New practice! and Writing practice vol.78
Hi there! From today, I would like to start the new practice.It is that answering random question in English!By usi
2023/07/27 01:29
Night shopping and Writing practice vol.77
Hi there! As I wrote before,I sometimes go to grocery store in the night to avoid heat.I went to them just a moment
2023/07/25 02:39
Difficulty for listening in English and Writing practice vol.76
Hi there! Recently, I like listening of POD CAST. Particularly, I like the program called "This American li
2023/07/21 01:20
Difficulty to fall in a sleep and Writing practice vol.75
Hi there! Too hot summer has come!I couldn't sleep in my room where is not the air conditioner,so I sleep in li
2023/07/20 01:56
After damn, dawn will come and Writing practice vol.74
Hi there.What we couldn't help saying "Damn!" was occurred again. Don't bother others. Don't
2023/07/14 02:30
Too hot!! and Writing practice vol.73
Toooooo hot!!!! Because of this,I had to go to grocery store in the evening.However, it was interesting in midnight
2023/07/13 02:31
Don't bother me! and Writing practice vol.72
Hi there!I couldn't practice yesterday followed by last week,Thanks to sudden request for my work.It always can'
2023/07/12 00:02
Busy!Busy! and Writing practice vol.71
Hi there!I couldn't practice this week because I have been busy for working recently!I don't want to work m
2023/07/07 00:00
2023年7月 (1件〜100件)
「ブログリーダー」を活用して、Napoleon Dynamiteさんをフォローしませんか?