


美大出身デザイナーが、文字通り英語ペラペラになるまで英語で書いてるブログ。 主に英語日記ダヨ Writing every day if possible.

Napoleon Dynamite


  • ASUKA-chan #2

    This diary is continuation of yesterday's diary.ASUKA-chan#1  In English class,I started to talk 

  • ASUKA-chan #1

    Today, I want to talk about my memory of university student.As it was coming cold a little,or some reason,I remembered o

  • too much NEWS

    Some words such as "OYA-GACHA"  is becoming trend now.After turning on PC, I browsing news online soon.&n

  • The first errand

    Last saturday, I watched "The first errand" on TV.This program which has long history is popular program in Ja

  • result of TOEIC

    I finished TOEIC IP test.As IP test is online test, so I have known result soon. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!Just a little bit

  • Before taking TOEIC

    I'm supposed to take TOEIC test tomorrow.It is named IP test which company serve for employee,and I can take it 

  • TSUKIMI Burger

    Mcdonald's started to sell seasonal menu "TSUKIMI Burger" last week.I and my wife already eaten it twice.B


    Last weekend was three consecutive holidays.But in recent state of emergency,I and my wife couldn't plan to go

  • Review system

    One of my friend running a bar said. "My bar was reviewed in some review systems by unknown men. Although

  • CoroCoro Comic

    These day, I went to medical clinic to receive a prescription.While in the waiting room, I realized that there is a Coro

  • The Bullet Keychain my dad gave #2

    Today's diary is sequel of yesterday's.If you didn't know one, please read follow.The Bullet Keychain my dad

  • The Bullet Keychain my dad gave #1

    No matter how much time passes, we have several memories which never fade. Even if it is tiny and boring.I don'

  • KEN SHIMURA's magic.

    Recently, there was something which annoy me,and I was in a little depression.While I was watching Youtube without think

  • Cheap food makes me back to origin.

    The older I got, the more I became to think about my health. When graduated university, I thought that the most imp

  • The Yellow Monkey

    Before learning art and design in school,I wanted to be a rock musician.When in junior high school,I made a rock band wi

  • Good bye Netflix!

    I'm about to cancel the Netflix.I watched a lot of cinema on Netflix.But those were almost boring honestly.Special,

  • My wife likes ONE PIECE

    My wife bought a comic of ONE PIECE in volume 100 the other day.I was surprised by volume of it.My wife tried to read it

  • Let me do the laundry

    I wash the clothes once a week.As I live with only my wife, such an interval is enough.Hanging out the laundry unde

  • How to be unhappy

    A certain book became topic recently.The title of the book is so unique that I couldn't forget easily. あやうく一生懸命

  • Unforgiven

    The topic which one of the comedians talked recently was interested. ブラマヨ小杉 「僕も16から親友やった友達と40になって絶交した」にスタジオ驚き 

  • September Rain

    August just ended yesterday,and once It started September, it was suddenly cold.Changing season always lets me notice th


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