This is a bilingual (as much as possible) blog written by an American woman married to a Japanese man with a toddler. If you are interested in English, raising a child bilingually or random recipes, this is a good blog to keep your eye on!
So...here we go againまたまた。。。 Time to pack up and go!またその時期だ。。。 We are given jus…
職場と家庭での危機!Workplace and home crises!
It has been a long time お久しぶりです!!! In December 2020, just before our (online) C…
Although I could not go abroad for summer vacation this year, we could thorough…
Poor artisans and farmers. COVID really hit their businesses hard. Livelihoods.…
キャンペーン詳細へ >>みんなの投稿を見る >>
Today my friend told me this: 今日友達からのメッセージ:ビビアンがボランティアしてる一方、友達は沖縄に旅行行ってた。悲しくなった…
今英語だけでごめんなさい、時間がある時、日本語に翻訳しますMany foreign male friends of mine confide in me, s…
是非、シェアをしてください!The group, "Tsunagari," helping with Kumamoto flood relief is sti…
今日私は。。。近くの交番でプチ切れThere is a special place in hell for those who try to take adv…
So you probably already know that the government will give 100,000yen to each r…
皆さんはお元気ですか? ブログを書く時間、読む時間。。。いくらでもありますよね!How's everyone doing? There is plenty …
one of the best parts, worst parts of Japan
The other day a foreign student lost their wallet on the train before the big t…
I never knew my husband could be transferred...旦那の仕事は。。。転勤はないと思った私。。。 This past…
Foreign wives married to J-men
Hi there! I don't really update my blog anymore due to time constraints and n…
Hello all...it's been a long time, hasn't it?!皆さん(誰も読んでいないと思うけど!)、お久しぶり!!!What …
“Love with a Western woman” is a funny and entertaining guide for Japanese men …
I thought much about life, my way of living life...and all sorts of things in t…
In Japan people treat greetings as a "must do" and it is quite simple日本人は。。。ちゃん…
As you know.......it has been said that many celebs abused their power as celeb…
What a pity it is...とても残念ですI just found out that the advice column (called Jins…
Back home in America, foods do not change as much as they do here in Japanアメリカの…