --------------- Ford boss willing to drop salary to $1 ------------------------------------ Detoit's beleaguered(取り巻く) carmake...
UK carmakers ask for aid as sales see sharp decline
FT 19 Nov 2008 UK carmakers ask for aid as sales see sharp decline --------------------------------------------------- Britain's car indus...
GM and Cerberus race to finalize Chrysler stake deal ahead of poll
General Motors and Cerberus Capital Management are racing to finalize a deal for the carmaker to acquire the private equity group's stake in...
Porche accelerates towards VW control
FT 28 Oct 08 Aggressive share buying may have jeopardised(危険にさらす) co-operation ------------------------------------------------------------...
GM in hunt for capital injection, and fresh wobbles at Ford
FT Oct 22/08 GM in hunt(狩) for Buffett-style capital injection ------------------------------------------- Ford has little room for manoeuv...
Carmakers resort to new model price cuts
FT Oct/20/08 Unusual move by Ford and Chrysler ------------------------------------ Ford motor and Chrysler have taken the rare step of offe...
Geely campaings for electric black cabs
FT Oct /20/08 ブラックロンドンタクシーを製造する会社をCo-ownする中国の自動車会社Geelyは電気タクシーをロンドンの都市に持ち込むべくイギリス政府筋と面談した。 FTの取材に答えた中国Geelyの社長は、「ロンドンタクシーを電気自動車に変えたい」と語った。 ...
Tata powers electric vehicles stake
FT Oct/15/08 Tata motors has moved a step closer to realising its plan to release an electric vehicle into the European market with its acq...
FT Oct/15/08 The German automobiles group yesterday announced that it would slash 3,500 of the 21,000 jobs at its North American truck busi...
China car sales boom runs out of stream
FT 08/Oct/15 Lower forecasts a blow to automakers ------------------------------------- Growth down to single-digit figure ----------------...
ICICI hunts for(探す) bear cartel(カルテル)
FT Oct/14/08 Bank asks police to investigate brokers ------------------------------------------ Smear campaign(組織的中傷) led to attack by spec...