

  • 睡眠時間を増やす

    I've deci…

  • ピザもう一枚ゲット

    I got anoth…

  • 小さくまとまって生きる

  • 先伸ばしを改善

    I put off…

  • 無いものに固執

    My Galapagos phone refuses watching Yelp. I should've bought Iphone not Android. It's 30thousand yen higher prices. But I finally got a tablet. I can read Reddit at least. It's fun than I thought. My Galapagos phone refuses posting comments in 4 channel. But you can't copy sentences from Reddit. 4channel is better about that. I will buy a Mac PC s…

  • 980円の靴

    I bought a pair of shoes 3month ago. It didn't become soft. I realized it has a net inside of shoes. It made me hurt for a month. I cut 1 centimeter. It became OK. But right side of bottom became thin all of the sudden. And strangely right side of my foot felt pain. After it gave me pain whole 3months. It calls Style jerry beans. It was around 5000yen. I f…

  • 小さなエンターテイメント

    I tried roorou rice. This is a Taiwan dish. This is pork tasted star anis and a boiled egg. It was good. I will try another Taiwanese dish next time. Trying new food is fun. By the way, I bring some stick coffee, sugar, tea bags. I have heavy cream in the refrigerator at the office. When I buy a bottle of tea or coffee, I put them into the bottle. It ge…

  • 時間について考える

    I'm pretty obasan. This pretty doesn't mean kawaii. It means I don't have time. I have to think the way of using time every moment. I don't have time to argue with others who have different opinions. I have to stay healthy mentally. ネットで言い合いする程人生長くないんだよね。良くない習慣を変えなきゃ。もっと良い意味で自分の殻に閉じ籠った方が良いよね。 …

  • 必ずするって英語で何て言うの?

    今思えば l…

  • ポジティブを強要する人はポジティブじゃない

    Someone said I'm not taling about "why Japanese people can't speak English?"It sounds like negative person. I'm talking about "what should we do to learn English?" I agree. It sounds like arrogant if he/she is bilingual even though he/she doesn't mean it. "How to learn English?"sounds way better. That's positive. I'm not positive person nor negative person.…

  • 大事な事が後回し

    I had some cakes yesterday. I looked very fat this morning. I tried to lose weight. I had nomal lunch. I just had one rice ball for dinner. I thought it's gonna be well today. After work, I bought a jerry and a yogurt. It's good at the moment unless I become feel like another whipped cream mountain and suddenly go to convenience store. I tend to put off my c…

  • ケーキ作りを試してみた

    I wasn't interested in making cakes. But I realized I avoid sponge when I eat cakes. Then what I need is just tropical fruits, coconut and heavy cream. I live in suburb. You can't find tropical fruits at the supermarket. But I remembered there is an asian shop in this town. I found green colored tropical fruits. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's papa…

  • いつも同じケーキ頼んでしまう

    I choose the same cakes at my go to patisserie. In summer, I buy mango cake and coconut cake. In winter, I buy cheese cake. That's my rule. But I want to save my money. I thought I wonder I can make them on my own. I mean I don't like sponge. All I need is fine fresh cream, mango, papaya, coconut. It's simple. Cake is expensive. Maybe I make coconut milk s…

  • 海外旅行動画を一日見てた

    It's my day off today. I was exhausted because I worked hard 3days in a raw. So I spent the day in a bed as usual. I am a person who have strong opinion you know. So I sometimes get stressed hearing other's opinions. But I was just watching Gold coast trip blogs all day today. I avoided watching those videos before. Because I didn't understand without subtit…

  • シンガポールラクサでダイエット

    I ate a lot this week. I' m going to go home early. So I'm going to have low calorie food tonight. I'm going to have rakusa. Rakusa has rice noodle. But I take shirataki. Ingredients are shirataki, boiled egg and shrimp. I have a rule that I can have salad, soup, jerry, yogurt for dinner on a diet day. I eat nomal dish at lunch. I can satisfy this rule.…

  • 誰でも完璧な英語が話せる(でも時間がかかる)

    How to speak perfect English? That's easy. You copy native speaker's sentence. You live in Japan, you don't need to be rushed. Then just memorize them. Why native speakers speak perfect English? Because they have heard once the sentence they want to express. What you need first is read or listen multiple sentences. But we are already adults. So we …

  • 学習記録 連語の暗記

    I read a grammar book again. I almost memorized all of word's mean one third of book. Today I tried to memorize some collocations. Since I cut in three textbook, it looks lighter. So I feel it's easy to finish. With regarding to grammar textbooks, understanding contents is important. When you find unfamiliar mixing words, knowing grammar helps to under…

  • 学習記録 リーディング シャドーイング 精聴

    My study routine is different every month. I do 3things at the moment. I do shadowing with a video for very beginners. The sentence is simple. They are like "he goes to a foreign country, he bought some souvenirs, he went to a restaurant." But I couldn't catch a few words. Those words are easy. But it's hard to listen. I may have to study completely l…

  • 新しいスーパーを見学

    I found a new supermarket on the way home. It's in suburb. So naturally they don't have any imported chocolates and snacks. But it's still fun to watch. It was like to be at the supermarket in foreign country. What makes them feeling so? Maybe because display is neat like America does. I bought a bag of Taiwan fruits tea candy made in Japan. It couldn…

  • マックとセブンイレブンに行った

    I went to mcdonald's. I said I'd like a cheese burger. Then the staff looked angry. My voice isn't quiet. She should just say "sorry?". And I went to Seven Eleven. I bought a lots of snacks. When I go to my parents home, I feel anxious if I don't have them. It is like buying a lot of snacks when it's taking a trip. After thinking about it, I don't nee…

  • 病気がちでお金がなかった時の気持ち

    I'm a day laborer. And I often get ill. When I can't work, my money is getting decreased. A few years ago, I had only 300yen. I really like no additive food. But poison food is more inexpensive. And a book said you should concentrate on just one thing. I was inspired and I bought a lot of cup noodles that day. But I changed my mind after 6month. I trie…

  • 単語をつめ込み式で覚える

    Many people use a word of フェーズ I don't know フェーズ mean. In Japan people adapt new western words every year. I'm talking about フェーズ of my English. First, I spoke in Degawa English. I just arranged words without grammar. But I studied hard grammar at the high school. So I didn't mean I didn't know about grammar. But when it comes to speaking,…

  • □通訳の方の英語の位置づけ

    Someone said I useed movies to study English. I don't want to do boring thing. She said she is an English teacher. But I think you might get fluent. But you can't be an English teacher without knowledge of grammar. But another person also said I'm an English teacher but I don't know much about grammar. I think a good point of Japanese teachers is t…

  • 最近めまぐるしい

    I went to Tachikawa for work. I stopped by a supermarket in a building like Atre or something. They have tons of prepared curry. I have seen them at Tokorozawa. But They have much more. And I found Kinokuniya. It's at unnoticeable place. So I didn't recognize it. My acting pertain have gotten smaller because of this situation. I'm kind of frustra…




にほんブログ村 カテゴリー一覧
