Pastor Levi Daugherty visited Georgia True Family Community Center. He ask me to take a video in my YouTube Studio because he got an inspiration, he said. Then I took a video, please watch below Yo…
Hi, This is Pastor Luke from Atlanta, Georgia, True Family Comunity Center!We had a great time last night! It was the Blessing Fest watch party.Strat from our Choir Director Melvin Amos and friends…
District 5 Youth Winter Workshop testimony Sunday Service
Happy New Year 2022.The District 5 Winter Workshop had successfully done. Thank you for your prayer and support.30 Middle school and High school kids and 10 staff members have participated. We had …
The Church you get younger is the Georgia True Family Community Center.
Last Sunday, we visited a Christian church with the Heavenly USA team who are doing missionary work. If you did not watch it yet, please watch later, the link is below the section. yu we did anothe…
Church Visitation to Embassy City Church
Hi, This is Pastor Luke from Atlanta, Georgia True Family Community Center.I am Pastor myself, and I am supposed to give a sermon for my church.But I sometimes visit other churches as a representat…
ACLC National Tour in Atlanta GA
Hi, I am Luke Hi-Guchi from Atlanta, Georgia True Family Community Center. Breaking News for you. We had an ACLC Pastor’s summit at Connect Point Christian Center. In the First session was invited …
I create my own dance to encourage myself. This is very works. テキパキ(Active)サッサ(Quick)コツコツ(Continue). When I singing and dancing with this short phrase. It makes me active and quick movement. It rem…
Japanese man expose by Stand Up Comedy ?
<This is a scrip of the my YouTube video> please subscribe my YouTube Channel. > Hello! How are you doing? This is the stage of Stand up comedy? How do your quarantine life? Are you stayin…
皆さん 先回のブログで告知した『みんなが撮った投稿DO画』の放送が観れますよ〜。NHKではインターネットで番組のお見逃し配信をしているそうです。 しかし、加入していないと各番組まで辿れない仕組みになっていて、残念ながら海外からはアクセスできません。大変申し訳ございません。加入した後、トップページより番組検索をして視聴することができます。 日本にお住まいの方は、NHKの受信料を支払っていれば追…
先日、NHKの番組デレクターさんから突然メールが届きました。 私のYouTubeチャンネルにあるビデオを番組で採用したいとの事、その許可をし欲しいと言う旨の内容でした。 それは、9年前に私がYouTubeチャンネルを始めたきっかけとなった初めてのビデオです。 2011年3月11日、大規模な地震と津波が東北海岸線を襲いました。アメリカに住んでいる私は茫然と送られくるニュースを見るだけでどうする…