weather: mostly cloudysunrise: 6:57AMsunset : 6:20PM February will be over. Tim…
weather: mostly clearsunrise: 6:58AMsunset : 6:19PM Sunrise time has been faste…
weather: mostly clearsunrise: 7:00AMsunset : 6:19PM My doggy turned into a monk…
weather: clear, PM2.5sunrise: 7:01AMsunset : 6:17PM Korean people often eat por…
weather: partly clear, PM2.5sunrise: 7:02AMsunset : 6:16PM It was as warm as sp…
weather: partly clear, PM2.5sunrise: 7:03AMsunset : 6:15PM Whole Korea had bad …
weather: partly clearsunrise: 7:05AMsunset : 6:14PM His character which is easi…
weather: mostly clearsunrise: 7:06AMsunset : 6:13PM There is a word which shoul…
weather: partly cloudssunrise: 7:07AMsunset : 6:12PM I was ①unusually sleepy so…
weather: rain, followed by cloudssunrise: 7:08AMsunset : 6:11PM Today is the fi…
weather: finesunrise: 7:09AMsunset : 6:10PM My husband developed hypoglycemia a…
weather: clearsunrise: 7:11AMsunset : 6:09PM I bought a strawberry cake and ate…
weather: snowsunrise: 7:12AMsunset : 6:08PM A quarrel I did yesterday is ①prolo…
weather: mostly clearsunrise: 7:13AMsunset : 6:07PM My husband developed hypogl…
weather: mostly clearsunrise: 7:14AMsunset : 6:06PM My mother-in-law didn't com…
weather: finesunrise: 7:15AMsunset : 6:05PM My mother-in-law came to our house …
weather: finesunrise: 7:16AMsunset : 6:04PM My husband ①developed hypoglycemia …
weather: finesunrise: 7:17AMsunset : 6:03PM Today is my lovely doggy's birthday…
weather: Partly finesunrise: 7:18AMsunset : 6:02PM After all, I didn't go shopp…
weather: Partly finesunrise: 7:19AMsunset : 6:01PM My both ①elids ②have swollen…
weather: fine, windysunrise: 7:20AMsunset : 6:00PM I worked for the first time …
weather: fine, windysunrise: 7:21AMsunset : 5:59PM Coldness of the winter is ba…
weather: fine, very warm,PM2.5 unhealthy levelsunrise: 7:22AMsunset : 5:58PM I …
weather: fine, PM2.5 unhealthy levelsunrise: 7:23AMsunset : 5:57PM Welcome back…
weather: finesunrise: 7:24AMsunset : 5:56PM We have to visit mother-in-law's ho…
weather: Rainsunrise: 7:25AMsunset : 5:55PM My husband has developed ①dermatiti…
weather: Finesunrise: 7:25AMsunset : 5:54PM Lunar New Year's holiday has starte…
weather: Clearsunrise: 7:26AMsunset : 5:53PM February has started from today.My…