

Xiang's daily life

She joined a family one day . Her name is Xiang Xiang. She tells us the ordinary events that she sees through her eyes.



  • I'll introduce Lei as

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. We have decided to play at a park. Xiao is playing with a slide. Ling and Lei are playing in the ...

  • Let's go together!?

      The strong wind has stopped. They are talking about what they play. The extended weekend has come! What will we play? Yeah! Well... Shall ...

  • What will we do?

      Mom said you shouldn't play something outside because it's blowing strong wind. Gee, it's so boring. Could you tell us what we will play? ...

  • The answer is...

    It's a continuation of yesterday's post. Could you find the answer? What is the difference between the pictures? Yes! The color of our tail ...

  • What odd?

      Lei, what play will we do? The weather report said it was an ultra-fine weather day! Hi, all! Here is a question! Our pictures include som...

  • On line order service

      There are many online food order services. We have gotten these cuisines from the service. I don't know why these are more gorgeous than u...

  • What are they talking about?

      Xiang and Ling are talking in a low voice. Do you want to know what we are talking about? Aha, I can't answer it because this is secret ta...

  • After that

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. Well, I'll take a break. What! Get me out! Ling! Don't worry, Xiao! Look at me! Yeah, Xiao! Take ...

  • Live separately

    Ling? What are you doing? Hi, Xiang! I'm going to have Fluffies live separately like Ueno Zoo's twin. Hey! Stop doing it! Anyway, we hope Ue...

  • It's Earth Day tomorrow.

    It's Earth Day tomorrow. Let's consider what we can do for Earth! Xiang! You are enormous! I think so, Ling!  That's a wrong point! Could yo...

  • Breeding!

    Fluffies, I'll give you potato chips! I'm also bringing water for you. Hi Ling! What are you doing with Xiao and Lei? I'm breeding them, Xia...

  • It's impossible.

      Could you enter deep in the bag? Hidden your body! Xiao and Lei! Hi all, what are you doing? Oh, Xiang! Dad will go on a business trip tom...

  • Gifts

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. We got a dino sticker and a keychain as gifts from the event. Ling, do you want some of the gifts...

  • T-REX figure

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. Depending on my request, Dad has bought a T-REX figure for me. I tried making T-REX and Brachiosa...

  • T-Rex

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. I'll take a break... Ling, there is no break! Original blog : in Japanese.

  • Suchomimmus!

    It's a continuation of yesterday's post. It's so close! Another dino, Suchomimmus! The name of the dino means pseudo-crocodile. They lived n...

  • Dino a Live!

    We entered the theater to sit in our seats. Those are our seats. Follow me! Dad reserved the very front seats for us! Why did Dad do it unne...

  • The event!

      We're coming to a theater to watch an event. Xiang mistook the event schedule for today, which was last month. I've just confirmed this ev...

  • What a beautiful Sakura!

      We're coming to watch cherry blossoms. Wow, it's blossoming perfectly! Ling, you aren't watching the blossoms, are you? I know, that's bea...

  • T-Rex race!

      Ling, they say many T-Rex races are held every weekend! That's interesting, Xiang! Okay, let's try it! The preparation has finished. Ling,...

  • Police chief

    It's a continuation of yesterday's post. Ling liked this play. All right! I'll walk around to keep us safe. Good work, Ling! Keep up the eff...

  • A policeman play

      Thank you all! We are happy to hear your comments for 1000 posts! Ling seems to have started a policeman play. I'll do my best to keep Xia...

  • Exceeded 1,000!

    Hey, Xiang! Our post has exceeded one thousand! Over one thousand is a marvelous number, Xiang! I think so, I'm surprised, Ling and all! Xia...

  • In the case of Ling!

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. I want to be Zoo staff in the future. Here you are. This is your bumboo. Aha, thanks, Ling! Could...

  • A part-time leader!?

      Lei, what will you want to do? I'll be a part-time leader. Hey, Xiao, speak louder when you communicate with a customer! s, sorry, leader....

  • What will Xiao do in the future?

      It's a continuation of yesterday's post. What will you do in the future? When I grow up, I want to be a fireman. Xiao, keep the truncus of...

  • Xiang's dream

      It's a continuation of the previous day's post. They are thinking about what they will do in the future. In the case of Xiang... Let me se...

  • Thank you , Tan Tan-san

    What's happened? Xiang? Japan's oldest panda, Tan Tan-san, has died. We have sent off her. Won't Tan Tan feel pain anymore? She won't need t...

  • What will we want to do?

    Congratulations! Entering school and company! Many enrollment ceremonies are held during spring. Xiang, what is an enrollment ceremony? That...

  • We've dicided

    Just between us, we're going to quit Panda. This time, we have removed our ear. We are going to live as earless seals. Aha, did we manage to...



Xiang's daily life
Xiang's daily life

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