



AB型・フリーターの気ままな日記です。 年齢性別問ゎず仲良くして下さぃ。



  • Arashi members got married♬

    嵐のメンバ-が結婚i was surprised by their age結婚より年齢にびっくり‼because it wouldn’t be strange if they had a son around the age of 20.だって、大きな子供が居てもおかしくない年齢だよねoi feel sorry for the idols and actors.アイドルや俳優さん

  • Fried Chicken Day★

    とりの日today is Fried Chicken Day from KFC今日は、ケンタッキ-のとりの日♬to be continued..zzZ

  • I wonder if my body is tough??

    強くなったかなthe second day(2日目)i wonder if i have a robust body私の体、強くなったかな??to be continued..zzZ

  • long-awaited..

    待ちに待った..i received my second dose of the vaccine2回目のコロナワクチン接種してきたよ★to be continued..zzZ

  • To get endorsem★

    お墨付きto be continued..zzZ

  • Pow-pow♪

    ポポ-to be continued..zzZ

  • A lot of coleslaw★

    大量のコ-ルスロ-i made it too much作り過ぎちゃったッッ‼ i end up making too much when i make curry tooカレ-なんかも、作り過ぎちゃう‼to be continued..zzZ

  • Baked sweet potato frappuccino from starbacks coffee★

    スタバの焼き芋フラペチ-ノthey came out wiht a new flavor新作が出たッッ♪to be continued..zzZ

  • A large amount of Pocari Sweats and Calonals★

    大量のポカリとカロナ-ルi will get second vaccine shot this weekend, so my grandmother has brought me them. she said, "you sometimes get light fevers, so you should be getting high fever this time."も-すぐ2回目のコロナワクチン接種だから、お婆ちゃんが『

  • Hide and seen★

    かくれんぼthe weather has been nice since morning today今日は朝から良い天気♬see u

  • I went to the cake shop✩

    ケ-キ屋さんに行ったッッthis cake shop's morning combo (called "mo-nin-gu") comes with a mini cake tooここのケ-キ屋さんのモ-ニングには、モ-ニングセット以外にも小さいケ-キも付いてくるんだよ♬see u

  • Bad weather..

    天気が悪∼い..oi ate pancakes today今日は、パンケ-キ食べたッッ★see u

  • The time I feel that I've grown up..

    大人になったと感じる時..i didn't like rum raisin flavored before, but i can eat it nowラムレ-ズン味が食べれるよ-になった時‼to be continued..zzZ

  • He is totally useless..

    役に立たない..oi bought some apples at AEONイオンで林檎買って来たッッ★my dog nanako drinks only milk for dog and fresh fruit juiceワンコの奈々子は、犬用のミルクと生の果物のジュ-スしか飲まないの♪until now i made juice from the watermelon at home,

  • I found a cut decoration item at one dollar store★

    100均で可愛いデコレ-ションアイテム見∼っけmany cut hello kitty items and disney character items are sold in that store100均って、キティちゃんやディズニ-キャラクタ-の商品がいっぱい売ってるよね♬i bought Mickey Mouse and Minnie Ladle spoon of disney ki

  • Appatite of fall★

    食欲の秋it's time for chestnuts栗の季節が来たッッ★i received many chestnuts from my grandmotherお婆ちゃんから栗を沢山もらったよ‼chestnut rice(栗ご飯)boiled chestnuts(茹で栗)to be continued..zzZ

  • I made an irreparable mistake.

    取り返しのつかない過ちoto be continued..zzZ

  • I came across a stylish cafe★

    素敵なカフェ見つけたよthe inside is clean, too. because it is still a new cafeまだ新しいお店だから店内も綺麗∼♪i ate this toast set andト-ストセットと、grape parfaitぶどうパフェ食べたッッ♬all strawberry jam, cone soup and strawberry pudding o

  • I'm here to do a little shopping★

    ちょっと、お買い物に来たッッim looking for black leggings黒のレギンスパンツ探してるの♪i have never worn pants even once until becoming an adult, so i thought pants are for man. when i was a chilled, i was forced to wear only frilly clothes.子供の頃

  • A plate full of pow-pow★

    山盛りのポポ-this powpow is good for eatingめっちゃ食べごろ♪to be continued..zzZ

  • Dog freak★

    犬の親バカthis dog is a toy poodle my mother hasこのワンコはお母さんが飼ってるトイプ-ドル♪to be continued..zzZ

  • I'm into this right now‼

    今、これにハマってるi know it's so late, but fruit granola is very tasty, right今さらだけど、フル-ツグラノ-ラってめっちゃ美味しいよね??to be continued..zzZ

  • The third day★

    3日目i went back to our normal livesいつもの日常に戻ったよ♪there's still some pain in my left arm, but it won't affect my daily lifeまだ少し左腕の痛みがあるんだけど、日常生活に支障はない程度oto be continued..zzZ

  • It’s the second day after vaccination★

    2日目even when i awoke the next morning, i had the expected sore arm and i cannot wear clothes myself, so my grandmother helped me to change into clothes.翌日目が覚めても予想通り腕の痛みがあって、自分で洋服が着れないからお婆ちゃんが着替えさせてくれたッ

  • One of the side effects appeared 3 hours after the vaccination‼

    副反応の洗礼早すぎッッi got the first dose of COVID vaccine1回目のコロナワクチン接種したよ♪my side effects are..私の副反応は be continued..zzZ




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