サルザーナ リグーリア州 サルザーナ 「 人に認められるよりも、神に捧げる」 そんなメッセージを、この天使像から受け取りました。 願い事をする祈願も、祈りの一つなのかもしれませんが、別次元の祈りを感じました。 神に願いを捧げているのではなくて、 むしろ逆に...
ヴァチカン市国 ヴァチカン美術館 大広間どうしをつなぐスペースに、小さな部屋があって、そこにいた天使です。親密感がある空間のせいか、本当に天使が我々に王冠を被せに来ている様な演出を感じました。祝福を受ける時はこんな感じなのでしょうね。 ...
Staglieno, Genova, Italy In the middle of the hills of Staglieno, I stood for a while in front of this female angel who was divinely s...
in Moscow, Russia When I was finishing study of photography, I traveled a lot in Europe for seeing around Art Museums. First I went...
St. Agnes, Prague Prague is beautiful city, because the city was not bombed a lot during the world wars. They almost tryed to lose ...
Autumn Leave on the cross way 2011 Autumn, Paris. 横断歩道の枯れ葉。 2011年 秋、パリにて
I was just folowing the rules and habits, because I was afraid of my intuition. I thought that the intuition could guide ...
When I wake up in the morning, I usually open the window right away. Then I draw the outline of my body in my mind. The fun...
Rainbow angel, Vatican city There were so many paintings and angels in the corridors of the Vatican museum. It would be crazy if I...
Golden Angel, New York City, USA When I was living in New York City, St.Patrick's church was one of my most favorite places. I ...
I like rainy day, too. I feel that People are more gentle than usual somehow. And it is just fun to listen to the sound and looking...
Cupid and Psyche by Antonio Canova 2011, Louvre, Paris カノーバのエロスとピュシュケー 2011年 フランス パリ ルーブル美術館 (From Social Network Diary, ...
Once I lost emotion for a short period of time . Oh my god, Everything looked like gray. And I can't remember details of memory i...
August 10th, 2014 From Icaria island, Greece In the evening of Super Moon, I was on the beach for seeing moon rise. I had t...
Sonia, smiling and philosophical talk...
Sometime I ask myself, "What is Fashion???" Is it that important? The gender gap in the society is getting less and less....
Sometimes you can see The Door. たまにドアが見える事がある。 (Meaning of Silence, Visible and Invisible)
Rainbow Archangels in Prato della Valle.
I just saw Archangels were flying on the sky. The doors were open to another dimension beyond the world. I am not shy, I am so cu...
Mr. Simpatico, Maestro Lino Ieluzzi....
"Simpatico" means pleasant, congenial, friendly, communicative.... This Italian magic word is amazingly appreciated in Me...
Sun Pillar hitting a tree 2012 Winter, Lombardy Italy . 木に降り注ぐ光芒 2012年 イタリア ロンバルディア地方 (From Social Network Diar...
Upside Down 2009 Summer, Burgundy France. 逆さま 2008年 フランス ブルゴーニュ地方 (From Social Network Diary)
Very stylish and witty. Fashion as his skin, not as a costume.... 軽妙洒脱って、こんな人の事を言うのかな。 自然体なダンディズム。
Judging others is really useless.
Trustful person might be able to say doubtful thing. And doubtful person might be able to say trustful thing. Judging others i...
Don't be cynical! Passion and temperature is fascinating! 冷笑してるよりも、 情熱や温度で勝負してる方が格好良いはず。
Hidden Pond 2008 Early Autumn, Near Mantova, Italy. 隠れた湖 2008年 イタリア マントヴァ近郊。 (From Social Network Diary)
The view that only falling angel can see...
There is the view that only falling angel can see. That is also a part of universe. 堕天使にしか見えない世界だって、あるんだよ。 そんな視点だって、宇宙の立派な一部なの...