It was wonderful 1st presentation of KOIHOTARU yesterday🥰 There were much more …
It's finally today. We look forward to seeing you at the venue from 10am to 4pm…
1 day left to our presentation🎉🎉🎉See you tomorrow!!Let me introduce @koishiwara…
2 days left to our presentation🎉🎉🎉Coming soon!!!!!Let me introduce @oumei_kamam…
Congratulations!!!!!!!! You 4 are chosen !!!!!🥰🥰🥰We will prepare traditional Ja…
3 days left to our presentation🎉🎉🎉Coming soon!!!!!Let me introduce @toyokigama …
4 days left to our presentation🎉🎉🎉Coming soon!!!!!Let me introduce @keishuugama…
5 more night to sleep...#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentation #germany #potte…
Counting down.......Our presentation will be on 23rd Feb 10am-4pm😍😍Please check…
Counting down.......Our presentation will be on 23rd Feb👍 10am-4pm👍👍Please chec…
6 days left to our presentation🎉🎉🎉🎉I would like to introduce @tatsumigama today…
7 Days left🎉🎉Ease come and see our potteries from Japan👍👍Pottery from @moriken1…
8 days left to our presentation🎉😍#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentation #germa…
Let's explore Toho Village, where pottery was born😸小石原焼が産まれた東峰村を一緒に散策しましょう🚶♀️#…
Explore Toho Village, the birthplace of pottery🎉小石原焼が産まれた東峰村を一緒に散策しましょう🚶♀️#小石原…
9 days left to our presentation on 23rd Feb👍👍10:00-16:00 please feel free to co…
Last 10days!! #小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentation #germany #pottery #japane…
Last 10 days to the presentation⭐️With @kurandogama #小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #…
11 days left to our presentation👍☺️#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentation #ger…
Only 12 more days to our first and big day!!! With @kanehagama #小石原焼 #koihotaru…
Good evening!!!13 days left to our presentation🎉🥳🎊#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #pr…
14 more days to our very first presentation⭐️⭐️#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #prese…
🎙15 more days to the 1st presentation!!!!! #小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentat…
16 more days to presentation😳#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentation #germany #…
17 more days to the presentation!! Come and see the coffee filter @tatsumigama …
Attention!! Address was wrong 👏This is the correct presentation place address👏👏…
18 more days to the first count down ⭐️⭐️⭐️#小石原焼 #koihotaru #hamburg #presentat…
19 days left to our first presentation!!! ☺️everyone are welcomed👍👍@koishiwara_…
20 days left to our first presentation😍 everyone are welcomed👍👍@toyokigama #koi…
Last 21 days to introduce our potteries from Japan!!@oumei_kamamoto #koihotaru …
Last 21 days to our first presentation!! #giveaway #koihotaru #hamburg #giveawa…
We are waiting for many to join 🥰😊#giveaway #koihotaru #hamburg #presentation #…
#giveaway #koihotaru #cafeinhamburg #hamburg #germany #pottery #surprise #小石原焼 …
\\ Countdown Start //Last 22 days to introduce our potteries from Japan!!You ca…
The Beauty of Everyday Things / Schönheit alltäglicher DingeーSoetsu Yanagi日常使いの…
Customer reviews for Hakeme items from @toyokigama 😊#toyokigama #onimarutoyoki …
Hi I'm Abby!!!!! Nice to meet you !!!#abigail #bonomi #selfintroduction #niceto…
Finally Come to Hamburg!!!Our First Presentation will be held on 23rd Feb 2025.…
🇬🇧Pottery enhances the presentation of the dish器は料理を引き立てます!#hamburg #japanesepo…
We are introducing @keishuugama today 🌏✨本日は、圭秀窯さんを紹介させていただきます🫶#keishuu #keishuu…
🇬🇧If you visit Hamburg, make sure to stop by Blankenese!Today, let’s explore th…
Sundays posting are something unique about us 🫣I'm introducing my dream today✨⭐…
@shuzan_blue #秀山窯 🇬🇧Today we'd like to introduce some comments from customers a…
🇬🇧Good morning! ☀✨Today, we’d like to introduce Masaki, one of the members of K…
Fireflies are truly magical creatures. I can imagine how special it must feel t…
#hamburg #koishiwarapottery #japanesepottery #germany
🇬🇧Today, I’d like to introduce @oumei_kamamoto ✨️Since tableware is something w…
Hamburg home to Koihotaru, is worth visiting at any time of the year. Modern & …
Edited by MasakiPhoto by ©️福岡県観光連盟 #hamburg #japanesepottery #japan #koishiw…
Do you eat sushi? What do you use when you eat sushi?? Chopsticks??? Why dont y…
Get to know MMAA! Let us introduce first M, Michika 😊Edited by Michika 本日はMMAAの…
🇬🇧A different world in Koishiwara. It feels like a gift from nature⛄️🇩🇪Eine and…
Japanese TraditionEdited by Abby #hamburg #japan #japanesepottery #morikigam…
Today is Wednesday🥰 #wednesday #mittwoch #lifestyle Please wait for our posting…
Let us introduce @kanehagama today🫶✨ Their "half-farm and half-pottery" is very…
Tuesday today! We will introduce Kaneha Kiln later today😌#tuesday #dienstag #to…
🇬🇧The vast star-filled sky is a sight I cannot see while living in the city.🇩🇪D…
#newyear #resolutions #koihotaru #hamburg #japanese #japanesepottery #japanチームメ…
@yamamaru.koishiwara #やままる窯 🇬🇧Among the many kilns, today I’d like to introduce…
"SAVE THE DATE" !!! We are happy to introduce our potteries in Hamburg on 23rd …
EN: I hope this account helps you learn about and take an interest in a small v…
Year 2025 has started. Let me introduce Japanese traditional Osechi food for th…
How was #2024 to you ? For me personally, it was one of the most changing/chall…
\\Renewal news!!!// From 1/1/2025, We will renew our postings🥹✨\\Neuigkeiten zu…
昨日の夜、Origami Lessonしてきました~ 16時~17時半まではKIDSクラスを17時45分~19時15分まではADULTSクラスを合計2コマだ…
Hamburgでワークショップを経営している友人に、みっか、日本人ならOrigamiできるよね?Origami lesson してよ! と無茶ぶりされました(…
皆さま土曜日の午後、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 私は今週末はErfultという小さな街からお友達が遊びに来てくれていてみんなでラーメン食べにいったり楽しんでい…
おはようございます~あ〜 寒すぎ…こちらは先週雪❄が降りました冬?の夜長にはこれっ!パズル〜寒い日は家にこもってパズルをしましょう(笑)皆さん良い火曜日を〜
本日のCafe♪ ~Mitherzundzuckercafeさん~
日曜日が終わりますね…現在みっかの住むハンブルクは21時21分です… 日曜日の今日、みっか旦那と2人でカフェデートしてきました♡ 抹茶ラテとラテマキアート…
この投稿をInstagramで見る Michika(@michika0203)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年Dec月…
Time to say goodbye to Gothenburg
この投稿をInstagramで見る Michika(@michika0203)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年Dec月…
食欲が収まってきて、、景色の写真も撮り始めた2018年6月 梅ゼリーが、プリンプルンで美味しかったなぁ紫陽花がハート型♥️仲良し友人グループがおかえりパーティ…