トイプードルを飼い始めました。 毎日、写真付きでトイプードルの成長を更新していきます。
トイプードル オスを2013年から飼い始めました。 飼い主も初めての事だらけですが、 まずは健康に、賢く、幸せに育てていきたいです。 トピプードルの成長日記を写真付きで更新します!(できたら毎日)
I have a puppy that bites my hand yesterday . Of course, I scolded the puppy. l think that the right education is necessarily.
I have been studying English since 2023 December. Ever I can't speak English. I hope to speak about junior high school level.When I speak English, Even easy words don't speak. I have sad feeling. But to learn English is repeetive every day.
I bought my puppy a toy🐶I will get it today.But,it didn't.IT was going to deliver from 14 to 16.Actually,the toy was.brought at 18:30.I didn't get it,because I couldn't stay home.So,I have asked for redelivery.I think that deliver staff were too busy.I d
My house has grocery but, not much.That's why I should ask net-superI did it. I orderd netsuperHow Fast! I'll get it today!
I feel like studying an English! I think that basic grammar is important of these. I try to learn from some ideas. First to write daiary. Second to read poster of grammar. Third to watch YouTube.
My dog has been sleeping on the blanket. It seems like happy. Actually happy!
My puppy was got many presents! We have thank for you. My puppy was got many presents! We have thank for you.
I have been had a cute puppy toypoodle.
My puppy went to rimming. He always change at that time. I think cute that before and after.
Trimming Salon was tasted of American.
My puppy went to triming salon. It was from 9:00 to 19:00. He have changed so stailysh!
I can know that drinking COCOA will health.
I will book Dog triming salon. What's! I can book at 7 month after. I can get to book on October.
My puppy have favorite food. It's Science Hills. There is effect for diet.
申し訳ございません。ハーブパックのお写真うまく保存されていませんでした。苦手な作業も最後まで頑張ってくれました トリミングお疲れ様でした
My puppy have favorite food. It's Science Hills. There is effect for diet.
Hi, I got sapuliment for suntry. It's the DHA and EPA including. I should take after meals.
I have been having a dog. The dog is 10 years old. I feel time early. The dog became sensitive for cool . The dog came when I sleeping in bed.
My dog Ithrew up💦The puppy is getting better.
A puppy dog🐕💕
My package got between 12:00 and 14:00.I bought favorite MARO Shampoo.
I have a dog.