

  • I don't get recover yet

    My parent gave me money. But I have to electric bill and telephone bill.

  • I didn't work for 2weeks

    I had just 3000yen. But I realized 2000yen was left in Family mart card. And 1000yen was left in Suica. My father game me 10000yen. I found 2000yen in the memo pad. I usually put money in it unconsciously. I'll recover soon. var ne…

  • 2habits I had before

    It was 70cm today. I had cury with corn rice for lunch. I had fruits vegetable juice and potato salad for dinner. I was addicted to sugar. But I haven't had for long expect fruits vegetable juice. One more thing I'm trying to is to make smaller my stomach.

  • I finally did it.

    I finally did it. My sides became 70cm. I ate half of rice yesterday. After all if you want to be slender, do not eat. That's the answer.(>_<) I will not eat much. It's unhealthy. But I have a reason that I have to be slender. I was in the mood for tortilla. So I mixed flour and water. I'd got cheese, onion, tomato paste. It was good than it looked. …

  • I've watched what model eat?

    I didn't lose weight. I had cola yesterday. So I didn't expect. I had spaghetti meat source and gobo chicken rice. I drank fruits vegetable juice. I've watched youtube video that is called what I eat in a day as a model. There are a lot of videos like that. They eat one carbohydrate in a day. One of meals is like just fruits and meat or seafood or…

  • What can you get around 100yen?

    I search food around 100yen at convenience store. I bought 4stuff. I bought chicken gobo rice, edamame, curry, meat source. Chicken gobo rice doesn't look good. But it was very good. I looked at frozen case and packed food section. I didn't look chilled section. Chilled section seems to have good quality food. I will try them next time. Today I ha…

  • I was sleeping all day.

    I had basil source pasta. I'm going to have cram chowder. My sides were the same. I crave something sweet. I'm going to buy no sugar soda or something. It makes me to feel I had something sweet. var nend_params = {"media":55771,"sit…

  • A day after taking whipped cream bread

    I measured the sides. It was 0.5cm smaller. I had whipped cream bread yesterday. I had spaghetti meat source and curry with rice today. I didn't take any sugar. But I took some green tea with milk. var nend_params = {"media":55771,"s…

  • OMG..

    I never lose weight. Today I had croquette for lunch. I had one whipped cream bread and just salad for dinner. I know whipped cream is no good. But I haven't had sweets for long except Swedish sweets. I look not so bad. I think people don't say you are fat. I'm nomal. I'm a little bit fat.

  • Here comes the stagnation

    I measured my waist. It's the same. It's 71cm. But I can't reduce the food anymore. If I do that, I would not be able to move. My goal is 68cm. I tried when I was slender without hassle. What did I have everyday? I didn't take breakfast. When I took lunch, I had carbohydrate but It was just half. Dinner, I took full of the dish. And I loved swee…

  • I am ill

    My size got 71cm. I had Chinese bowl for lunch. I felt like the bread for dinner. Because I passed bakery. Basically I don't buy bread from bakery. Because It's expensive. Besides I definitely find sweet bread which looks good. I bought butter rolls and engadiner after all as I imagined. I also bought no sugar ginger soda. It's very good than lemon so…

  • I lost weight

    My size was 72cm. I drank no sugar coffee and milk. It tastes rich as if high calorie drink. So I thought I'll not lose weight. I knew that if you want to lose weight, just not to take sugar, that's all. But I couldn't do that for years. I had hamburger with ketchup source spaghetti today. It has butter. I haven't cared high calorie food but sugar. …

  • I keep on a diet.

    My size was 73cm. I had 2sugary drinks and orange jelly yesterday. My size hasn't changed. I had 1sugary drink and no desert. But I had some cheese and milk today. You know milk products gets you fat. So I have know idea I will lose weight or not tomorrow even though I didn't take sugar that much.

  • 間違った英語勉強法

    間違った勉強方法を2つお話したいと思います。 1とにかく話す 2意味がわからなくても、どんどん聞く 1とにかく話すには単語や表現をたくさん知っていなければなりません。わからない度に調べていては効率が悪いです。つまりこの方法はすでに単語や表現をたくさん知っている上級者向けなのです。

  • Finally I lose weight

    Yesterday I found donuts which looked good on the way home. Besides I found tapioca milk tea which has Taiwan style design. I bought them after all. I was planning not to take sugary desert or drinks. I didn't expected lose weight today's morning. But my waist size was 73cm. 2cm is smaller than before. I didn't work today. So I didn't take rice at din…

  • I did diet and 3days after.

    I usually 6sweet things a day. I take 2sweet drinks and sweet yogurt 3days in a row. My waist size hasn't changed. Taking just 3 sweet things is hard for me. I am sweet tooth. I will not take any sweets from today. I also reduce rice to 90%.

  • I'm on a diet. I couldn't loose weight.

    I wrote about diet topic 6month ago. My waist size was 84cm. I did diet. My waist size became 70cm. But after that, I gain weight. I don't know why. I didn't care my weight. I didn't check it. But maybe my waist size got 90cm. Perhaps I thought I can keep 70cm without doing anything. I remember this. My environment had changed like this time. So I tried new restaurants. I r…

  • I quit to use ground cheese.

    My environment has changed. I can see mountains from the window. But it's still Tokyo. Commute is easier. Maybe I have much time to cook. I got sea urchin today. I will make cream source pasta with that. It's around 500yen each dishes. I haven't visited Italian restaurant for a while. I started to use Gorgonzola not like ground parumesan in the refrigerator. 職場が変わって窓から山…




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