


Brian Mayさんの人気ランキング

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  • Etude


    ショパンの12のエチュードはどんな曲でも所見で弾いて見せたといわれている大ピアニスト リストが所見で弾くことが出来なかった曲らしいそしてリストは姿を消して数週間後に戻ってきてそれらの曲を弾いてみせたそうな・・・

  • Free Score

    Free Score

    If you need classical scores,you should watch this site.It is written in French,but you can get almost socores which was written by Chopin, Liszt, Mozart and so on.I will post that URL

  • Culture Festival

    Culture Festival


  • 復活祭!



  • i Pod 4th

    i Pod 4th

    I bought a i Pod the 4th last week. Its color is purple. I don't have a reason but I like this color and block. I eager to buy a next generation' i Pod, but I can't wait the time when it'll be put on sale! I am listening the Maria's favorite song now.

  • Day after Tomorrow

    Day after Tomorrow

    We have an athletic festival day after tomorrow. I hope it will be rainy day after tomorrow because I like tuesday's classes. But I want to do an athletic festival. Why was it rainy day before yesterday?

  • La Campanella

    La Campanella

    I wanna play this music. This music is one of the most difficult to play in the world.If I have a more time and chance, I will play it in school festival or winter concert.Can I play this music? May be I cannot.I like this pianist. She is Fuziko. She was

  • i Pod

    i Pod

    I wanna buy "i Pod",but I heard a rummer that this autamn, the apple that is a i Pod company will sell "i Pod the 6".I must save money to buy "i Pod" this year.

  • An Accident!

    An Accident!

    I had an traffic accident yesterday evening. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance because I had a mild concussion! But I was Okey.I had a good experience yesterday.But I have had a slight headache since yasterday.Will I be able to take part in an a

  • Test


    This week,we have 11tests. Today,we!ve finished! It is long week for me.



    Long time no see! I am busy so I try to post my blog once a week or twice a week. May be I will be written in English only.My family and I went to Osaka to meet our relatives during Golden Week. Next day we went to Kobe city in Hyogo Prefecture. I think

  • Help! I need somebody!

    Help! I need somebody!

    Suddenlly, I heard a loud voice. It was my mother. I didn't understand why she shout-ed. I asked her,"What's happened?" She answered,"The cooker was broken! I don't  know why." It has used for about 10years. Generally speeking, electric appliances are br

  • Japanese Chinese Foods !

    Japanese Chinese Foods !

    Today,I ate Chinese foods for lunch.It was delicious! Do you lik-e Chinese foods? I like it. Eispecially Spring Rolls, Fried chiken and so on.今日、昼ごはんに中華をたべました。おいしかったです。中華は好きですか?

  • Finish!!!!!!


    I have finished my homework just now. I'm happy! But I must do additional homework-s which my school gave me.It is stupid!ちょうど今宿題が終わりました。しかし学校がくれた追加課題をやらなければなりません。退屈な宿題です。

ブログリーダー」を活用して、Brian Mayさんをフォローしませんか?

Brian Mayさん

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