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  • the natural and prope object of blame 自然で適正な非難の対象

    the natural and prope object of blame 自然で適正な非難の対象

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 208】Man naturally desires, not only to be loved, but to be lovely; or to be that thing which is the natural and proper object of love. He naturally dreads, not only to be hated, but to be hateful; or to be tha

  • the great characters of virtue 徳のきわだった諸性格

    the great characters of virtue 徳のきわだった諸性格

    (1) amirable = Eimiabl pleasant and easy to like (2) odious = Audias extremely unpleasant(3) torment = tA:mant extreme suffering, especially mental suffering 【英文 The Theory of Moral sentiments page 207】To be amiable(1) and to be meritorious;

  • pass sentence 判決を下す

    pass sentence 判決を下す

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 206-207】When I endeavour to examine my own conduct, when I endeavour to pass sentence upon it, and either to approve or condemn it, it is evident that, in all such cases, I divide myself, as it were, into two

  • looking-glass 姿見 ‡ 覗眼鏡

    looking-glass 姿見 ‡ 覗眼鏡

    水田洋先生の訳の岩波文庫の箇所と合う箇所を見つけかねて、一方deeplも稼働出来なくなったので、苦し紛れに、我鈍が敢えて翻訳をしてみた。【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 205-206】In the same manner our first moral criticisms are exercised upon t

  • personal beuaty and deformity 個人的美醜

    personal beuaty and deformity 個人的美醜

    The objectivity of socio-scientific and socio-political knowledge【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 205】Our first ideas of personal beauty and deformity, are drawn from the shape and appearance of others, not from our own. We soon become se

  • the beauty and deformity of his mind かれの精神活動の美点と歪み

    the beauty and deformity of his mind かれの精神活動の美点と歪み

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 204-205】Were it possible that a human creature could grow up to manhood in some solitary place, without any communication with his own species, he could no more think of his own character, of the propriety or

  • we bring his case home to ourselves かれの問題を自分たちのものとして考える

    we bring his case home to ourselves かれの問題を自分たちのものとして考える

    【英文The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 203-204】Of the Principle of Self-approbation and of Self-disapprobation In the two foregoing parts of this discourse, I have chiefly considered the origin and foundation of our judgments concerning the se

  • without consolation, without reward 慰めなく、報償もなく

    without consolation, without reward 慰めなく、報償もなく

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 198-199】Notwithstanding, however, all these seeming irregularities of sentiment, if man should unfortunately either give occasion to those evils which he did not intend, or fail in producing that good which he

  • fallacious sense of guilt 罪についての虚偽の感覚

    fallacious sense of guilt 罪についての虚偽の感覚

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 198】The distress which an innocent person feels, who, by some accident, has been led to do something which, if it had been done with knowledge and design, would have justly exposed him to the deepest reproach,

  • holy ground consecrated 献納された聖地

    holy ground consecrated 献納された聖地

    (1) consecrate = kAnsekreit 〈生命などを〉〈主義 目的に〉捧げる ....を神聖にする 〈土地 人 物など〉を神に捧げる 崇拝の的とする あがめる(2) piacular = /pʌɪˈakjʊlə/ adjective making or requiring atonement. 【形】罪滅ぼしの paiǽkjulə、【分節】p

  • considerable importance 有用なこと かなり重要なこと

    considerable importance 有用なこと かなり重要なこと

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 197】It is even of considerable importance, that the evil which is done without design should be regarded as a misfortune to the doer as well as to the sufferer. Man is thereby taught to reverence the happines

  • indolent benevalence 活動をともなわぬ愛 無関心な博愛

    indolent benevalence 活動をともなわぬ愛 無関心な博愛

    (1) vigour = vigA(r) (心身の)活動力、精力、活力 (言葉 文体 人格などの)力強さ 激しさ 迫力 目覚ましい成長(力) 拘束力(2) bestow = bistOu (名誉 賞などを) (人に)授ける ...を〔事に〕用いる 〔物〕をしまっておく(3) deportment = 態度 立居振舞 行儀 操行 品行

  • the cognizance of his own unerring tribunal かれ自身のまちがいをおかさない法廷の審理

    the cognizance of his own unerring tribunal かれ自身のまちがいをおかさない法廷の審理

    (1) unerring {通例限定]間違えない 的を外れない 正確な【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 194-195】Nature, however, when she implanted the seeds of this irregularity in the human breast, seems, as upon all other occasions, to have intended t

  • animates our gratitude or resentment 感謝または憤慨を活気づける

    animates our gratitude or resentment 感謝または憤慨を活気づける

    (1) conformable = kabfArmabl 〈形状.性質などが〉一致した、似ている 〈人・性格などが〉従順な 〈地層が〉整合の【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 194】CHAPTER IIIOf the final cause of this Irregularity of SentimentsSuch is the effect of the

  • an unpardonable levity 許せない軽率さ

    an unpardonable levity 許せない軽率さ

    (1) levity = (lEvati ) behavior that shows a lack of respect for sth serious and that treats it in an amusing way(2) appease = (apI:z) to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want. to give a country what it wants to in order to avoid w

  • circumspect in his conduct 行動前に注意深く考える

    circumspect in his conduct 行動前に注意深く考える

    (1) circumspect = sA:kamspekt thinking very carefully about sth befors doing it, because there may be risks involved → caucious circumspection(2) censure = sEn∫a noun strong criticism verb 〜 sb to criticize sb severely, and often publicly, because

  • deserve some chastisement ある懲らしめにあたいする

    deserve some chastisement ある懲らしめにあたいする

    (1) chastisement = t∫aestAizment 折檻すること 体罰(2) wantonly = wanton → wAntn 理不尽な 無茶な 悪意の 淫らな 浮気な(3) equity = Ekwati 公平 公正 正当 公明正大 公正な行為(4) indignation = indignEi∫an (悪・不当な行為に対する)憤慨 憤り 【英文

  • we are averse to enter into the unsocial and malevolent affections 非社会的で悪意ある諸意向にはいりこむことを嫌悪

    we are averse to enter into the unsocial and malevolent affections 非社会的で悪意ある諸意向にはいりこむことを嫌悪

    【英文 The Theory of Moral Sentiments page 191-192】But though in general we are averse to enter into the unsocial and malevolent affections, though we lay it down for a rule that we ought never to approve of their gratification, unless so far as the ma

  • the most solid and substantial reason requires to make us into the unsocial and malevolent

    the most solid and substantial reason requires to make us into the unsocial and malevolent

    (1) bestow = bistOu 〈名誉・賞などを〉授ける、〈時間など〉を[事に]用いる 〈物〉をしまっておく(2) prosperity = praspErati 繁栄 (特に金銭上の)成功 好運、幸福 prosperities 順境(3) preferment = 〈高位への)昇進 昇格 登用、高位、高官(4) chagrin = ∫agrI

  • in of falling over a precipice 絶壁から落ち込もうとする危地

    in of falling over a precipice 絶壁から落ち込もうとする危地

    (1) precipice = (prEsapis) 1絶壁 (垂直の・張り出した)崖 2危機 stand on (at) the edge of a[the] precipice 危機に瀕しているnoun [ C ] UK /ˈpres.ɪ.pɪs/ US /ˈpres.ə.pɪs/a very steep side of a cliff or a mountain: The film opens with a shot of a



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