

  • Happy Birthday & Good-bye

    Today is a perfect day for Fourth of July. It's hot and beautiful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY U.S.A.!!!! Sorry to tell you this announcement. I would like to close this blog. Thank you for your support

  • What Does This Mean? ど-ゆうこと?

    Leftovers were discarded nest to tomatoes. トマトの横に(松村さんによって?)捨てられた生ゴミ。

  • 7-4-2006

    Happy Fourth of July!!! Oh, say, can you see......

  • The Wheat Field

    The wheat field is turning into the paddy field.

  • Dear Tomato

    As you know Mr. A has dropped out from this project way back before. Mr. Matsumura has been discriminating against you. I know you are suffering and crying. Oh, my dear Tomato Even if you ca

  • Weeding 草むしり

    I pulled out weeds at roots and around tomatoes. I really didn't expect to do this. トマトの根や周りの雑草を抜きました。

  • Where are the Tomatoes? トマトはどこ?

    Where are the tomatoes, Mr. Matsumura? トマトはどこですか、松村さん?

  • The Next Neighbor's tomato 隣のトマト

    The next neighbor's tomato grew up quite well. It's hight is about 3/4 feet now. 隣のトマトはよく育ちました。 今約70センチです。

  • The Lantern Plants ほおずき

    The lantern plants in the next neighbor's field. 隣の畑のほおずきです。

  • The Kegs 樽

    The kegs are landmark of Matsumura Farm. They are containing leftover which will be used as a fertirizer later on. 樽は松村農園の目印です。 いつか肥料になる生ゴミをためています。

  • Remember the Smell このにおい覚えてます?

    The brown stuff in the bags is fertilizer Matsumura farm is usung. It's made of one month leftovers at a restaurant. The smell is exactly the same as old time fertilizer:human wast. 袋の茶色

  • The Onion タマネギ

    The onion is one of the proud veges of Matsumura Farm. Don't cook too long. It will melt into the soup. Yes, it's soooo tender. タマネギは松村農園自慢の野菜です。 長い時間お料理しないでね。

  • Still Small まだまだ小さい

    The tomato plants in Matsumura Farm are about 2 inches. Mr. Matsumura says that he can't tell when he could harvest the tomatoes. I'm sure he will harvest sometime in this summer. 松村農園

  • Appreciation 感謝

    The object at the top of the stick is an eggplant. The first vegetable harvested is offered to the sun and the earth. This is one of the ways to show the appreciation. 棒の先にあるのはナ

  • What are Those? あれな~に?

    They are ostrichs next to the Matumira Farm. I don't know why they are at the middle of Gumma. 松村農園の隣にいるダチョウです。 どうして群馬の真ん中にいるのか判りません。

  • Slow &Easy のんびり ゆっくり

    Slow and easy is the way of Matsumura Farm. The veges grow slowly and naturaly. That's why they are so sweet, tender, and juicy. Easy, and slow down, Heidi, so that you can enjoy Japanese life.



ロスからのミニトマト The Mini-tomatoes from L.A.
ロスからのミニトマト The Mini-tomatoes from L.A.

にほんブログ村 カテゴリー一覧
