

Anniversario Dolce in Svezia


英語と日本語で書いてます。スウェーデン語は難しいです。半べそかきながら勉強してます。 (別ブログ*スウェーデン語 単語集) 更新頻度はボチボチですが、末永くよろしくお願いします。



  • Sweden's taxi... スウェーデンのタクシー

    I and my husband took a taxi. That was a Toyota's Prius. オットとタクシーに乗りました。トヨタのプリウスでした。 Energy monitor エネルギーモニター We can check the spec such as ...

  • The "JAPANESE" Products 「ニホンゴ」な物達

    Sometimes, I can look trade names written in roman letters. 時々、ローマ字で書かれた商品名に出くわします。 First, knife... I have heard that Japanese knives are po...

  • My husband likes this... オットが好きな動画

    The other day, I and my husband went my husband's niece's birthday party. 先日、オットの姪の誕生会へ行ってきました。 Then one segment... その時の一コマ。 I could find on...

  • About our black cat... 今日の主役は黒猫

    The topic of London... I want to talk about this one at a later date... Today I want to touch on our black cat. ロンドン話は、ちょっと置いといて・・・。 今日はうちの黒...

  • Second Round of Honeymoon?? in London 二回目のハネムーンってことで、ロンドン

    Suddenly my husband said he wa nted to go to London. Then he got air tickets and hotel voucher from travel agency by calling. And we went th...

  • Dachshund or Centipede? ダックスフント?いやいやムカデ?

    Long-bodied bus! 胴長なバス! This bus runs on ethanol fuel このバスはエタノール燃料で走行しています。 Inside this bus. 中は、こんな感じです。

  • To Wonder 不思議に思うこと

    Sushi is also popular in Sweden. I wonder why we can also enjoy Thai food in Sushi bar. I don't understand why. スウェーデンでも、寿司は人気です。 疑問に思うこと...

  • Drottningholm Palace ドロットニングホルム宮殿

    I have been to Drottningholm Palace which has been designated a World Heritage site. 夫と一緒に世界遺産のドロットニングホルム宮殿へ行きました。 Then, we have visited my ...

  • The wedding 結婚式

    The other day, my husband and I attended my husband friend's wedding ceremony. 夫と一緒に、夫の友達の結婚式へ出かけました。 We also attended after-party. 式後のパーテ...

  • I need to be written in both English and Japanese 日本語併記につきまして

    I was written about this blog by English only. However my family wants to read by Japanese. And so I am going to be written in both English ...

  • Music Therapy 音楽療法

    The other day, I went one of hospital at Stockholm. 先日、ストックホルムの、とある病院へ行って参りました。

  • Graffiti? 落書き?

    No... These are "art". At the subway platform... いやはや・・・。実はこれ、「ゲイジュツ」なんです。 とある乗降口にて。

  • These 2 cats... この2匹・・・

    What are they thinking? 何を考えているのやら・・・。

  • The Breaking-up Ceremony 終業式

    Today, the breaking-up celemony of my husband's daughter took place at neighborhood church. 今日、夫の娘の学校の終業式が、近くの教会で執り行われました。

  • Relaxed Stroll with My Husband 夫と一緒にのんびり散歩

    I like to talk with my husband, what to do, when to do, where to do, why to do, who to do, how to do, what to think, what to feel... We don'...

  • pirates' political party?? 海賊政党??

    Yesterday, EU election was held in EU countries. 昨日、EU選挙がEU諸国にて行われた。 Since this election isn't...

  • Peaceful scene 平和な光景

    Calm afternoon... 穏やかな午後・・・。

  • Cats... キャッツ(猫)

    Not musical... ;-) ミュージカルの「キャッツ」ではございません・・・ (^_-)-☆ There are 2 cats in my home. Younger male and mature female... They really like to fight...

  • Church at Uppsala ウプサラの教会

    I'm not Christian but I like to go to church. Sure I also go to temple and Shinto shrine. I can feel history and culture. クリスチャンでは無いのですが、教会...

  • why do I have to start my weblog? なぜブログを書くことになった動機について・・・。

    Thank you for looking this blog. 当ブログを見て頂き、有難うございます。 This time, I want to explain why I try to start my blog now. I was born in Japan and ha...



Anniversario Dolce in Svezia
Anniversario Dolce in Svezia

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