



大学4年生です。正直これといって自分に何も持ち合わせていません(爆) TOEICはただいま780点。次の試験はおそらく10月頃になるかな?? それまでに900点を超えていくような勉強をしたい!!! モチベーションを保つためにも日記をつけることにしました↑↑



  • weather permitting

    "weather permitting"= if the weather allows itWeather permitting, I will be there around that time.

  • bogged down

    New idiom"bogged down"Don't get bogged down!

  • Ram Pump - 3rd test (March 24, 2010)

    Last time, I noticed that the spring section for the waste valve did not function well. The spring was totally up to the best position of water reservoir (or the height for the drive pipe).i). Suppose we have the best level of water souce. the water press

  • on account of

    New phrase[on account of~]On account of his good looks, people underestimated his intelligence. 

  • Ram Test - part1

    It's been about two months since last time. Today I tested my home-made ram pump as a a firt time.It...did...not go well actually, but I could see how it worked well. After filling up will enough amount of water in a reservour, I started testing. The firs

  • Ram pump

    I read a book. It was about Ram pump which is usually used to deliver water from a lower place to a higher level without useing any electric or fuel power. It only uses potential energy to lift up water!Since I'm working on a project and in the project we

  • I'm Back!

    Transfering four planes, I finally arrived at Huntsville. It was really long (really long) trip. One my watch, only fifteen hours passed after I left Kagoshima, Japan; however, thirty-two hours was used in real. 32 hours! I'm so exhauseted. I'm poopled.Th

  • One week from today.

    A week from today, I will be in an airplane heading to Japan!! It's been for 2 years since I visited Japan last time using winter break. Is there many things changed from the last time? Do my friend still remember me?? Where is my house located??? I have

  • Review

    I've finished reading a book.「自作ロケットで学ぶロケット工学の基礎知識」 著: 久下洋一 山田誠 渡井一生 This book is about the rocket science for biginners. The content was pretty simple and good for everyone to know what the aerospace engineering is

  • Done

    Done, done, and done.All classes for this semester have just finished and I'm now relaxing without thinking anything about Final Exams.My furious-paced two days after the ThanksGiving seems nothing for me now. I worked on a project for my major class and

  • When to pull back

    I've just come back from one lecture class. Today's lecture was about... a science fiction; something like what you supposed to do when alien invade our planet, Earth. It was fun, but I just cannot understand why people especially in this country always t

  • Reception

    Tonight was a big day for me. I got a lot of impression from reception at lowe house tonight. I was like a dream for me. Many people came to President's house and we could tell them what we are doing or working on for our project. EWB is a club which I am

  • Oct 8, 2009

    Yesterday... well I mean it was the day before yesterday, I had a meeting for one project of a class. The class is for lower level but I have to take it because.... because....I've not taken it yet www. The project is for the consctraciton of airplane mod

  • 925!!

    Now I have 925 score on TOEIC test!!  Well, it's still un-official score, but I'm really happy now~~.I feel like that my effort had now been paid off. I already booked for the next text held in December. I'm not sure wheter I can get over 900 score again

  • Oct 6, 2009

    Oct 6, 2009.Life:Life is going alright except I have a midterm test tomorrow. System Dynamics... I've not started studying yet, but I hope I will be fine with it. I will cover first 7 chapters but every chapters are based on very basic concepts like kinem




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